Kľúčové slovo Nobility
Garfield 2 2006
Garfieldov pán Jon chce požiadať svoju priateľku o ruku. Garfield z tej predstavy nie je ani trochu nadšený a najradšej by tomu zabránil. Keď chce Jon prekvapiť Liz tým, že za ňou príde do Londýna, Garfield spolu s Odiem ujde z útulku a ide do Londýna s ním. Tam potom ujde z hotelovej izby a potuluje sa po meste. Kocúr Princ medzitým po smrti svojej paničky, lady Eleonor, zdedil celé panstvo. Na to si však brúsi zuby lord Dargis, synovec zosnulej barónky, ktorý sa chce nepohodlného kocúra zbaviť. Zavrie ho preto do koša a pošle dolu riekou. Komorník sa ho vyberie hľadať a narazí na Garfielda. Pretože sú si kocúry na nerozoznanie podobní, myslí si, že našiel Princa, a odvezie ho na zámok. Na Princa, ktorý po rieke priplával až do Londýna, zase narazí Jon a považuje ho za Garfielda. Tak sa obaja rozmaznanci vymenia.
Návštevníci 1993
Stačilo sa len omylom napiť elixíru namiešaného nepriateľským kúzelníkom a razom sa rytier Godefroy a jeho sluha Jacquouille ocitli v 20. storočí. Samozrejme, ako to už vo Francúzsku býva, našli svojich potomkov, aj keď práve nie na takej úrovni, akú by si predstavovali. Šľachta, potomkovia statočných rytierov, schudobnela a v jej zámku sa naopak usídlil potomok sluhov, ktorý si len zmenil meno z posmešného Jacquouille na dôstojnejšieho Jacquart. Samozrejme, že sa pán aj jeho sluha najskôr ocitnú v blázinci, ale šľachtická krv sa nezaprie a Beatrice, ako priamy potomok rytiera Godefroy de Montmirail, sa o svojho predka postará.
Snehulienka 1997
Od chvíle, kedy sa mladý šľachtic znovu oženil, začína pre malú Lillian peklo. Macocha sa jej chce zbaviť, a tak jedinou možnosťou, ako si zachrániť život, je útek do lesov...
Krutosť a láska 1985
Na začiatku šestnásteho storočia zúri kdesi v západnej Európe jedna z mnohých šarvátok podporovaných doposiaľ ešte stále neutíchajúcou morovou nákazou. Taliansky šľachtic Arnolfini sa snaží za každú cenu dostať späť svoj hrad a sľúbi bande žoldnierov niekoľko hodín plienenia, pokiaľ sa im podarí ho dobyť. Lenže žoldnieri sú horšie ako svorka vlkov a tak sa rozhodne svoj sľub zmeniť. Odoberie im zbrane aj korisť a pár ich pre výstrahu nechá zavesiť. Malá skupina z nich vedená Martinom sa ale rozhodne svoju krivdu napraviť lúpením. A aké je ich prekvapenie, keď sa im do koristi pripletie aj pekná nastávajúca manželka Arnolfiniho syna Stevena Agnes. A netrvá dlho a Martin sa zamiluje.
La Tulipe noire 1964
Tess 1979
Adaptácia románu Thomasa Hardyho o osude jednoduchého vidieckeho dievčaťa Tess. Otec posiela Tess na šľachtické sídlo po tom, čo sa dozvie, že sú so šľachtickou rodinou príbuzensky spriaznení. Tu ju mladý šľachtic zvedie a Tess otehotnie. Krátko nato však o dieťa príde a preto sa rozhodne odísť a začať nový život. Na mliečnej farme spoznáva svoju životnú lásku Angela. Angel sa však nedokáže vyrovnať s jej minulosťou a v svadobnú noc ju vyháňa. Zúfalá Tess sa vracia k svojmu šľachtickému milencovi a postupne smeruje k záhube....
