Proroctvo: Koniec sveta

Proroctvo: Koniec sveta 2009


V roku 1959 v rámci otváracieho ceremoniálu novej základnej školy požiadajú skupinu žiakov, aby nakreslili obrázky, ktoré sa uložia do špeciálneho puzdra a uchovajú sa pre budúce generácie. Jedna záhadná dievčina však namiesto obrázku zaplní svoj papier riadkami zdanlivo náhodných čísel. O päťdesiat rokov neskôr nová generácia žiakov skúma obsah puzdra a tento mystický odkaz skončí v rukách mladého Caleba Koestlera. Jeho otec, profesor John Koestler, urobí zarážajúce odhalenie, že priložený odkaz s neuveriteľnou presnosťou predpovedá dátumy smrteľných nehôd a súradnice každej významnej katastrofy za posledných 50 rokov. Ako John ďalej odhaľuje mrazivé tajomstvá dokumentu, zisťuje, že predpovedá ešte tri ďalšie udalosti, ktoré poukazujú na deštrukciu globálneho rozsahu a zdá sa, že to svojím spôsobom zasiahne aj Johna a jeho syna. John sa snaží varovať úrady, ale tie sú k jeho výzvam nevšímavé. A tak sa rozhodne sám zabrániť ešte väčšej deštrukcii.


Hlásateľ správ 2: Legenda pokračuje

Hlásateľ správ 2: Legenda pokračuje 2013


Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate) spolu so synom Walterom opustia svojho manžela, najprestížnejšieho televízneho hlásateľa v San Diegu, Rona Burgundyho (Will Ferrell). Ron sa od žiaľu utápa v alkohole a stratí aj jediný džob promotéra, ktorý dostal iba z ľútosti. Je pripravený spáchať samovraždu, keď sa znenazdajky objaví pomoc. Dostane ponuku vysielať na prvom 24-hodinovom kanáli. Ron sa spamätáva a dáva dohromady svoj tím. Konkurenčný boj medzi hlásateľmi sa môže začať.



Network 1976


Keď moderátora správ Howarda Bealea kvôli jeho veku prinútia po 25 rokoch kariéry odísť do dôchodku, oznámi divákom, že počas svojho posledného vysielania spácha samovraždu. Keď však po jeho fanatickom vystúpení prudko stúpne sledovanosť, vedenie televízne siete si svoje rozhodnutie rozmyslí.


71 fragmentov chronológie náhody

71 fragmentov chronológie náhody 1995


Raný film Michaela Hanekeho je chladnou štúdiou vraždy. Je to štúdia spoločnosti, nie vraha – zdanlivo náhodných okolností, ktoré viedli k smrti niekoľkých ľudí.


PBS News Hour

PBS News Hour 1975


America's first and longest running hour-long nightly news broadcast known for its in-depth coverage of issues and current events.



Tagesschau 1952


German daily news program, the oldest still existing program on German television.


Dans les médias

Dans les médias 2017


Joined by contributors, and with a different guest each week, Marie-Louise Arsenault hosts this magazine that highlights the week’s top stories, casting a critical eye on the national and international media and the images that surround us in journalism, advertising and social networks.


60 Minutes

60 Minutes 1968


America's popular television News magazine in which an ever changing team of CBS News correspondents contribute segments ranging from hard news coverage to politics to lifestyle and pop culture.


News Treasury

News Treasury 2020


"News Treasury" explores historical news events and rarely seen footage, allowing viewers to dig into the news archives. From Bruce Lee's funeral and the Baoshang Bank robbery to Queen Elizabeth II's visit to Hong Kong and the Sha Tin measles outbreak, viewers can relive important moments in history. The show offers a chance to revisit key events that shaped modern Hong Kong.



Explained 2018


This documentary series, made in partnership with Vox, explain some of the world's current trends, from politics, to science to pop culture.


The Newsroom

The Newsroom 2012


A behind-the-scenes look at the people who make a nightly cable-news program. Focusing on a network anchor, his new executive producer, the newsroom staff and their boss, the series tracks their quixotic mission to do the news well in the face of corporate and commercial obstacles-not to mention their own personal entanglements.


The Young Turks

The Young Turks 1970


Online American liberal/progressive political and social commentary program hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian


Good Girls Revolt

Good Girls Revolt 2015


A look at the personal and professional lives of employees at an American news magazine in the late 1960s.


Russell Howard's Good News

Russell Howard's Good News 2009


Russell Howard offers his unique perspective on the big stories dominating all of our news outlets, from online and print to broadcast, as well as picking up on those sometimes overlooked things. He uses clips, sketches and studio guests to look at things that have made him smile during the week.


Shot in the Dark

Shot in the Dark 2017


Three rival freelance stringers scour the streets at night to film crime scenes, fires, accidents -- and anything else they can sell to news outlets.


Al rojo vivo

Al rojo vivo 2011


"Al rojo vivo" is a program on laSexta focused on the analysis and debate of national and international political current affairs. The format is hosted and directed by Antonio García Ferreras and produced by the News Services of laSexta.



Kontant 1970


Kontant is the consumer magazine, which every week addresses important issues that affect Danes and their wallets. The editors focus on the consumers' agenda, follow their complaints, come up with good advice, investigate and provide an overview.


Learn Japanese from the News

Learn Japanese from the News 2022


Our new TV program helps you learn about Japan and the Japanese language through simple and easy Japanese news. You will learn not only Japanese expressions but also the latest situation of Japan.


BBC World News America

BBC World News America 2007


BBC World News America is a current affairs news programme produced by BBC News especially targeted towards American audiences. It is presented by rotating presenters Caitríona Perry and Sumi Somaskanda.