Portrét ženy v plameňoch

Portrét ženy v plameňoch 2019


Bretónsko, rok 1760. Talentovaná maliarka Marianne dostane zadanie odísť do panského domu na izolovanom ostrove a namaľovať tam svadobný portrét Héloise – mladej ženy z bohatej rodiny, ktorá na prianie svojej matky práve opustila kláštor, aby sa vydala do Milána. Héloise dohovorenému manželstvu vzdoruje tým, že odmieta maľbu portrétu. Marianne preto hrá rolu najatej spoločníčky a maľuje svoj objekt po večeroch spamäti. Medzi oboma ženami postupne rastie vzájomná príťažlivosť umocnení blížiacim sa koncom slobody.



EFC 2024



Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema

Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema 2018


As told through clips from 183 female directors, this epic history of the cinema focuses on women’s integral role in the development of film art. Using almost a thousand film extracts from thirteen decades and five continents, Mark Cousins asks how films are made, shot and edited; how stories are shaped and how movies depict life, love, politics, humour and death, all through the compelling lens of some of the world’s greatest filmmakers – all of them women.


Varda by Agnès

Varda by Agnès 2019


An unpredictable documentary from a fascinating storyteller, Agnès Varda’s last film sheds light on her experience as a director, bringing a personal insight to what she calls “cine-writing,” traveling from Rue Daguerre in Paris to Los Angeles and Beijing.