Sedem samurajov

Sedem samurajov 1954


Slavná legenda o hrstce odvážných, kteří se postavili na stranu bezbranných. Nejslavnější japonský film všech dob, předchůdce filmu Sedm statečných. Těžko by se asi hledal někdo, kdo by neznal legendární americký western o hrstce statečných, kteří se v počtu chabých sedmi postaví přesile banditů, aby ochránili bezbrannou vesnici na odlehlém venkově proti rabování. Western Johna Sturgese patří již téměř půl století k nesmrtelným filmovým evergreenům. Ale jen málokdo ví, že by vůbec nevznikl, nebýt jednoho fenomenálního režiséra, jehož originální umění přesáhlo daleko za hranice rodného Japonska. Že dobrodružný příběh sedmi potulných pistolníků byl přímo inspirován samurajským filmem Akiry Kurosawy, jenž se odehrává ve feudálním Japonsku 16. století. A že to zdaleka není jediný případ amerického hitu inspirovaného dílem tohoto japonského klasika.







Seppuku 1962


V Japonsku 17. storočia zavládol konečne čas mieru. Táto situácia so sebou ale nesie aj nárast počtu roninov - samurajov bez pána, ktorí sa často bez peňazí túlajú krajinou a pokúšajú sa obhájiť ich životný štýl. Rovnako prichádza aj k tomu, že sa na prahoch domov samurajských klanov, ktoré doteraz prosperovali, občas objaví aj zúfalý ronin a žiada o poskytnutie pomoci pri spáchaní rituálnej samovraždy - seppuku. Častokrát však v kútiku duše dúfa, že sa nad ním pán domu zľutuje a miesto požadovanej smrti mu ponúkne nádej na lepší život. A niektoré klany už podobné situácie začínajú unavovať...



無限の住人 2017


Maji, skúsený samuraj, je po legendárnom boji prekliaty nesmrteľnosťou. Mátaný brutálnou vraždou svojej sestry, Manji vie, že iba boj so zlom mu navráti jeho dušu. Prisľúbi pomôcť mladému dievčaťu Rin pomstiť jej rodičov, ktorí boli zabití skupinou šermiarov pod vedením neľútostného bojovníka Anotsu. Táto misia zmení Manjiho takým spôsobom, ktorý by si nikdy nevedel predstaviť.



Rašómon 1950


Akira Kurosawa sleduje vo svojom najväčšom diele pohyb hľadania a re-konštrukcie skutočnosti. Ukazuje, že tajomstvo síce môže stále unikať a stávať sa centrálnym prvkom, ale zároveň aj prvkom prázdnym, podobne, ako v prípade japonského kráľovského mesta. Rašómon pojednáva o udalosti, ktorá, napriek štyrom svedeckým výpovediam ostane neodhalená.


The Unfettered Shogun

The Unfettered Shogun 1978


Set in the 18th century, the show follows the Shogun Yoshimune, who likes to disguise himself as a low-ranking samurai and go into his capital of Edo to see the life of the common man, as well as to seek out and punish evildoers who would hurt his citizens. He is aided by Magistrate Oo'oka and a vivacious fireman, Tatsugoro, as well as a rotating cast of other recurring characters. Along with Zenigata Heiji and Mito Kōmon, it ranks among the longest-running series in the jidaigeki genre. Like so many other jidaigeki, it falls in the category of kanzen-chōaku, loosely, "rewarding good and punishing evil."


Shadow Warriors

Shadow Warriors 1980


Shadow Warriors is a Japanese television jidaigeki show featuring Sonny Chiba that ran for four seasons in the early 1980s. Chiba played different ninja characters in each series. In the first series he played Hattori Hanzō III, in second one he played Tsuge Shinpachi, in the third one he played Tarao Hanzō, in the fourth series and in Bakumatsu Hen, he played Hattori Hanzō XV. In the 2003 direct-to-DVD series Shin Kage no Gundan he played Hattori Hanzō I.



Ryōmaden 2010


Ryōmaden is the 49th NHK Taiga drama. It was shown on NHK from January 3 to November 28, 2010 spanning 48 episodes. The story centers on the life of 19th-century Japanese historical figures Iwasaki Yatarō and Sakamoto Ryōma. It has been announced that the series will be aired in several other countries, for example Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.



Hideyoshi 1996


A dramatized biography of the second of Japan's three legendary leaders. Rising from obscurity, Hideyoshi served under the command of Oda Nobunaga. With an extraordinary combination of intelligence, bravery and military skill, Hideyoshi rose to near-absolute power and greatly expanded upon Nobunaga's unification of Japan's warlords. This series also focused on Hideyoshi's personal life, particularly his relationships with his mother and his wife, and the pair's rivalry for influence over him.


Love and Glory

Love and Glory 2006


Kazutoyo lived during the end of the Sengoku period (1546-1605). He was the first feudal lord of the fief of Tosa on the island of Shikoku. He served Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Chiyo (1557-1617) was his wife, and was known in history for her dedication and devotion to her husband (like Matsu was to Toshiie in Toshiie to Matsu). She is the daughter of a samurai who served the feudal lord Asai.



Shinsengumi! 2004


Shinsengumi! is a Taiga drama television series produced by Japanese broadcaster NHK. It was a popular drama about the Shinsengumi, a Japanese special police force from the Bakumatsu period.


