Rozhnevaný muž

Rozhnevaný muž 2021


Chladný a záhadný nový ochrankár losangeleskej spoločnosti na prepravu peňazí prekvapí svojich spolupracovníkov, keď počas lúpeže odhalí svoje precízne schopnosti.Členovia tímu si lámu hlavu nad tým, kto je a odkiaľ sa vzal. Keď však podnikne dramatické a neodvolateľné kroky, aby si vyrovnal účty, rýchlo sa objasní strelcov zásadný motív.



Equalizer 2014


Antoine Fuqua, režisér snímok Training Day, Ostreľovač a Pád Bieleho domu, prichádza tentokrát s kriminálnym trilerom Equalizer. Člen špeciálnej zásahovej jednotky Robert McCall zinscenuje vlastnú smrť, aby mohol viesť nerušený život v Bostone. Pri záchrane malej Teri je však späť v akcii a navyše skríži plány bezcitným ruským mafiánom. McCall berie spravodlivosť do vlastných rúk, aby ochránil tých, čo už stratili akúkoľvek nádej na záchranu. McCall je totiž Equalizer.


Pach krvi 2

Pach krvi 2 2007


V hlbokých lesoch Západnej Virgínie sa má pod vedením bývalého armádneho plukovníka Dalea Murphyho nakrúcať reality šou v štýle Stroskotanca. Víťaz si má odniesť rovných sto tisíc dolárov. Účastníci musia prežiť v nepriateľských podmienkach divočiny. Nadšení súťažiaci i televízny štáb však čoskoro zistia, že skutočne musia bojovať – a to proti silnej, sadistickej a kanibalskej rodine, ktorej členovia sa podobajú skôr na obludy ako na ľudí. Až keď začnú umierať prví ľudia, podľa slov plukovníka Dalea vysvitne, že pred rokmi došlo v opustenej chemickej továrni k havárii, pri ktorej do potoka preniklo množstvo jedovatých látok, ktoré zabili zvieratá a transformovali potomkov miestnej rodiny na neforemné monštrá. Bez možnosti uloviť si zver či ryby, tak začali klásť pasce na všetkých, kto do lesa prenikli. A teraz ich potomkovia majú nádej na skutočne bohatý „úlovok“.


Smrtonosná zbraň

Smrtonosná zbraň 1987


Príbeh zasadený do Los Angeles začína tragickým okamihom, keď za horúcej letnej noci vyskočí z okna svojho bytu Mandy Hunsakerová. Vyšetrovaním je poverený Roger Murtaugh, skúsený čierny detektív pred penziou, ktorý lipne na svojom rodinnom zázemí a vždy sa snaží o nenásilné riešenie. Ako parťák je mu proti vôli pridelený Martin Riggs, špecialista z protidrogového oddelenia, nervovo labilný chlapík so samovražednými sklonmi. Martin je skľúčený smrťou svojej manželky a nikto s ním nechce spolupracovať, pretože je to nebezpečné. Silná averzia medzi oboma musí na čas ustúpiť udalostiam, ktoré nadobudnú dramatické tempo.



Serenity 2005


Záverečný film seriálu Firefly sa opäť vracia k vesmírnej lodi Serenity a jej kapitánovi Malcolmovi Reynoldsovi, veteránovi z galaktickej občianskej vojny, prekonávajúcemu rôzne úskalia povojnových odpadlíkov. Keď na palubu nastúpi mladý doktor a jeho sestra s telepatickými schopnosťami, je neustále prenasledovaný Alianciou. Tentoraz však budú musieť čeliť niečomu oveľa horšiemu, a tým je hrozivé tajomstvo, ktoré Aliancia ukrýva na utajenej kolónii Miranda...



Štvanec 2003


V roku 1999 sa seržant Aaron Hallam, príslušník zvláštnej jednotky americkej armády, stane v Kosove svedkom masakru civilistov. Podarí sa mu preniknúť do štábu a zabiť dôstojníka, ktorý akcii velí. Je síce vyznamenaný za hrdinstvo, jeho psychika je však ťažko poznamenaná. O štyri roky neskôr vyhľadá agent FBI Ted Chenowitch stopára a ochrancu prírody L. T. Bonhama, aby ho požiadal o spoluprácu pri vyšetrovaní brutálnej vraždy v Oregone, kde neznámy vrah zabil a vykuchal dvoch lovcov. Bonham sa vydá po vrahovych stopách a skutočne ho nájde. Je ním vojnový hrdina Aaron Hallam a pustí sa s ním do boja.



Podfukár 2021


William Tell je bývalý vojenský vyšetrovateľ, ktorý žije v utajení ako hazardný hráč. Tellov usporiadaný život sa ocitne v ohrození, keď sa stretne s Cirkom, mladým mužom, ktorý sa chce pomstiť spoločnému nepriateľovi. S podporou záhadnej finančníčky La Lindy sa Tell vydáva s Cirkom do kasína, aby ho nasmeroval na novú cestu. Zisťuje však, že duchovia minulosti ho tak ľahko neopustia.


