Kľúčové slovo Korea
Mandžuský kandidát 1962
Pri nepodarenej vojenskej operácií v Perskom zálive veliaci dôstojník Ben Marco upadne do bezvedomia a seržant Raymond Shaw zachráni nielen jeho, ale aj celú ich jednotku. Marca prenasledujú zvláštne sny po tom, čo sa v skutočnosti stalo. Je možné, že by celá vojenská jednotka bola unesená a mozgy mužov naprogramované tak, aby uverili, že Shaw je vojenský hrdina? Zdá sa, že Biely dom je v ohrození a jediný kto môže zachrániť situáciu je Marco...
M*A*S*H 1970
Kapitán dr. Benjamin Fraklin Pierce, prezývaný Hawkeye, je s kapitánom dr. Augustom Bedfordom Forrestom, prezývaným Duke, prevelený do mobilnej armádnej chirurgickej nemocnice MASH 4077. Nemajú vôbec vojenskú morálku, neuznávajú armádu a radi si robia srandu. Opilstvo nie je u nich nič neznáme a sestry si u nich nemôže byť isté. Ani ich veliaci plukovník dr. Hendry Braymore Blake, ani úradník jednotky desiatnik Walter Eugen O'Reilly, prezývaný Radar, si s nimi nevedia rady. Pridá sa k nim ešte Pierceho kamarát dr. John Francis Xavier McIntyere, prezývaný Trapper. A ešte pohnevať vrchnú sestru majora Margaret O'Hulihanovú, obľúbenú to Štabajznu, Hrma a poručíka Dishovú a tiež kňaza jednotky Johna Francisa Patrika Mulcahyho.
밀정 2016
인랑 2018
코리아 2012
Laut Tengah 2024
한반도 2006
Propaganda 2013
여행자의 필요 2024
인형 2014
A Hill in Korea 1956
二百三高地 1980
사랑은 100℃ 2010
Homes Apart: Korea 1991
La princesse rouge 2022
불꽃 1975
아마 늦은 여름이었을거야 2020
Dream of the Emperor 2012
Kim Chunchu is the grandson of King Jinji, but when his grandfather is overthrown, Chunchu is denied the chance to become a successor to the throne of Silla. He later meets Kim Yushin, and the two men begin a friendship. Chunchu later becomes King Muyeol, the 29th Korean monarch who leads the unification of three ancient kingdoms - Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla, while Kim Yushin becomes one of the greatest generals in Korean history.
Seoul 1945 2006
Seoul 1945 is a 2006 South Korean television series starring Ryu Soo-young, Han Eun-jeong, So Yoo-jin, Kim Ho-jin, and Park Sang-myun. It aired on KBS1 from January 7 to September 10, 2006 on Saturdays and Sundays at 21:30 for 71 episodes. Set around 1945 right after Korea's liberation from Japanese colonial rule when the nation was engulfed by ideological turmoil, the story revolves around the rivalry between Suk-kyoung, a renowned pianist and daughter of a rich pro-Japanese politician, and Hae-kyung, a headstrong servant; both women love Woon-hyuk, whose ambition to become a lawyer gets thwarted due to his political ideology.
Iron Girls 2024
There is no giving up on these four beautiful actresses. They never met each other yet gathered for one goal: participating in the triathlon, a sport that requires swimming, cycling, and marathon without stopping. They have four months to prepare for a sports event that requires extreme physical strength and strong endurance, but they are new to intense workouts and training. Watch the challenge and passion of the Iron Girls now!
Hometown Flex 2020
Cha Tae-hyun and Lee Seung-gi visit and travel around other celebrities’ hometown. In each episode, the two take a local tour guide by a star who was born and raised in the area. From reminiscing memories of the old days in the town to experiencing local culture, and eating out at local must-eat places, this show is full of special courses that have never been introduced before.
Seoul Searching 2015
Wild Korea 2019
In 2018, the eyes of the world turn to Pyeongchang, South Korea, for the Winter Olympics. For thousands of years Korea was known for its staggering natural beauty. Now it is better known for its decades of conflict. But beyond the battle scars and the fortifications there is a land of stunning natural beauty and remarkable wildlife. Lush wetlands and mudflats; soaring mountains and turbulent seas; habitats where the beautiful goshawk, the bottleneck dolphin and the curious raccoon dog thrive alongside Korea’s traditional people as they have for many thousands of years.