Y2K 2024



Transformers: Monštrá sa prebúdzajú

Transformers: Monštrá sa prebúdzajú 2023


Autoboti a Deceptikoni nie sú jediní Transformeri, ktorí sa skrývajú medzi nami. V hlbinách amazonského dažďového pralesa už tisíce rokov potichu prežíva druh Maximalov, ktorí si za svoje pozemské útočisko zvolili zvieraciu ríšu. Nanešťastie sa v našej slnečnej sústave objavila hrozba, ktorá ich vyhnala z ich domoviny v podobe Unicronu, nemilosrdných požieračov všetkého živého. Príbeh nových Transformerov sa odohráva v 90. rokoch minulého storočia v čase, keď Optimus Prime ešte nebol skutočným vodcom, ostrieľaným početnými bitkami na život a na smrť. Aby dokázal po boku Maximalov čeliť existenčnej hrozbe, bude musieť najprv skrotiť svoje ego a rešpektovať vodcu “zvieracích – botov”, Optimusa Primea. Okrem toho sa Transformeri budú musieť vyrovnať s tým, že sa o ich existencii dozvedeli dvaja obyčajní smrteľníci, Noah a Elena. Obaja sú dostatočne šialení na to, aby im pomohli bojovať s oveľa silnejším nepriateľom, hoci na to nemajú predpoklady. Ide predsa o ich planétu.



1992 2022



Synovia extázy

Synovia extázy 2025


Britský finančník a syn mafie bojujú o obchod s extázou v 90. rokoch.


Čierny jastrab zostrelený

Čierny jastrab zostrelený 2001


Dramatický príbeh je výsledkom spolupráce úspešného producenta Jerryho Bruckenheimera a kritikou aj divákmi ceneného režiséra Ridleyho Scotta. Časť elitnej jednotky armády USA je v roku 1993 poslaná do somálskeho Mogadiša, aby sa stala súčasťou mierovej operácie Spojených národov. Úlohou misie je uniesť niekoľko vysokých dôstojníkov somálskeho diktátora. Ide o súčasť strategického plánu na potlačenie občianskej vojny, ktorá zúri po celej krajine. Ale zdanlivo bezpečne naplánovaná misia sa obráti nesprávnym smerom. Rangers aj veteráni musia bok po boku bojovať proti zdrvujúcej presile a utekať za nepriateľskými líniami kým sa záchrannému konvoju nepodarí vyraziť k ich záchrane. V ťažkom boji umierajú priatelia, formujú sa vzťahy, chlapci sa stávajú mužmi a vojaci sa učia ako vyzerá skutočná tvár vojny a hrdinstvo.


Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel 2019


V roku 1989 po havárii experimentálneho lietadla jeho pilotku Carol Danversovú zajali bojovníci militantnej mimozemskej rasy Kree a na planéte Hala z nej vycvičili svojho vlastného vojaka. Vďaka anamnéze si mladá žena nepamätá na svoju vlastnú minulosť ani na udalosti, ktoré prežila pred explóziou. Keď na misii v roku 1995 po útoku nepriateľskej rasy Skrullov stroskotá na planéte Zem, s pomocou agenta Furyho zo S.H.I.E.L.D.-u, dávnych priateľov, ale aj nepriateľského skrullského veliteľa Talosa, začína objavovať pravdu. Zisťuje nielen svoje pravé meno, ale aj pôvod superschopností, ktoré sú v jej tele uväznené a ktoré doteraz nemohla uvoľniť. To všetko sa už čoskoro zmení a z Carol sa stane najmocnejší superhrdina v celom vesmíre, stojaci pri vzniku iniciatívy menom Avengers.


Dvanásť opíc

Dvanásť opíc 1995


V roku 1996 došlo ku katastrofe, kedy zhubné vírusy vyhubili deväťdesiatdeväť percent ľudstva. Tí, ktorí prežili, sa ukryli v podzemí. Samotný príbeh sa začína roku 2035, kedy sa vedci pokúšajú pomocou stroja času preniknúť do minulosti a katastrofe zabrániť. Jedným z dobrovoľníkov je väzeň James Cole, ktorý sa po neveľmi presnej ceste do minulosti ocitne v roku 1990, kde ho zadrží polícia a strčia ho do blázinca.


Krvavý diamant

Krvavý diamant 2006


Bývalý žoldnier, teraz pašerák diamantov (Leonardo DiCaprio) a prostý rybár (Djimon Hounsou) sa ocitnú uprostred ohňa občianskej vojny v Sierra Leone roku 1999. Dvaja muži spoja svoje sily v zúfalej misii znovu získať vzácny ružový diamant nevyčísliteľnej hodnoty a zachrániť rybárovho syna, ktorého rebeli odvliekli a naučili zabíjať. Zábery krutého mučenia a krviprelievania strieda pohľad na prekrásne scenérie i vojnou spustošenú krajinu. Naliehavé a pohnuté dobrodružstvo v réžii Edwarda Zwicka (Glory, Posledný samuraj) tvaruje napínavé ľudské osudy i dychberúcu akciu v modernom epose s hlbokým posolstvom.


