Piráti Karibiku: V neznámych vodách

Piráti Karibiku: V neznámych vodách 2011


Keď Jackovi skríži cestu Angelica, tajomná žena z jeho minulosti, nemôže si byť ničím istý. Stále ho miluje, alebo ho len využíva pri hľadaní legendárnej Fontány mladosti? Situácia sa však ešte zhorší, keď je donútený nastúpiť na palubu lode Queen Anne’s Revenge, ktorej velí obávaný pirát Edward Teach, prezývaný „Blackbeard“. Jack nevie, koho sa má obávať viac, či Blackbearda, alebo záhadnej Angeliky a vydáva sa s nimi za nečakaným dobrodružstvom.


Láska nebeská

Láska nebeská 2003


Príbeh, ktorý sa skladá z veľkého množstva nádherných milostných historiek – niekedy romantických, niekedy smutných, niekedy bláznivých. Ale žiadnej nechýba osobitý humor. Všade spôsobuje láska úplný chaos. Novozvolený premiér, ktorý nevie dať najavo to, čo cíti voči svojej novej asistentke Natalie. Jeho strašia sestra Karen zase pomaly prichádza na to, že jej manžel Harry flirtuje s pracovníčkou jeho kancelárie Miou...Jamie je zase spisovateľ, ktorý opustí svoju partnerku po tom, čo ju pristihol pri nevere a odcestuje do Francúzska, kde chce napísať román, ale začne si tam s portugalsky hovoriacou slúžkou Aureliou. A to je len začiatok...


Johnny English sa vracia

Johnny English sa vracia 2011


Po poslednej "nehode" sa Johnny English dobrovoľne uchýlil do tibetského kláštora, kde hľadá okrem vnútorného pokoja aj esprit pravého bojovníka. Až tu si ho nájdu materské tajné služby, ktoré sa práve rútia do veľkého problému. Na oficiálnu návštevu Veľkej Británie sa chystá čínsky premiér, pre ktorého to má byť podľa zaručených informácií posledná cesta v jeho živote, ak nepočítame cestu na cintorín. A pretože sa šéfka MI17 nemôže na nikoho spoľahnúť, lebo sa to v jej revíri len tak hemží dvojitými agentmi, ktorí sú do plánovaného atentátu zapojení, staví všetko na jednu kartu, na Johnnyho Englisha.


Ali G Indahouse

Ali G Indahouse 2002


Obklopený svojimi vernými sa ALI G so svojou priateľkou Juliou náhle stáva najväčším zo všetkých hrdinov - nepremožiteľným, nenásytným a samozrejme neodolateľným pre všetky dievčatá! ALI G - kontroverzný a podarený filmový hit číslo 1 s originálnou superstar britskej komédie zo Staines! Tak, ako ste ho nikdy predtým nevideli.


Strana osem

Strana osem 2011


V špionážnej dráme zasadenej do Londýna a Cambridge vystupuje Johnny Worricker, dlhoročný agent v službách MI5. Po smrti jeho šéfa a priateľa v jednej osobe Benecta Barona je objavená záhadná zložka ohrozujúca stabilitu celej organizácie. Zdanlivo náhodné zoznamovanie so susedkou, politickou aktivistkou Nany Perpanovou, ide podozrivo dobre. Johnny je najskôr donútený odísť z práce. Neskôr sa pre pravdu vzdá aj vlastnej identity.


Železná lady

Železná lady 2011


Životopisný film o najvýznamnejšej političke 20. storočia. Margaret Thatcherovej, neobyčajne všestrannej žene, ktorá dokázala, že vysoká politika nie je len a len výsadou mužov. Ako vôbec prvá žena sa stala premiérkou Spojeného kráľovstva Veľkej Británie a Se-verného Írska. Svojím nekompromisným prístupom k politickému, ale i osobnému životu, získala prezývku Železná lady. Film ukazuje Margaretino jedenásťročné pôsobenie v pozícii predsedkyne britskej vlády, jej neústupnosť a rozhodnosť, ale i to, akú cenu zaplatila za politický vplyv a moc.



Božský 2008


„Božský“ je ironická prezývka Giulia Andreottiho (1919 – 2013), talianskeho kresťanskodemokratického politika, ktorý opakovane zastával funkciu premiéra, bol ministrom zahraničných vecí a doživotným senátorom. Sorrentino sa naňho pozerá s nadhľadom i veľkou mierou fascinácie: „Sú ľudia, ktorí prepadnú banku s pištoľou a krikom, a sú takí, ktorí tie peniaze ukradnú ticho, šikovne a nikto ich neodhalí. Je to otázka inej inteligencie a Andreotti bol ten druhý prípad.“


The Whirlwind

The Whirlwind 2024


A whirlwind power clash between the prime minister and deputy prime minister unravels the day the president suffers an assassination attempt.


