
Titanic 1997


Storočná Rose Calvertová rozpráva príbeh lásky, ktorý prežila počas prvej a jedinej plavby na slávnom Titanicu. Vtedy mala Rose 17 rokov a bola zasnúbená s bohatým a nesympatickým Calom Hockleyom. Na palube sa však zoznámila s chudobným írskym mladíkom Jackom Dawsonom (Leonardo DiCaprio), nadaným malairom, s ktorým prežila najkrajšiu chvíľu lásky. Ich búrlivý citový vzťah však zničila katastrofa lode, Rose sa zachránila, ale Jack sa utopil. Jedinou pamiatkou na chvíľu šťastia zostal jej portrét, ktorý Jack nakreslil. V trezore potopenej lode ležal vyše deväťdesiat rokov...



Oppenheimer 2023


Keď Druhá svetová vojna ešte vyzerala nerozhodne, na diaľku sa odohrával dramatický súboj medzi Spojenými štátmi a Nemeckom, kto prvý zostrojí atómovú bombu a získa tak rozhodujúcu prevahu nad nepriateľom. V USA bol tento tajný výskum známy ako Projekt Manhattan a jedným z jeho kľúčových aktérov bol astrofyzik Robert Oppenheimer. Pod obrovským časovým tlakom sa spolu s tímom ďalších vedcov snažil zostrojiť vynález, ktorý mal potenciál zničiť svet. Bez jeho včasného dokončenia by sa ten istý svet nedal zachrániť…



1987 2017



Prvý človek

Prvý človek 2018


Pred päťdesiatimi rokmi sa pol miliarda ľudí tlačila pri televízoroch, aby v priamom prenose sledovali pristátie posádky Apolla 11 na Mesiaci. Krátko nato astronaut Neil Armstrong vyslovil slávnu vetu „Je to malý krok pre človeka, obrovský skok pre ľudstvo,“ a počin, ktorý sa stal možno najodvážnejšou výpravou od plavby Kryštofa Kolumbusa, bol týmto úspešne zakončený. Rovnako fascinujúca, bola aj éra, ktorá tomuto letu predchádzala, a životný príbeh človeka, ktorý dostal to privilégium urobiť na Mesiaci prvý „ľudský“ krok.



Sahara 2005


Skúsený bádateľ Dirk Pitt nájde mincu, ku ktorej sa viaže historická legenda. To ešte netuší, že sa so svojim parťákom Al Giordinem vydá na najväčšie dobrodružstvo svojho života - honbu za pokladom do najnebezpečnejšieho časti západnej Afriky. Hľadá stratenú bojovú loď z Americkej občianskej vojny, ktorá až doposiaľ ukrýva tajný náklad. Miestny obyvatelia ju poznajú ako "loď smrti". Dirk a Al stretnú doktorku Evu Rojas, krásnu a inteligentnú ženu, ktorá sa domnieva, že stratená loď súvisí so širším ekologickým problémom, ohrozujúcim okolitý svet. Pri svojom hľadaní budú musieť Dirk, Al a Eva zvíťaziť nad nebezpečnými protivníkmi, prežiť drsné podmienky a prísť na riešenie nejedného tajomstva.



Chisum 1970


Odvážny farmár John Chisum patrí do starých čias, kedy civilizáciou nedotknutá pôda patrila Indiánom a biely muž tu mohol zvíťaziť len vďaka mimoriadnej odvahe a vytrvalosti. Vtedy Chisum prihnal svoje stádo dobytka do Nového Mexika a stal sa kráľom Pecosu – vlastníkom obrovského územia a tiež najväčšieho vodného zdroja v okolí. Dnes preto rád spomína na svoju mladosť. To ale ešte netuší, že si bude musieť zanedlho spomenúť na svoje strelecké umenie, ktoré v dobe mieru príliš nepoužíva. V mestečku Lincoln sa totiž usadil pán Murphy, ktorý tu otvoril banku, odkúpil všetky obchody a pôdu okolo Chisumovho územia. Nechce sa však uspokojiť s tím, čo doposiaľ získal – chce si privlastniť aj Chisumove pozemky. Potom by samozrejme nenechával farmárom vodu pre ich stáda len tak zadarmo ako Chisum.



Katyň 2007


Medzi poľskými dôstojníkmi, postrieľanými v roku 1940 v Katyňskom lese, bol i otec popredného poľského režiséra Andrzeja Wajdu. Ten sa k nemu vracia vo svojom zatiaľ poslednom filme a zameriava sa na príbehy ľudí, ktorých udalosti s rôznou intenzitou osobne zasiahli. Zaujímajú ho najmä osudy žien, ktoré stratili svojich manželov, bratov, synov. Niektoré z nich sa dostávajú do sovietskeho zajatia, iné hľadajú dôkazy o ich prežití, ďalšie apaticky čakajú, zmierené s tým najhorším možným scenárom.


Roman Empire

Roman Empire 2016


This stylish mix of documentary and historical epic chronicles the reign of Commodus, the emperor whose rule marked the beginning of Rome's fall.


News Treasury

News Treasury 2020


"News Treasury" explores historical news events and rarely seen footage, allowing viewers to dig into the news archives. From Bruce Lee's funeral and the Baoshang Bank robbery to Queen Elizabeth II's visit to Hong Kong and the Sha Tin measles outbreak, viewers can relive important moments in history. The show offers a chance to revisit key events that shaped modern Hong Kong.