X-Men: Dark Phoenix

X-Men: Dark Phoenix 2019


Keď skupina X-Menov vyrazí na celkom rutinnú záchrannú misiu na obežnú dráhu k ohrozenej posádke raketoplánu, zdá sa, že majú všetko pod kontrolou a operácia prebieha bez problémov. Ale zdanie klame. Jean Grey je zasiahnutá neznámou a smrtiacou vesmírnou silou, ktorá ju premení v jedného z najsilnejších mutantov. Jean musí zápasiť nielen so svojou novo nabitou a nestabilnou silou, ale aj so svojimi osobnými démonmi...


Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks 1992


Teresa Banksová bola zavraždená. Špeciálny agent FBI, ktorý zločin vyšetroval, zmizol bez stopy. Agent Cooper sa márne snaží rozmotať prípad, obostretý rúškom záhad a tajomstiev. Jediným výsledkom jeho snaženia je neodbytný pocit, že neznámy vrah zaútočí znova. Uplynie rok. Ocitáme sa v mestečku Twin Peaks. Pod rúškom pokojnej stredostavovskej idyly bujnie sila temnôt a vládne strach. Nevinné tváre niektorých stredoškoláčok skrývajú návyk na kokaín a neusporiadaný sexuálny život. Jednej z nich, Laure, zostáva posledných sedem dní života ...


8. míľa

8. míľa 2002


Biely mladík Jimmy Smith z chudobnej, prevažne černošskej štvrti Detroitu sa pretĺka biednym životom. Pracuje ako obyčajný robotník v továrni, tehotná priateľka sa s ním rozišla a pretože nemá kde bývať, musí sa nasťahovať späť do karavanu, kde býva jeho matka so svojím priateľom, ktorý ho nenávidí. Jeho jedinou radosťou aj vecou, pre ktorú má talent, je rap. Na popud kamoša sa skúsi zúčastniť "battle" pred davom v miestnom rapovom klube. Lenže cesta k rešpektu a snáď aj možnosti obrátiť svoj život je nielen tŕnistá, ale aj neľútostná. Eminem nechcel natočiť vyložene autobiografický príbeh, ale iba do rozprávania zapracovať málo prepojené so svojimi začiatkami pred érou masovej popularity.


Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks 1990


The body of Laura Palmer is washed up on a beach near the small Washington state town of Twin Peaks. FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper is called in to investigate her strange demise only to uncover a web of mystery that ultimately leads him deep into the heart of the surrounding woodland and his very own soul.


Dexter: Original Sin

Dexter: Original Sin 2024


In 1991 Miami, Dexter Morgan transitions from student to avenging serial killer. When his bloodthirsty urges can't be ignored any longer, Dexter must learn to channel his inner darkness. With the guidance of his father, Harry, he adopts a Code designed to help him find and kill people who deserve to be eliminated from society without getting on law enforcements' radar. This is a particular challenge for young Dexter as he begins a forensics internship at the Miami Metro Police Department.


El Señor de los Cielos

El Señor de los Cielos 2013


Set in the 1990s, these are the life and times of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, a man who became the head of the Juárez cartel. Nicknamed “El Señor de los Cielos” (Lord of the Skies) because of the large fleet of airplanes he used to transport drugs, he was also known for washing more than $200 million through Colombia to finance his huge fleet. He is described as the most powerful drug trafficker of his time.


The Drive of Life

The Drive of Life 2007


The Drive of Life is a 2007 grand production drama by TVB and CCTV as a joint production. It was specially filmed to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong back to China from Britain during the period of 1997-2007. The theme of the series revolves around the automobile industry in China. Told in flashback from 1994, the ups and downs and transformations that Hong Kong has been experiencing before and after the transfer of the sovereignty of Hong Kong is used as a narrative device. The series was filmed in Hong Kong, Beijing, Ningbo and Vancouver from early October 2006 until May 2007. The automobiles featured in the series are from Geely Automobile, as a fictional brand name "Hua-Zhe". This film ties with TVB drama "War and Beauty" for the record of having the most "Best Actress" winners, where Jessica Hsuan, Charmaine Sheh, Sheren Tang and Myolie Wu won their respective "Best Actress" awards in 1999, 2006, 2009/2010, and 2011.


Soar High!

Soar High! 2022


Iwakura Mai lives with her parents Kota and Megumi and older brother Haruto. Her father Kota runs a small factory in Higashi Osaka, a district that is known for its craftsmen. Mai is shy and withdrawn. But when she visits her grandmother Shoko who lives on Nagasaki’s Goto Islands which has a rich natural environment, she is entranced by the Baramon kites that catch the wind and soar high in the sky. Wanting to fly high in the sky like these kites, Mai’s longing swells into a dream to become a pilot. Even though she works hard, the path to getting there is tougher than she had imagined. As Mai deepens her ties with the people living in her two hometowns of Higashi Osaka and Goto, her dream eventually takes a new form. She gathers enthusiastic friends to build a small electric plane that can fly to and from the islands. Her dream becomes a wing that carries everyone’s dreams and takes off.


