Moja dcéra zmizla

Moja dcéra zmizla 2021


Tesne potom, čo sa matka so svojou dospievajúcou dcérou Sarah presťahujú do malého mesta, sa najhoršia nočná mora každého rodiča stane skutočnosťou. Dcéra bez stopy zmizne. Šerif má Sarah za zlodejku a alkoholičku a do hľadania sa zrovna nehrnie. Zúfalá matka tak musí pátrať na vlastnú päsť.


Vice Principals

Vice Principals 2016


After North Jackson High's long-time principal steps down to tend to his ailing wife, Neal Gamby and Lee Russell, the school's vice principals, are forced to put their mutual disdain aside and form an unholy alliance in order to sabotage the newly appointed principal, Dr. Belinda Brown.


Boston Public

Boston Public 2000


Principal Steven Harper runs Winslow High School as best as he can while dealing with the demands of the faculty, the students and their parents.