The Last Minister

The Last Minister 2020


When an active loser is appointed the Minister of Planning, no one can imagine what this will lead to. It turns out that the new minis- ter really wants to change people’s lives for the better and for this, together with the team, is actively promoting his own initiatives. True, these initiatives are not always reasonable, and the result is extremely unpredictable.


The Heiress

The Heiress 2020


A story that follows Han Yuanniang, the eldest daughter of a minister who disguises herself as a man in order to pretend to be her twin brother. She encounters the prince thus igniting an unexpected romance.


In the Nick of Time

In the Nick of Time 2005


Five people, strangers to each other, are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They witness a murder and from then on an endless tangle of adventures begins for them. Dalia, Zoumboulia, Spyros, Fotis, Angela... unite in a group, draw strength from each other and aim to deliver justice in an old and dark case... Through dangers and upheavals they will manage to reach in the truth of the case but also their own, personal truth.


Yes, Prime Minister

Yes, Prime Minister 1986


James Hacker MP the Government's bumbling minister for Administrative Affairs is propelled along the corridors of power to the very pinnacle of politics - No. 10. Could this have possibly have been managed by his trusted Permanent Private Secretary, the formidably political Sir Humphrey Appleby who must move to the “Top Job” in Downing Street to support him, together with his much put upon PPS Bernard Wolley. What could possibly go wrong?


The Final Cut

The Final Cut 1995


Urquhart aims to secure his legacy on the international stage, but faces threats both from abroad and closer to home.


The True Believers

The True Believers 1988


The True Believers is a 1988 Australian mini series which looks at the history of the Australian Labor Party from the end of World War Two up to the Australian Labor Party split of 1955. It was co-written by Bob Ellis who focused on three characters "Chifley, the unlettered man of great dignity; Menzies, who used to stand for something but eventually stood only for Menzies; and Evatt, the grand idealist... It's almost like Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1. It's a chunk of national history during Australia's great era of change after the war."


Modi: Journey of a Common Man

Modi: Journey of a Common Man 2019


The story of PM Narendra Modi's life, following Modi from his childhood to becoming a hermit, his days during the Emergency period, his subsequent rise in politics, and becoming the Prime Minister.



Duplessis 1978


Duplessis was a historical television series in Quebec, Canada, that aired in 1978. It tells the story of Maurice Duplessis, the controversial premier of Quebec from 1936 to 1939 and 1944 to 1959. It is one of the most famous mini-series in Quebec television history. The series was written by Oscar-winning film director Denys Arcand, and based in large part on Conrad Black's popular biography. The series contains 7 episodes, each one containing a different historic moment in Duplessis's life and path into power. Duplessis is portrayed by Jean Lapointe. It is distributed by Radio-Canada and is available on DVD.


The Ex-PM

The Ex-PM 2015


As our third longest serving Prime Minister, Andrew Dugdale mattered. He dined with presidents and kings, hosted world summits and changed the lives of millions of his fellow Australians. But now he's retired; a not-so-elder statesman with time on his hands to ponder the question - was it all worth it? Not that he's asking of course. No, his inquisitive and over enthusiastic ghostwriter Ellen has an unhelpfully insatiable appetite for the truth.


The Killing Season

The Killing Season 2015


A comprehensive cast of the main players provides an enthralling account of one of the most turbulent periods of Australian political history. For the first time, Kevin Rudd gives his full account of the period and relives in vivid detail the events of losing the Prime Ministership. Julia Gillard is forthright with her recollections and analysis and doesn't spare her colleagues.


Pierre Elliott Trudeau: Memoirs

Pierre Elliott Trudeau: Memoirs 1970


Pierre Elliott Trudeau was one of the most striking, well-spoken and controversial leaders in Canadian history. He brought with him an almost rock-star aura of popularity to office in the 1960s, marking what was known as "Trudeaumania" in Canada during one of the country's most exciting and important times. Yet Trudeau's eccentricities were regularly mistaken for arrogance and he was often considered a traitor, particularly by those who wanted to see Quebec separated from the rest of Canada. With the province rocked by terrorist bombings and the nation disturbed by civil unrest, Trudeau was determined to "put the country in its place." Through hours of archival footage and interviews with Trudeau himself, Memoirs details the story of a man who used intelligence and charisma to bring together a country that was very nearly torn apart.