That '70s Show

That '70s Show 1998


Crank up the 8-track and flash back to a time when platform shoes and puka shells were all the rage in this hilarious retro-sitcom. For Eric, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, Donna and Fez, a group of high school teens who spend most of their time hanging out in Eric’s basement, life in the ‘70s isn’t always so groovy. But between trying to figure out the meaning of life, avoiding their parents, and dealing with out-of-control hormones, they’ve learned one thing for sure: they’ll always get by with a little help from their friends.


Verão 90

Verão 90 2019


A romantic comedy revolving around the life of three former child stars that wish to relive their fame after the end of their childhood musical group, Magic Bunch. Now in the fun-filled 90's, fate reunites the trio formed by Manu and the brothers João and Jerônimo. It also brings back the love between the aspiring young actress and João, as well as the rivalry between their disagreeing mothers. At the same time, fueled by his dubious character and jealousy towards the new couple, Jerônimo will do anything to bring back his days of glory, even if it means jeopardizing his own family.


Twenty Five Twenty One

Twenty Five Twenty One 2022


In a time when dreams seem out of reach, a teen fencer pursues big ambitions and meets a hardworking young man who seeks to rebuild his life.


Fresh Off the Boat

Fresh Off the Boat 2015


A '90s-set single-camera comedy about a hip-hop-loving Asian kid growing up in suburban Orlando, being raised by an immigrant father obsessed with all things American and an immigrant mother often bewildered by white culture.


Black Bird

Black Bird 2022


As Jimmy Keene begins a 10-year prison sentence, he gets an incredible offer: If he can elicit a confession from suspected killer Larry Hall, Jimmy will be freed. Completing this mission becomes the challenge of a lifetime.



Waco 2018


The harrowing true story of the 1993 standoff between the FBI, ATF and the Branch Davidians, a spiritual sect led by David Koresh in Waco, TX that resulted in a deadly shootout and fire.


Reply 1997

Reply 1997 2012


As a teen, Shi Won was obsessed with a boy band. Now 33 years old, Shi Won and her friends are reviving their memories as their school reunion nears.


Terminator Zero

Terminator Zero 2024


A warrior from a post-apocalyptic future travels to 1997 to protect an AI scientist being hunted by an unfeeling — and indestructible — cyborg.


In a Good Way

In a Good Way 2013


In the summer of 1995, childhood friends Zheng Ren Wei and Lin Jia En took their college entrance exam. Zheng got into a college in Taipei and was ready to start an exciting life in the big city. Lin, unfortunately, failed the test and was stuck in the countryside. Bored out of her mind, Lin decided to go find Zheng and spend her 4th year of high school in Taipei as well.


NCIS: Origins

NCIS: Origins 2024


In 1991, years prior to the events of NCIS, Leroy Jethro Gibbs starts his career as a newly minted special agent at the fledgling NCIS Camp Pendleton office, where he forges his place on a gritty, ragtag team led by NCIS legend Mike Franks.



ted 2024


It's 1993 and Ted the bear's moment of fame has passed, leaving him living with his best friend, 16-year-old John Bennett, who lives in a working-class Boston home with his parents and cousin. Ted may not be the best influence on John, but when it comes right down to it, he's willing to go out on a limb to help his friend and his family.


Tokyo Vice

Tokyo Vice 2022


A first-hand account of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police beat following Jake Adelstein, an American journalist who embeds himself into the Tokyo Vice police squad to reveal corruption. Based on Jake Adelstein’s non-fiction book of the same name.



Oasis 2023


Set in the turbulent times of South Korea between the ’80s and ’90s, it depicts the fierce life, revenge, and conflict of young people who have to pursue power and wealth by any means in an era filled with wrong social values. Lee Doo Hak is a young man who was born in a small city in Jeolla Province and grew up innocent with a clever brain. However, he fatefully becomes caught in a whirlpool of events and ends up in the middle of conflict. After going through a real estate fraud group, he becomes a “political gangster” and lives his life to avenge his father’s unjust death.


The Octopus

The Octopus 1993


The 1993 Telenorba sit-com written and directed by Gennaro Nunziante. The Show it's a parody, in Apulian dialect sauce, of the Michele Placido starring series "La Piovra" (1984) A bloody feud features two families, the Inpetto and the Sanguellatte. At the origin of it all is a wrong suffered on a Sunday morning many years earlier. Rocco Sanguellatte's mother, intent on preparing the traditional ragout, realized she lacked parsley, essential for seasoning the braciole. She then went to ask for some from across the street, that is, Freddy Inpetto's mother, who, however, apologized, telling her that she had none in the house, dismissing her. Shortly thereafter, Rocco, having met his friend Freddy, noticed something green between his teeth, identifying it precisely as parsley, thus inferring disrespect to his mother and thus beginning the tragedy.



Yellowjackets 2021


This equal parts survival epic, psychological horror story and coming-of-age drama tells the saga of a team of wildly talented high school girls soccer players who become the (un)lucky survivors of a plane crash deep in the remote northern wilderness. The series chronicles their descent from a complicated but thriving team to savage clans, while also tracking the lives they’ve attempted to piece back together nearly 25 years later.