Sin City: Mesto hriechu

Sin City: Mesto hriechu 2005


Sin City je mesto hriechu. John Hartigan, jeden z mála nezkorumpovaných policajtov v tomto meste, sa v poslednú noc svojej služby snaží zachrániť Nancy Callahanovú, z rúk Juniora. Nancy má 11 rokov a Junior je pedofilný sadista, sériový vrah a k tomu tiež nedotknuteľný synáčik senátora Roarka. Hartigan uspeje, zachráni Nancy a zbaví Juniora oboch jeho zbraní. Sám sa ale dostane do problémov keď jeho parťák Bob, ďalšie meno na výplatnej listine vládcu mesta Roarka, do neho vyprázdni svoj zásobník...


Sinister 2

Sinister 2 2015


Pokračovanie úspešného hororového filmu Scotta Derricksona Sinister z roku 2012 nás zavedie do strašidelného vidieckeho domu, do ktorého sa presťahuje mladá matka so svojimi synmi, dvojčatami, bez toho, aby tušili, že dom je predurčený pre smrť a zlo.



Up! 1976




Nož 1967



Big Mouth

Big Mouth 2022


A lawyer with a ten-percent winning rate is caught up in a murder case and becomes the notorious and genius con artist, Big Mouse, overnight. In order to survive and protect his family, he tries to reveal the true colors of the privileged people involved in a huge conspiracy.



Adamas 2022


Twin brothers Woo-sin and Soo-hyun lose their father in a murder case. Twenty-two years later, the brothers seek to clear their father's name.


Dark Minds

Dark Minds 2012


Dark Minds brings together the sharp criminal minds of author and investigative journalist M. William Phelps and pre-eminent criminal profiler John Kelly to reopen unsolved homicides thought to be the work of serial killers. They are assisted in their efforts by a source known only to viewers as "13," a convict serving multiple life terms for a series of murders, who presents his theories about potential motivations behind these chilling cold cases based on his own experiences. They bring fresh eyes to unsolved serial killer investigations using the combined instincts of three unique perspectives, with hopes that it will encourage viewers to bring forward new leads.