Titanic 1996


Titanic is a made-for-TV dramatization that premiered as a 2-part miniseries on CBS in 1996. Titanic follows several characters on board the RMS Titanic when she sinks on her maiden voyage in 1912. The miniseries was directed by Robert Lieberman. The original music score was composed by Lennie Niehaus. This is the first Titanic movie to show the ship breaking in two.


Trainwreck: Woodstock '99

Trainwreck: Woodstock '99 2022


Woodstock 1969 promised peace and music, but its '99 revival delivered days of rage, riots and real harm. Why did it go so horribly wrong?


The American West

The American West 2016


From the Executive Producer Robert Redford, THE AMERICAN WEST tells the story of the aftermath of the CIVIL WAR and how the United States transformed into the “land of opportunity" spanning the years 1865 to 1890. Transporting into the violent world of cowboys, Indians, outlaws and law men, the story chronicles the personal, little-known stories of Western legends such as Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Wyatt Earp, Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull. The series features exclusive interviews with notable names from classic Western films, including Robert Redford, James Caan, Burt Reynolds, Tom Selleck, Kiefer Sutherland, Mark Harmon, Ed Harris and more.


A Royal Secret

A Royal Secret 2021


Based on true events, the story follows restauranteur Kurt Haijby and his the secret relationship with king Gustav V, which eventually got out and led to one of the worst miscarriages of justice that Sweden has ever witnessed.


The 2000's: The Decade We Saw It All

The 2000's: The Decade We Saw It All 2015


With the 00s now firmly in our rear view mirror, the decade is ripe for re-evaluation. From 9/11 to the financial crisis, the decade shows not only a period of turmoil in the United States but its also a golden age when the Internet hadnt been colonized by corporations, when social media was still young and fresh and when it was easy to make money.


The Physician of a Dying Time

The Physician of a Dying Time 1984


Series about the life of Renaissance anatomist, scholar and politic Johannes Jessenius. Already legendary series today, was produced by Czechoslovak Television Bratislava, directed by Slovak director Miroslav Luther in the first half of 80's in Barrandov Studios in Prague. The story and screenplay of the series wrote Czech writer Vladimír Körner. Five-episodes epic historical narration is a biographical story of distinguished Renaissance scholar, anatomist and politic of Slovak origin, Johannes Jessenius (Ján Jesenský, 1566–1621). It displays his life from the first studies and successes. In 1594 he became professor of surgery and anatomy on Wittenberg University, which he had attended years before. From that moment, his life went through social and personal wins and losses, to the sad end on the Prague Old Town Square gallows, among 27 noblemen, knights and burgenses, after lose Bohemian Revolt in 1621. His destiny was coupled with key events of Czech history in the break of 16th and 17th century, when Renaissance and European humanism slowly fade out.


Legendary Cities

Legendary Cities 2014


Embark in a journey through some of the most beautiful cities in the world in this documentary series. Each episode features a new city and explores the many things that make it the legendary place it is today.


World War II: Total War

World War II: Total War 2018


A Total War is all encompassing, a war without boundary or limitation. It is a war of material and morale. A war that mobilizes, destroys and displaces civilian populations. The Second World War was a war in which massive armies advanced, confronting whole populations with impossible choices. The manufacture of weapons transformed industry and the workforce; area bombing campaigns reduced cities to rubble; sieges doomed populations to starvation; racial policies sponsored campaigns of genocide. Told through archive footage and expert interviews, we learn how WWII shattered the boundaries between home-front and battlefield.



Hostages 2022


On November 4, 1979, Iranian student activists stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran, taking over 60 Americans hostage. What was planned as a 48-hour sit-in to protest American imperialism, ballooned into an international crisis and 24/7 media event that would last 444 days. With never-before-seen archival footage and revelatory new interviews with the American hostages and Iranian hostage-takers alike, the series is a gripping chronicle of one of the most dramatic international deadlocks in American history, a deep dive into the geo-political history that led to the crisis, and an exploration of the political fallout that reverberates today.


How The Silk Road Made the World

How The Silk Road Made the World 2018


How the Silk Road Made the World 3 x 60' NHNZ/CCTV (China Central Television) The Silk Road is one of humanity’s greatest enterprises. For thousands of years across the vastness of Eurasia, a trade route linking east and west has deeply influenced history. Silk Road trade has helped to build and break empires, fed revolutions and profoundly affected civilisations. Humanity as we know it, and all we have created, owes much to the legendary Silk Road. This is true of objects as basic yet revolutionary as a piece of paper, to the complex metropolis of New York City. Travel through time to witness the evolution of ancient warfare, experience the horror of the Black Death, see the explosive impacts of innovations and live through radical social change. Embark on a dramatic historical journey throughout Eurasia and delve into the captivating tales of this world-famous trade route. Discover How the Silk Road Made the World.


Juanita: A Family Mystery

Juanita: A Family Mystery 2021


Journalist Juanita Nielsen's family pursue the truth about her infamous 1975 disappearance. Revelations about Juanita's almost certain murder and remarkable life go to who killed her, why and how justice was denied.