
Výnimoční 2019


Dvaja muži, ktorí svoje životy venujú starostlivosti a vzdelávaniu detí a dospievajúcich s autizmom.



Vendeta 2006


Urobí všetko, aby našiel vraha svojej manželky. Ashley, mladú manželku elektrikára Vincenta Harrisa, nájdu zavraždenú v ich byte. Polícia síce po páchateľovi pátra, ale ani za tri roky od vraždy sa nepodarilo s prípadom pohnúť vpred. Vincent, posadnutý túžbou po pomste, pokračuje v pátraní na vlastnú päsť. O vrahovi je známe len málo, ide o taxikára v červenej bunde a s kryštálovým prsteňom. Vincentova suseda Alice Parkerová je odhodlaná získať si jeho srdce. Chce jeho pátranie ukončiť, a tak sa rozhodne predhodiť mu náhodne vybranú obeť. Preto si okolo prsta omotá postaršieho taxikára Rogera Culkina, vášnivého milovníka bumerangov, a vmanipuluje ho do smrtiacej pasce. Roger však len o vlások unikne a udalosti naberú nečakaný spád. Tak, ako sa bumerang akoby náhodou vracia presne na miesto, odkiaľ ho hodili, padajú aj morálne dôsledky zločinu na hlavu toho, kto ho spáchal, napriek tomu, že to odporuje všetkej pravdepodobnosti a „logike“...


The Dumping Ground

The Dumping Ground 2013


The Dumping Ground is a British children's television series, which premiered on 4 January 2013 on CBBC and BBC HD. The series is a spin-off from The Story of Tracy Beaker and Tracy Beaker Returns. The first series aired until March 2013, with a second series confirmed for January 2014.


Care Worker Gang

Care Worker Gang 2009


Hikoichi is the boss of a yakuza family, "Tsubasa-kai". One day he receives a sudden order from the main branch of his family...only to become a helper at a senior care home. Regardless of this unbearable order, he reluctantly obeys to keep his chance of becoming an executive in the future. But he soon finds out that he was not the only yakuza working there. The yakuza helpers soon realize that the senior care home is full of flaws; the yakuzas confront a female president of the care house.


Beating Again

Beating Again 2024


A story about dance and following dreams. Dindaen is a former dance teacher who is now working in social development. Nai is a young dancer who sees him as a hero, and Focus is a confident young woman whose love of dancing led her to become an idol.