Prežila som Picassa

Prežila som Picassa 1996


Francoise Gilot rozpráva nezvyčajný životopisný príbeh slávneho španielskeho umelca Pabla Picassa. Francoise bola od roku 1945 Picassovou milenkou celé desaťročia a porodila mu dve deti, Clauda a Palomu. Film opisuje Picassa ako notorického sukničkára. V krátkych obrazoch vidíme aj jeho vzťahy s manželkou Olgou, výtvarníčkou Dorou Marr a Marie-Therese Walter, s ktorou sa maliar vídal len v nedeľu. Dokonalý Anthony Hopkins predstavuje geniálneho umelca so zvykom využívať a zneužívať ženy, ktorý podvádzal nielen svoju manželku, ale aj jednotlivé milenky.



Roma 2004



Gaudí: vizionársky génius z Barcelony

Gaudí: vizionársky génius z Barcelony 2022


Príbeh Gaudího architektonického skvostu, ikonickej budovy Casa Batlló... Len máloktoré európske mesto je spojené s menom architekta tak ako Barcelona. Nájdeme tu desať Gaudího majstrovských diel: park, baziliku, ktorá je magnetom pre turistov, súkromný palác a obytné budovy. Medzi nimi vyniká Casa Batlló, jedinečný architektonický skvost.



Flowers 2016


Dark comedy about the eccentric members of the Flowers family. Maurice and Deborah are barely together but yet to divorce. They live with Maurice's batty mother and their maladjusted twin children.


Karl Lagerfeld : Révélation

Karl Lagerfeld : Révélation 2024


Karl Lagerfeld was an enigmatic figure who spent his life reinventing himself. He ruled the fashion world for decades, making history with his achievements at Chanel, Fendi and his own brand. An extraordinary personality, a fashion Stakhanovite, a tireless worker who created day and night until his last breath. A flamboyant man too, in his appearance and in his words, known for his outbursts mixing perfidy, provocation and self-deprecation. He was also an illusionist, a provocateur, a controversial icon, who used the truth - particularly about his past - to embellish his legend. But where does this determination come from? What were his inspirations and motivations? And behind his enigmatic façade - with his tight suit, ponytail and dark glasses - who really was Karl Lagerfeld?


Surrealist Revolutions

Surrealist Revolutions 2024


Between experiments, mutations and recompositions, the teeming story of the surrealist adventure, the most fertile avant-garde of the 20th century, whose centenary we are celebrating this year.