Hádaj, kto príde na večeru

Hádaj, kto príde na večeru 1967


Matt Drayton je redaktorom v denníku Guardian a jeho manželka Christina vlastní galériu umenia. Svoju dcéru Joey vychovali v liberálnom duchu, napriek tomu ich však zaskočí, keď sa ich dcéra chce vydať za doktora Johna Prentica. Jej nastávajúci je totiž čiernej pleti.



Grace 2021


Brighton based Detective Superintendent Roy Grace is a hard-working police officer who has given his life to the job, but his career is currently at rock bottom. He’s fixated by the disappearance of his beloved wife, Sandy, and running enquiries into long forgotten cold cases with little prospect of success. Following another reprimand for his unorthodox police methods, Grace is walking a career tightrope and risks being moved from the job he loves most.