Naotora: The Lady Warlord

Naotora: The Lady Warlord 2017


Naotora Ii is a woman given a male name, who succeeded as the head of the Ii family during the Warring States period when her father passed away. With her wisdom, courage and affection for loved ones, Naotora lived through turbulent times and paved the way for the future of her clan.


As If In Flight

As If In Flight 1990


Historical drama about the life of Saigō Takamori and his involvement with the Meiji Restoration.



Segodon 2018


Saigo Takamori, the hero of the Meiji Restoration, was born to a poor, low-ranking samurai family in the Satsuma domain (present day Kagoshima Prefecture). His simple honesty caught the attention of its charismatic feudal lord of Satsuma, Shimazu Nariakira. Nariakira’s assertion that the love of people is what will enrich and strengthen the nation captivated Saigo who took on Nariakira’s secret mission and eventually became a key person for Satsuma. Not a portrait of him survives today and much of his life is a mystery. He is a man who was twice exiled and thrice married. He overthrew the Tokugawa Shogunate with exceptional bravery and action. Although he accomplished the restoration, he lost his life in a fight with the new Meiji government.


Takeda Shingen

Takeda Shingen 1988


There was a very turbulent time in the warring period in the history, and Takeda Shingen is consider one of the great warlord among many other.


Samurai Banners

Samurai Banners 2007


Fūrin Kazan was the 46th NHK Taiga drama beginning on January 7, 2007. It was aired throughout 2007. The four characters from left to right are wind, woods, fire, and mountain. The title is a reference to the war banner used by Takeda Shingen, which in turn was taken from Sun Tzu's The Art of War. It means "Swift as the Wind, Silent as a Forest, Fierce as Fire and Immovable as a Mountain."


Toshiie and Matsu

Toshiie and Matsu 2002


The 41st NHK Taiga Drama is Toshiie to Matsu. During the turbulent Warring States Era, one man's life and career intertwined with the three great generals of Japanese history-Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu. With political savvy and the support of his fiercely loyal wife, Maeda Toshiie rose to second in power in the shogunate and built up a fiefdom that encompassed Echizen, Noto and Kaga.



Shōgun 2024


In Japan in the year 1600, at the dawn of a century-defining civil war, Lord Yoshii Toranaga is fighting for his life as his enemies on the Council of Regents unite against him, when a mysterious European ship is found marooned in a nearby fishing village.


Taira no Kiyomori

Taira no Kiyomori 2012


Villain or hero, Taira no Kiyomori changed Japanese history forever 900 years ago. Without ever knowing his real father, Kiyomori was raised as a samurai. Together with his stepfather, he wiped out piracy along Japan's western coast, becoming a full-fledged warrior samurai. In an age when samurai were looked down on as members of the lower class, Kiyomori was skillful at winning the hearts and minds of the people. By rounding up surrendered pirates and achieving other successes, Kiyomori eventually became the de facto ruler of Japan.


Tokugawa Ieyasu

Tokugawa Ieyasu 1983


The story chronicles the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu.


Masamune Shogun

Masamune Shogun 1987


Broadcast TV drama NHK broadcast on January 4 to December 13, 1987 (Showa 62). In the questionnaire survey conducted by NHK, it is shining in the most favorite river drama. The original is Yamaka Sosaichi's novel "Date Masamune", the biggest drama on the theme of the Date house was the first time in 17 years since the "Shinnogi remained" (1970), which painted Datejo in the Edo period. It depicts the life of Matsudo Date of Sengoku warrior · Date Masamune who built the foundation of Sendai clan 620,000 stones in his generation as a result of my own wisdom and talent.



Yoshitsune 2005


Yoshitsune is a Japanese television drama series originally broadcast between 9 January and 11 December 2005, with a three-part special compilation being aired from 24 December to 25 December 2005. The 44th Taiga Drama, the original work is by Miyao Tomiko, screenplay by Kaneko Narito and starring Hideaki Takizawa.


Burning Flower

Burning Flower 2015


Fumi becomes Genzui Kusaka’s wife. During the turbulent times of the closing days for the Tokugawa shogunate, she lives positively and tries to keep up Shoin Yoshida's will. Shoin Yoshida is her older brother and intellectual.


Kumokiri Nizaemon

Kumokiri Nizaemon 2013


During the Kyoho period in the reign of Tokugawa Yoshimune, there is a gang of thieves active not just in Edo but also the Tokaido and the Nakasendo, and all across the Kansai region, stealing large sums of money with skillful techniques. They only target the very wealthy and never kill or injure people. They appear with the clouds and disappear like the mist. On the night that the beautiful Ochiyo is to become the bride of a dry goods dealer, a large amount of money hidden inside the shop is stolen. The gang disappears without injuring anyone. It was a two-year plan to marry Ochiyo off so that she could bring them in. The leader of this gang is Kumokiri Nizaemon, the greatest bandit of all time. He keeps a rein on his highly-skilled and notorious followers Nanabake no Ochiyo, Kinezumi no Kichigoro, Subashiri no Kumagoro, Ingakozo Rokunosuke and others.



Sanadamaru 2016


Spanning over 50 episodes, we follow the historical fiction of the Sanada clansmen as they plotted and fought their ways to survive the changing political alliances during the Warring States Period of Japan.