Útek z Absolomu

Útek z Absolomu 1994


Robbins je odsúdený na dlhodobé väzenie za vraždu generála. Jeho novým domovom je väzenie, ktoré sa opúšťa len nohami dopredu. Ešte nikomu sa z neho nepodarilo újsť. Riaditeľ väznice navyše zakúpil ostrov Absolon, ktorý mu slúži ako súkromné ihrisko. Práve na tomto mieste sú vypustení tí najhorší z najhorších aby sa navzájom pozabíjali. A práve tu je vypustený aj Robbins.



Zatratený 2015


John Henry Clayton sa po rokoch vracia domov. Matka mu zomrela a na svete má už len otca, reverenda Samuela Claytona. S ním má však veľmi komplikovaný vzťah pre svoju krvavú minulosť nájomného zabijaka. Po návrate domov sa John rozhodol všetko zmeniť. Zvesil a odložil všetky zbrane, žije pokojne ako obyčajný človek a chodí po meste neozbrojený. Problémy ale nedajú na seba dlho čakať, najmä keď sa reverend Samuel postaví na stranu farmárov, ktorých sa miestny boháč snaží obrať o pozemky. John odoláva posmeškom a ponižovaniu, ale len do chvíle, kedy mu najatí banditi ťažko zrania otca. Bývalý pištoľník znova berie do ruky zbraň a sám sa postaví mohutnej presile miestnych gaunerov, ktorí terorizujú mesto.


Deväť životov

Deväť životov 2004


Dean Cage, bývalý člen jednotky špeciálnych vojenských operácií, je omylom označený za agenta CIA a unesený. Únoscovia mu vstreknú do tela drogu, vďaka ktorej môžu ovládať jeho myseľ. Chcú využiť jeho schopnosti získané pri špeciálnom výcviku. Dean má len jeden deň na záchranu svojho života. Musí utiecť, nájsť protilátku a zahnať démonické predstavy, ktoré sa objavujú pod vplyvom drogy. Pokiaľ sa mu to nepodarí, na konci dňa zomrie.


Americký ninja 4

Americký ninja 4 1990


Elitná americká jednotka Delta Force sa pokúsi v preniknúť do pevnosti arabského emíra, ktorý tu ukrývá prenosnú jadrovú bombu a financuje výcvik bojovníkov ninja pre smrtonosný teroristický útok na New York. Jednotka je však odhalená a zdecimována. Preživší vojaci sú zajatý a na ich záchranu sú vyslaný Sean Davidson a Carl Brackston, dvaja špeciálny agenti.


The A-Team

The A-Team 1983


A fictional group of ex-United States Army Special Forces personnel work as soldiers of fortune while on the run from the Army after being branded as war criminals for a "crime they didn't commit."


Walker, Texas Ranger

Walker, Texas Ranger 1993


Modern-day Texas Ranger, Cordell Walker's independent crime-solving methods have their roots in the rugged traditions of the Old West. Walker's closest friend is former Ranger, C.D. Parker, who retired after a knee injury, and now owns "C.D.'s," a Country/Western saloon/restaurant. Rookie Ranger, James "Jimmy" Trivette is an ex-football player who bases his crime-solving methods on reason and uses computers and cellular phones. Alex Cahill is the Assistant DA who shares a mutual attraction with Walker, but often disagrees with his unorthodox approach to law enforcement.


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier 2021


Following the events of “Avengers: Endgame”, the Falcon, Sam Wilson and the Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes team up in a global adventure that tests their abilities, and their patience.


Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast 2012


Detective Catherine Chandler is a smart, no-nonsense homicide detective. When she was a teenager, she witnessed the murder of her mother at the hands of two gunmen and herself was saved by someone – or something. Years have passed and while investigating a murder, Catherine discovers a clue that leads her to Vincent Keller, who was reportedly killed in 2002. Catherine learns that Vincent is actually still alive and that it was he who saved her many years before. For mysterious reasons that have forced him to live outside of traditional society, Vincent has been in hiding for the past 10 years to guard his secret – when he is enraged, he becomes a terrifying beast, unable to control his super-strength and heightened senses.


One Day at a Time

One Day at a Time 2017


In a reimagining of the TV classic, a newly single Latina mother raises her teen daughter and tween son with the "help" of her old-school mom.


The North Water

The North Water 2021


Henry Drax is a harpooner and brutish killer whose amorality has been shaped to fit the harshness of his world, who will set sail on a whaling expedition to the Arctic with Patrick Sumner, a disgraced ex-army surgeon who signs up as the ship’s doctor. Hoping to escape the horrors of his past, Sumner finds himself on an ill-fated journey with a murderous psychopath. In search of redemption, his story becomes a harsh struggle for survival in the Arctic wasteland.



