Sexy party

Sexy party 2002


Ak sa chcete nieco dozvediet o Van Wilderovi, teraz je ta prava chvila. Mame k dispozicii jeho prihlasku na vysoku. Musel ju vyplnit dokladne, pretoze tam potom chodil velmi dlho. Totiz, kym otecko caloval. Ale to si piste, ze si to tam uzil. Takze tu je cast jeho dotaznika: NIEKTORE OSOBNE DATA Prave meno: Van Wilder, ale dava prednost prezyvke "Van", co je vlastne jeho meno, ale on ho povazuje za prezyvku. Datum narodenia: 13. decembra 1977 - divoky strelec s velkou vzrusivostou, spolocensky, vie sa odviazat. Jeho zaujmy: tantra, hudba. Mozno by to mala byt ekonomia. Ale kto sa ma tak narychlo rozhodnut. Vie mixovat super drinky. Jazyky: anglictina a jazyk lasky (a nemyslite hned na oralny sex). Plany do buducnosti: vratnik v kasine, ktory je majitelom plaze, aby mohol casto plavat a je zaroven prezidentom USA alebo Mexika. Seminare, ktore uz absolvoval: masaze Reiki, eroticka fotografia a seminar na temu: "Zivot je prilis kratky na to, aby sme sa stali bohatymi moc pomaly."


Oko za oko

Oko za oko 2015


Zdravotná sestra žijúca v malom meste chodí na rande naslepo s mužom, ktorý nie je osobou, o ktorej hovorí.


V úskalí

V úskalí 2020


Mladá matka v New Yorku začne náhle pochybovať o svojom manželstve, spojí sa so svojím bohatým a záletníckym otcom a spolu prenasledujú jej manžela.


Women Who Flirt

Women Who Flirt 2014


Keď sa žena rozhodne získať späť svoju životnú lásku, uvedomí si, že sa bude musieť ponoriť do využívania svojich ženských schopností - a stať sa tým, čím najviac opovrhuje - ženou, ktorá flirtuje.


Virgin River

Virgin River 2019


After seeing an ad for a midwife, a recently divorced big-city nurse moves to the redwood forests of California, where she meets an intriguing man.


Fake It Till You Make It

Fake It Till You Make It 2023


Tang Ying, a junior lawyer going through a tough time meets a young man called Xu Ziquan. Things happen and the two end up pretending to date.


Chicken Shop Date

Chicken Shop Date 2014


The format of Chicken Shop Date involves Amelia Dimoldenberg meeting a celebrity guest at a local chicken shop for a date, where they engage in casual, awkward, and sometimes flirtatious conversation.


Oh My Boss

Oh My Boss 2021


Noomnim finally lands a solid job when she decides to have a fun night out with her friend to celebrate. At the bar, she meets a handsome stranger and spends a lovely night with him. However, that stranger turned out to be her new boss! Luckily for her, the handsome CEO doesn't seem to remember her. Or does he? When he makes Noomnim, his personal assistant, she finds herself wondering whether he is interested in her or just this flirtatious with everyone.


The Food Flirts

The Food Flirts 2017


Meet the Brass Sisters a.k.a. THE FOOD FLIRTS! Two passionate food explorers of a certain age on a mission to tackle their culinary bucket bite at a time! In each episode, the ladies 'flirt' their way into chefs' kitchens to discover two ethnically unique and delicious delights, then head home to experiment and create cross-cultural culinary mash-ups to tantalize your taste-buds! Food, fun, flirting and friendship are always on the menu!