Kľúčové slovo Comfort Women
귀향 2016
허스토리 2018
Breaking the Silence 2020
낮은 목소리 2 1997
沈黙-立ち上がる慰安婦 2017
눈길 2015
The Apology 2016
마지막 위안부 2015
The Women Outside 1996
二十二 2017
소리굽쇠 2014
김복동 2019
낮은 목소리 3 - 숨결 2000
보드랍게 2022
그리고 싶은 것 2013
標的 2021
戦場の女たち 1990
Eyes of Dawn 1991
During the Japanese control of Korea during WWII and before, they used Korea women as prostitutes for their Military Officers and Korean men as grunt soldiers to fight in the trenches during the war with the USA.