Kľúčové slovo Family Dynamics
Avatar: Cesta vody 2022
Vizuálne ohromujúcou a strhujúcou akciou vtiahne James Cameron diváka späť do úžasného sveta Pandory. Dej sa odohráva po uplynutí viac ako desiatich rokov od udalostí z prvého filmu. Avatar: Cesta vody prináša príbeh rodiny Sullyovcov (Jakea, Neytiri a ich detí). Sledujeme hrozby, ktorým rodina čelí, odhodlanie, s ktorým si jej členovia poskytujú pomoc, zápasy o prežitie, i tragédie, ktoré ich postihnú.
Presence 2025
Vlny 2019
Film sleduje osud rodiny, ktorú vedie dobre mienený, ale panovačný otec, keď prechádza láskou, odpustením a stretávaním sa po strate.
Homestead 2024
His Three Daughters 2024
Veľká svadba 2013
Missy a Alejandro sú mladí, krásni a chcú sa vziať. Na tom by nebolo nič podivné, keby sa do veci nevložila Alejandrova prísne katolícka biologická matka Muffin, ktorá sa nečakane rozhodla preletieť polovicu sveta, aby sa na chystanej svadbe zúčastnila osobne. A práve jej bigotný prístup k viere je nezlučiteľný so skutočnosťou, že manželia Griffinovci, ktorí Alejandra vychovali ako vlastného, sú už desať rokov rozvedení. Exmanželia Don a Ellie Griffinovci sa preto rozhodnú, že pre upokojenie situácie počas svadby zahrajú pred Alejandrovou biologickou matkou spokojný manželský párik. To je možno zábavné pre ich ďalšie deti Lylu a Jareda, nie však pre Donovu dlhoročnú partnerku Bebe. Keď túto spoločnosť doplní ešte aj sobášiaci kňaz, otec Moinighan, je jasné, že všetkých svadobných hostí čaká poriadne hustý víkend.
You People 2023
お早よう 1959
Familienfest 2015
रामप्रसाद की तेहरवी 2021
静かな生活 1995
फसक्लास दाभाडे 2025
大病人 1993
Yaga 2025
Tea & Biscuit Crumbs 2024
Daughter of the Sun 2023
A Step Apart 1992
Superman & Lois 2021
After years of facing megalomaniacal supervillains, monsters wreaking havoc on Metropolis, and alien invaders intent on wiping out the human race, The Man of Steel aka Clark Kent and Lois Lane come face to face with one of their greatest challenges ever: dealing with all the stress, pressures and complexities that come with being working parents in today's society.
Heart of Greed 2007
An abalone that has been passed on for generations. A legacy of a hundred million dollars that everybody wants a share. "Heart of Greed" is a story of a renowned sea-products retailer and a big traditional family, in which there are those who manage to endure to the end, those who consider themselves superior to everyone else, those who love and respect their brothers, those who seek every opportunity to fulfill their ambition, those who stay loyal to their beloved, and those who remain grateful for whatever they get. But when hatred is stirred up among the family, the family will inevitably break down...
The Sun Will Never Set 2017
A family consisting of a mother, two sons and three daughters move to a new home just a year after the father's death. The series shows the relationships between them and outside their surroundings, the stories and the situations they face.
You Me Her 2016
An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.
Homestead: The Series 2024
A string of attacks and collapses drives troubled Green Beret Jeff Eriksson to take a job as head of security for a wealthy doomsday prepper, Jason Ross. Ross has built an elaborate permaculture compound for friends and family. As the fabric of America goes to pieces, a few dozen families scramble to "The Homestead" in a last-ditch effort to survive.
Zwarat Khamees 2010
The events of the series revolve in a comic framework about (Moza) and (Thnayan), the heads of a family, which includes 5 children, who together try to constantly reunite the family through the weekly meeting of the grandparents with their children and grandchildren in (Zuwara), shedding light on the problems that afflict family relations, which It can cause disconnection or strife if not handled wisely.
Fingers Of The Time 1982
The events take place in the framework of social drama, about the selfish father (Asaad), who falls into the clutches of another woman, which is called (Farida), and forgets his first wife (Suad) and his children until they are displaced, and then time gathers them again after a period of separation, so that the father will pay the price of his ingrace and the cruelty of his heart for his children.
In the best families 2019
Coen Verbraak talks to his guests about life themes that we all experience.
planter of Evil 1995
(Ibrahim) is a stingy man, who is cruel to his family and his wife (Najat), who suffers with him a lot, and tries to use his father's love for him to prevent his brother from visiting him and obtaining his inheritance, and the events continue.
The Family 1990
Everyone in Hamad’s family has his own affairs: Taiba is a domineering wife who takes on the responsibilities of the house, Salem continues his studies abroad, Bashayer tries to work after graduation in the field of journalism, Nasser plays football without interest in studying, and Tahani wants to marry because she does not want to continue her studies.
Houses of snow 2001
The events of the series revolve around two adjacent families, but between them are many differences that result in many problems between the Boufiyad family and the Bouboud family in a comedy and fictional way.
The Last Decision 1997
The series deals with the intertwined relations between members of a wealthy family consisting of four brothers (Fahd), Dr. (Saud) and Hamad, who are married and their widowed sister (Shaha), and how Fahd took over the family and refused to marry until he met Latifa, who changed a lot in his life.
5 Stars Family 1994
The story revolves around the family of Umm Ahmed Bilalish who lives in one of the old Damascene neighborhoods. When Farhan proposes to marry Samar, her mother reluctantly agrees. The events start taking a comic twist when the family wins the lottery and their social status changes.
Irish Blood 1970
Hot-shot Los Angeles divorce lawyer Fiona Sharpe receives a letter from her estranged father and sets out to uncover the mystery of his disappearance.
To you with greetings 1985
Khaled and Amina are a simple couple, who cooperate together in raising their children, which puts them in a constant challenge all the time, to solve their problems and obstacles that stand in their way, taking responsibility for Abu Khaled, who marries Naima and brings her problems with him.
Days gone by 1998
Bu Nasser has everything from money and a name and he lacks nothing but the presence of a male son who bears his name, and because of the mockery of some of his competitors by trading him because he is "the father of the girls" and does not have a male son, his friends advise him to marry a second so that the boy has a son, so he decides to look for another wife with the help of Bu Duaij Al-Tajer.
The Carters 1970
Unravel a deeply disturbing path told by Angel Conrad, the Nick and Aaron Carter's sister, along with first-time interviews with friends Melissa Joan Hart and Scout Willis. Never-before-seen home movies that detail the brothers' rise to fame and the devastating toll it took on their family also help tell the Carters’ story.