Brideshead Revisited 2008
La Bête 1975
Lady Oscar 1979
Skaza zámku Herm 2007
Mladý farmársky chlapec Jacqui vyrastal spokojne so svojou rodinou, kým pričinením zlého grófa de Nansaca neskončil v sirotinci. Po čase sa dostal k miestnemu kňazovi, s ktorého pomocou pretavil svoju osobnú pomstu do vzbury všetkých vidiečanov utláčaných grófom de Nansacem.
あのこは貴族 2021
The Merry Widow 1952
Prince of Foxes 1949
Don Juan 1998
Cobra 1925
Great Catherine 1968
Dear Radiance 2024
Murasaki Shikibu (Yoshitaka Yuriko), the heroine of this story, wrote the bestseller 'The Tale of Genji,' transcending a thousand years during the Heian period. She weaves the story of Hikaru Genji, fueled by her love for Fujiwara no Michinaga (Emoto Tasuku), with her hidden passion and incomparable imagination. It is a tale of a woman who lived with unchanging love in an ever-changing world. (From TV JAPAN)
Lilia, the newborn daughter of a marquis, has the memories of her previous life! With cheat-like gamer knowledge she aims to become the strongest girl in this new "other world!"
Legendary Overlord 2018
It tells the legendary story of Dongbo Xueying, his wife Yu Jingqiu and others who have overcome difficulties, experienced extraordinary things and constantly achieved supreme achievements in the alien continent.
Tess of the D'Urbervilles 2008
The story of Tess Durbeyfield, a low-born country girl whose family find they have noble connections.
Manure and Gillyflowers 1978
A story about the life of Maximiliane Irene von Quindt based on a classic novel by Christine Bruckner .
Unter den Linden – Das Haus Gravenhorst 2006
Unter den Linden – Das Haus Gravenhorst is a German television series.
The Exiled Heavy Knight Knows How to Game the System 1970
During the Divine Blessing Ceremony of the 15-year-old Elma who came from a lineage of Sword Saints, he had manifested a commonly deemed defective class known as the Heavy Knight. He had been deprived of his position as the next head of the Edvan Household and was then exiled. The Heavy Knight class had an unbalanced status and useless skills, to top it off, it was even said to be a class cowardly and indolent people have. But, Elma knew better—that this world was the world of the game he had used to play before—and that the Heavy Knight class was the strongest class to exist. Elma made full use of the knowledge he had in his previous life and began his efficient walkthrough of the world he was reincarnated into.
Quentin Durward 1971
Quentin Durward is a French-German swashbuckler TV series. It was produced in 1970, directed by Gilles Grangier and broadcast in 1971. The series starred the German actor Amadeus August as the protagonist and the French actress Marie-France Boyer as Isabelle de Croye. The series was based on Sir Walter Scott's in 1823 published novel Quentin Durward. It concerns a Scottish soldier who serves French King Louis XI while the King has to overcome the schemes of his rival Charles the Bold and Jean Balue. The TV series kept close to the classic novel and was often shot at historic French locations. The French version consists of 7 instalments of 52 minutes each, while the dubbed German version had 13 episodes of about 25 minutes apiece. Both versions have been made available on DVD.
Lucien Leuwen 1973
Betrothed to my Sister's Ex 1970
With unmaintained red hair and shabby clothes, Marie, the baron's daughter, has been treated like a servant all her life. Count Granado, the country's richest man, who is said to be a difficult misogynist, falls in love with her at first sight. However, due to a misunderstanding, Count Granado proposes to her sister Anastasia, who looks like a princess, instead of the ragged Marie.
Reincarnated as a Neglected Noble: Raising My Baby Brother With Memories From My Past Life 1970
The story follows Ageha, who is born into the world as the disliked son of a corrupt count. Ageha possesses all of the knowledge of his previous life, and learns that his half-brother Regulus will eventually attempt to kill him and take his title. Even with this awareness, Ageha decides to use all of the skills from his past life to raise his little brother.