
Zootropolis 2016


Moderná zvieracia metropola Zootropolis je mesto ako žiadne iné. Skladá sa z niekoľkých obytných štvrtí, od nóbl predmestia Saharské pole po mrazivé sídlisko Tundrovka, domov polárnych zvierat. Je to skrátka miesto, kde všetky zvieratá žijú spolu, bez ohľadu na veľkosť a stravovacie chúťky, od najväčšieho slona, cez leva po najmenšieho piskora. Keď však do mesta dorazí ambiciózny policajný nováčik Judy Hoppsová, zistí, že byť prvým králikom medzi veľkými zvieratami policajného zboru nie je vôbec jednoduché. A pretože chce svoje kvality dokázať, využije prvú príležitosť a spojí sa aj s pouličným podvodníkom, lišiakom Nickom Wildom, aby vyriešila zložitý a záhadný prípad, smerujúci na najvyššie miesta mesta zvierat…



Bambi 1942


Bambiho príbeh sa postupne, tak ako idú ročné obdobia, rozvíja a sleduje mladého princa lesa ako sa učí o živote, láske a priateľoch.


Kto obvinil králika Rogera?

Kto obvinil králika Rogera? 1988


Rok 1947, Hollywood. Eddie Valiant, detektív, ktorému sa lepí smola na päty, je najatý, aby našiel dôkaz, že Marvin Acme, magnát, vlastník továrne na humor a starosta Toontownu v jednej osobe, má aférku s osudovou ženou Jessicou Králikovou, ktorá je manželkou slávnej hviezdy kreslených filmov Rogera Králika. Keď však nájdu Acmeho mŕtvolu, všetko ukazuje na Rogera. Na rad prichádza Eddie, ktorý sa musí zbaviť strašnej traumy a zachrániť Toontown.


New Looney Tunes

New Looney Tunes 2015


Wabbit is an animated series starring Bugs Bunny. The series features many other Looney Tunes characters including Wile E. Coyote, Yosemite Sam, and the Tasmanian Devil.


Rabbids Invasion

Rabbids Invasion 2013


The Rabbids are back in their new tv show. The rabbids discovers new things and learn what they do. But that they don't know is that they are curious.


Max and Ruby

Max and Ruby 2002


Meet two funny bunny siblings, the energetic and mischievous Max, and the patient, smart and goal-oriented Ruby. The show models empowering messages by showing Max and Ruby playing together and resolving their differences respectfully and supportively.


Yin Yang Yo!

Yin Yang Yo! 2006


Two 11-year-old rabbit twins named Yin and Yang train under Master Yo, a grumpy old panda. They learn the sacred art of Woo Foo, a special type of martial arts that involves both might and magic. They must work together to save the world from evil villains and forces that want to destroy, corrupt or take it over. However, through all these adventures, Yin and Yang still portray stereotypical siblings; belligerently antagonistic but still ultimately caring about each other and working together if needed.


The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police

The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police 1997


The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police is an American-Canadian children’s action & adventure animated television series that was aired on Fox Kids in the US, and it even aired on YTV in Canada, the show ran from October 4th, 1997 to April 25th, 1998.


Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars!

Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars! 1992


Galactic hero Bucky O'Hare and his brave crew battle the evil toads bent on conquering the universe. A young boy genius from the human universe joins Bucky's crew.


Wanda and the Alien

Wanda and the Alien 2014


A rabbit named Wanda befriends an alien who crash-lands his rocket in the woods near her home. Note: This series is based on best selling books by Sue Hendra.


Harry and Toto

Harry and Toto 2008


Harry and Toto are a hare and tortoise who teach young children about opposites.


The rabbit with checkered ears

The rabbit with checkered ears 1974


A kockásfülű nyúl (English: "The rabbit with checkered ears") is a 26-episode Hungarian animated children's series produced from 26 August 1977 on in the studios of PannóniaFilm. Created by the acclaimed children's literature writer and graphic artist Veronika Marék and animator Zsolt Richly, its protagonist, the rabbit with checkered ears quickly became one of the most prolific mascots of Hungarian animation.