Ex Machina

Ex Machina 2015


Caleb mal neuveriteľné šťastie. Vo firemnej súťaži vyhral hlavnú cenu, týždenný pobyt na horskej chate svojho zamestnávateľa, geniálneho vedca Nathana. Vo chvíli, keď uprostred pustatiny vyskočí z vrtuľníka, ktorý ho sem dopravil, dôjde mu, že na tento týždeň len tak nezabudne. Lenže ani najbujnejšia fantázia by ho nedokázala pripraviť na to, čo ho čaká v supermodernej stavbe pripomínajúcej protiatómový bunker. Prvotný ostych zaženie Nathanov priateľský prístup. Potom sa však zoznámi s Avou, priateľským dievčaťom s krásnou tvárou. Káble prechádzajúce jej priehľadným telom prezrádzajú, že v skutočnosti je unikátnym robotom. Caleb sa stane súčasťou technologického experimentu. Jeho úlohou je komunikovať s Avou, ktorú Nathan pozoruje, zaznamenáva a testuje tak možnosti umelej inteligencie.



Simulant 2023


Faye sa pokúša nahradiť svojho nedávno zosnulého manžela Evana simulakrum androidom (SIM). Hoci SIM Evan vyzerá vo všetkých ohľadoch ako človek Evan, Faye k nemu necíti rovnakú lásku ako on k nej. SIM Evan sa snaží získať Faye späť, zatiaľ čo je na úteku pred vládnym agentom, ktorý loví SIM, ktorí sa stali "vnímavými" a mohli by byť potenciálnou hrozbou pre ľudstvo.



Archív 2020


V roku 2038 sa odborník na robotiku vyrába kópiu svojej zosnulej manželky aj s jej spomienkami. Prototypy, ktoré vytvoril ako prvé, ale začínajú čoraz viac žiarliť.


Miluj svojho robota

Miluj svojho robota 2021


Alma je vedkyňa v slávnom Pergamonskom múzeu v Berlíne. Aby na svoju prácu získala finačné prostriedky, súhlasí, že sa zúčastní mimoriadneho experimentu. Počas troch týždňov musí žiť s humanoidným robotom, ktorého umelá inteligencia je navrhnutá tak, aby sa prispôsobil jej charakteru a potrebám a stal sa tak dokonalým životným partnerom. Alma sa spoznáva s Tomom – strojom v ľudskej podobe – vytvoreným len preto, aby bola šťastná. Komicko-tragický príbeh o otázkach lásky a túžby, a o tom, čo robí človeka človekom.



Eva 2011


Geniálny kybernetik Alex sa po desiatich rokoch vracia pracovať do rodnej Santa Ireny, kde sa stretáva s rodinou svojho brata. Medzi bratovou okúzlujúcou dcérou Evou a Alexom začína vznikať zvláštne puto. Miestna univerzita dala Alexovi za úlohu vytvoriť detského robota, ktorého vzorom sa stala práve Eva.



Nova 2022




Amo 2016




Juna 2018




Chobits 2002


Tokyo is abuzz with persocoms – humanoid computers that are virtually perfect. The socially and technologically inept Hideki is dying to get his hands on one. When he finds Chii abandoned in the trash, she’s cuter than any current model he’s ever seen before. But when he gets her home and turns her on, she has no data and only a single learning program installed. While Hideki puts his whole heart into teaching Chii the ins and outs of humanity, a mystery unfolds as a dark secret within her awakens.



Mahoromatic 2001


Mahoromatic is a sci-fi romantic comedy manga and anime series which contains elements of the literary genre of tragic dramas. It is about a female android former soldier, Mahoro. Driven by guilt from her actions during her combat days, she decides to dedicate the rest of her life to serving the son of her late commander as a maid.


Plastic Memories

Plastic Memories 2015


After failing his college entrance exams, 18 year-old Tsukasa Mizugaki is offered a position at the renowned SAI Corporation, known for its production and management of Giftia, androids that possess human emotions. Tsukasa’s position is in the terminal service department where the main job is to recover Giftias that are close to their expiration, a graveyard department in every sense. To make matters worse, Tsukasa is ordered to work with Isla, a female Giftia who is never given any responsibility other than serving tea to co-workers.


Saber Marionette J

Saber Marionette J 1996


300 years ago, the interstellar colonization transport, The Mesopotamia, had an accident, setting mankind down on the surface of Terra II. The only survivors were six males. Due to a twist of events, the hard-working Otaru visits the run-down Pioneer Museum, where, remembering his childhood, he sees the painting of a woman, titled: "In the memory of the human female." Suddenly a trap door opens under him, dropping him into a room with a hibernation capsule containing a beautiful female android, a so-called Marionette. Also see: Saber Marionette R


My Wife Has No Emotion

My Wife Has No Emotion 2024


Takuma isn’t the most exciting guy. He’s awkward, single, and does nothing but go to work and come home. Tired of doing chores, he decides to buy a housekeeping robot named Mina. She can cook and clean perfectly, and the two get to know each other better over time. Soon, Takuma starts to fall for Mina! But could a robot ever love him back?


I Am...

I Am... 2017


It is a web drama that depicts the process in which the Android robot ‘Annie’ feels the importance of family, friendship with friends, and feelings of love.


Saber Marionette J to X

Saber Marionette J to X 1998


Taking place mere months after the Saber Marionette J OVA series, this newest installment in the Saber Marionette line follows the continuing adventures of Otaru and his clan of selfless, obsessive marionette girls. This time, the evil Faust is back, and again toying with Marionette technology that was never meant to be explored. The Saber Dolls are back, and torn between their newfound love for Otaru and their undying loyalty to Faust; Will Otaru, Lime, Cherry and Bloodberry be able to stop Faust again, or are they all headed for the scrap heap?