Kľúčové slovo Farmland
Zasľúbená krajina 2012
Podnikateľ Steve Butler prichádza do vidieckeho mesta so svojou obchodnou partnerkou Sue Thomasonovou. Mestečkom vážne otriasla hospodárska kríza a obaja podnikatelia vycítia príležitosť na výhodný obchod, keď skúpia majetok miestnych obyvateľov. Mala by to byť jediná šanca na záchranu celého mestečka. Z jednoduchého obchodu sa však zrazu stane tvrdý boj, ktorý vedie miestny uznávaný učiteľ Sam Yates, ktorý získa mocného spojenca v Dustinovi Nobleovi, ktorý vedie ostrú verejnú kampaň proti pripravovanému obchodu, ale najmä proti Stevovi.
Tõde ja õigus 2019
Minari 2021
Gwleđđ 2021
The Field 1990
Mr. Yanagi’s Aliens 2024
Howard’s Mill 2021
Farmlands 2019
The Demojordan 2022
Farm'ly Life 2023
Na Kupu Mana'olana 2012
Countryfile 1988
The people, places and stories making news in the British countryside.
Angkor 2000
Angkor is the beautiful daughter of a high rank officer of Cambodia. Before she was born, her father had slain a tiger. The spirit of the tiger lives on inside of Angkor and possesses her when she looses herself to her anger. An inner struggle in Cambodia forces Angkor and her friend/body guard, Koytee, to flee to Thailand. Along the way, they get separated. Angkor eventually arrives at the refugee camp in Thailand alone awaiting Koytee. There Angkor meets Pookong Kan, who was secretly sent to investigate the case of several missing and deadly war weapons that may be linked to a few of the officer's corruption. By chance, Angkor gets mixed up and becomes an important witness to the murder of Pookong Kan's comrades by Muad Rit.