
Mom 2025




Babel 2006


Dvojica Američanov, Richard a Susan, je na zájazde v Maroku. Kvôli Susaninmu zdraviu však musia svoj pobyt narýchlo predĺžiť. Opatrovateľka Amélia sa bojí, že nestihne svadbu príbuzných v Mexiku. Spolu so synovcom sa rozhodne, že tam tajne odíde i s opatrovanými deťmi. V Japonsku rieši mladá hluchonemá dievčina svoje psychické problémy. Tie sú spôsobené jednak sebe- vraždou matky, a súčasne neschopnosťou komunikácie s otcom. Synovia marockého pastiera dostali k vôli stráženiu oviec od otca loveckú pušku. Samozrejme ju chcú vyskúšať. Guľka zaletí ďalej, než mysleli…


Operácia Mekong

Operácia Mekong 2016


5. októbra 2011 dôjde na rieke Mekong k vražde 13 čínskych rybárov, ktorí prevážali 900 000 piluliek metamfetamínu. To odštartuje spoločnú operáciu Číny, Thajska, Barmy a Laosu, ktorej cieľom je objasniť, k čomu toho dňa skutočne došlo, a hlavne dopadnúť drogových dealerov, ktorí za tým stoja.



Down 2001



Beyond Evil

Beyond Evil 2021


As a killing resembling a cold case resurfaces in a small town, the chase for the truth falls on two policemen who each harbor secrets of their own.


Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation

Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation 2017


Born in an affluent family, Sakurako is grown beautiful but rather spirited and speaks roughly. As an osteologist, she reconstructs skeletal remains of animals in her atelier at home when receiving job offers from museums. Deeply inspired by the beauty and majesty of bodies, her eccentricity is remarkable. "Dead bodies speak eloquently." says Sakurako, at the events of examining incidents. She observes bodies and the crime scenes very carefully, and reveals the truth one by one. Kujo Sakurako, the beautiful osteologist, resolves the cases with her expertise hearing the "voice" of bones. How does this extraordinary heroine resolve cases?


A Suffocatingly Lonely Death

A Suffocatingly Lonely Death 2024


The suspense story begins when Jin Saeki, a policeman in Yamanashi Prefecture, arrives at a prominent estate residence in response to a tip, and finds the skeletal remains of 13 children, as well as a mysterious marking. Jūzō Haikawa, the long-missing owner of the estate, immediately becomes the prime suspect. Saeki collaborates with a woman named Kanon Hasumi, who has a connection to Haikawa, and together they search for the truth behind the case. In a parallel story set in Tokyo seven years after the case, a girl with a connection to the mark left on the Haikawa estate runs away from home.



Yips 2024


A detective drama produced by Fuji TV.


Under the Black Moonlight

Under the Black Moonlight 2016


Kang Woo is a talented college student who is studying the fine arts. Strange things begin to happen when his girlfriend, Wol Ha, and a few friends come to visit him at his family's mountain cabin.