Branded 1965


Branded is an American Western series which aired on NBC from 1965 through 1966, sponsored by Procter & Gamble in its Sunday night 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time period, and starred Chuck Connors as Jason McCord, a United States Army Cavalry captain who had been drummed out of the service following an unjust accusation of cowardice.


The Finder

The Finder 2012


Walter Sherman, an Iraq War veteran, has the extraordinary ability to help people find the unfindable.


Blue Moon

Blue Moon 2016


Justine Laurier, an ex-Canadian soldier, just inherited her father's shares of Blue Moon, a security company that carries out sensitive operations for the Canadian government. While Justine discovers what Blue Moon is all about, she receives troubling information regarding the death of her father. Alone, she must find the truth in a universe of lies.


Dangerous Minds

Dangerous Minds 1996


Dangerous Minds is an American drama television series that aired on ABC network between September 1996 and March 1997. The series is based on the motion picture film, Dangerous Minds. Annie Potts stars in the lead role originated by Michelle Pfeiffer.



Nichols 1971


Nichols is an American Western television series starring James Garner broadcast in the United States on NBC during the 1971-72 season. Set the fictional town of Nichols, Arizona, in 1914, Nichols differed from traditional Western series of the era. The main character, a sheriff, rode on a motorcycle and in an automobile rather than on the traditional horse. The hero did not carry a firearm and was generally opposed to the use of violence to solve problems, preferring other means. Margot Kidder portrayed Ruth, the love interest/barmaid of Nichols.



Riptide 1984


The cases of a private investigations agency run by two Vietnam War veterans and their computer geek friend from high school, armed with toughness, their own helicopter, and the third's technical ability.



Acapulco 1961


Acapulco is an American half-hour adventure series that aired on NBC in 1961. It is notable for providing Telly Savalas with his first regularly recurring role in a television series.


The Kill Point

The Kill Point 2007


A small group of military veterans sets out to rob a major bank in Pittsburgh. When things go awry, they're forced to take more than a dozen hostages from all walks of life, including a wealthy and powerful businessman's daughter.


Soldier of Fortune, Inc.

Soldier of Fortune, Inc. 1997


Soldier of Fortune, Inc. was a television show created by Dan Gordon which ran for two seasons, from 1997–1999 The show was about an elite team who performed "unofficial" missions for the US Government. During the first season, the show dealt with terrorists and drug lords, and often tackled issues such as patriotism and self-sacrifice. For the second season, the show was renamed SOF: Special Ops Force. Andrews and Sheppard left the show. Dennis Rodman and David Eigenberg replaced them, though their "hip" characters and new plots led many to abandon the show, leading to its cancellation. The theme song was performed by Trevor Rabin. During the second season, a voice-over by Peter Graves was added.



Cobra 1993


Cobra is an American television action/adventure series starring Michael Dudikoff. It ran for just one season in syndication.


Our Zoo

Our Zoo 2014


The story of George, who being frustrated by memories of fighting in the great war and living with his extended family, wants to bring more beauty into the world. When he comes across a camel and monkey that are about to be abandoned, he embarks on a plan to set up a zoo.


Dalton's Code of Vengeance

Dalton's Code of Vengeance 1985


Code of Vengeance is the umbrella title for a series of American television programs, produced by Universal Television, that aired on NBC in 1985 and 1986. Charles Taylor stars as David Dalton, a Vietnam veteran who has become a drifter, travelling across the United States in a camper van with only his dog for company. Dalton gets involved in the personal lives of the people he meets and uses his fighting skills to help them win justice. The Dalton character was created for All That Glitters, a planned spin-off series from Knight Rider, and a backdoor pilot aired as a second-season episode of that series in 1984. The character, originally a suave government agent, was retooled as a lone drifter for a new pilot, which aired as the television movie Code of Vengeance, to surprise ratings success in June 1985. A subsequent series, to be called Dalton, was ordered by NBC for midseason, then production was cancelled after just four episodes were completed. These aired in the summer of 1986 as a television movie titled Dalton: Code of Vengeance II and as a part of a fill-in series called Dalton's Code of Vengeance.


Matt Waters

Matt Waters 1996


Matt Waters is an American drama television show which aired in 1996 on CBS. The program starred talk show host Montel Williams, and was created by James D. Parriott. The show, which was a midseason replacement, failed to garner a significant audience and was canceled after just six episodes. Williams played a retired naval officer who becomes a high school science teacher at Bayview High School, the school he had attended 25 years earier. Williams's character had returned home after his brother was killed in a gang related murder. Portions of the program were filmed at Bayonne High School in Bayonne, New Jersey.