
Rio 2011


Vzácny papagáj Blu žije v malom meste so svojou paničkou Lindou, s ktorou tvorí nerozlučnú dvojicu. Nikdy sa nenaučil lietať, no vie uvariť kávu alebo spraviť raňajky. Keď jedného dňa Blu zistí, že ani zďaleka nie je posledným papagájom svojho druhu, neváha a spolu s Lindou sa vydá na cestu do exotickej Brazílie za papagájicou Perlou, ktorá žije v samotnom srdci mesta Rio de Janeiro. Krátko po tom, ako sa stretnú, ich unesie skupinka obchodníkov so zvieratami. Dokáže Blu s pomocou nových priateľov nájsť odvahu, aby sa naučil lietať, zmaril plány únoscom, ktorí sú im stále v pätách a vrátil sa späť ku svojej milovanej paničke Linde?


Vitajte v džungli

Vitajte v džungli 2003


V drsnej a neľútostnej mestskej džungli menom Los Angeles žije Beck (The Rock) - muž, ochotný použiť akékoľvek prostriedky na to, aby získal vec, pre ktorú ho jeho klient poslal. Či už ide o oneskorenú platbu alebo vzácny prsteň, Beck nerobí rozdiely a podľa svojho hesla "nech už to máme za sebou", sa s pomocou fyzickej sily snaží práci čo najskôr dokončiť. Beck nikdy nevyhľadáva ťažkosti a len veľmi nerád ich robí ostatným. Nanešťastie je riešenie ťažkostí práve to, prečo si ho ľudia najímajú a Becka čaká posledný veľký problém, ktorý musí vyriešiť, aby mohol svoj doterajší štýl života konečne hodiť za hlavu. A rovnako ako amazonská džungľa, do ktorej ho vyslali, aj jeho posledná úlohu veľmi spletitá.


Chilli, sex a samba

Chilli, sex a samba 2000


Talentovaná a krásna Isabella preslávi reštauráciu svojho manžela Toninha Oliveiru svojím mimoriadnym kuchárskym umením. Isabella však trpí extrémnou formou kinetózy - morskej nemoci - keď prudšie zmeny pozície tela jej spôsobujú nevoľnosť, mdloby a zvracanie. Svoje pohyby musí mať ustavične pod kontrolou dokonca aj pri sexe, čo Toninho nevie pochopiť, a tak je jej neverný. Isabella ho preto opustí a presťahuje sa do USA, do San Francisca, kde sa čoskoro preslávi sa ako moderátorka gurmánskej show. Až potom Toninho pochopí, že bola tou pravou ženou jeho života. Rozhodne sa ju získať späť a vyberie sa za ňou. Nie je však neskoro?


Muž z Ria

Muž z Ria 1964


Francúzsky dobrodružný príbeh Muž z Ria je iste jeden z filmových predkov Indiana Jonesa. Rozpráva totiž o neuveriteľných dobrodružstvách mladého Francúza, prenasledujúceho cez celý svet únoscov svojej snúbenice, to všetko kvôli bájnemu pokladu zmiznutej civilizácie Maltekov. Vojak základnej služby Adrien Dufourquet prichádza na týždennú dovolenku do Paríža za svojou snúbenicou Agnes Villermosovou. Tá je však unesená tajomnými mužmi, ktorí pátrajú po troch soškách, jediných pamiatkach na stratenú civilizáciu a súčasne kľúčom k bájnemu pokladu. Adrien je muž činu a preto sa okamžite vydá únoscov prenasledovať. Jeho cesta vedia z Paríža do Rio de Janeiro, ďalej do hlavného mesta Brasília, do hlbín brazílskych pralesov a nakoniec späť do Paríža. To všetko v príbehu, kde jedna udalosť strieda druhú, scenérie sa menia zázračnou rýchlosťou a hrdina sa neustále ocitá v ohrození života, z ktorého sa mu darí uniknúť vždy na poslednú chvíľu, a to preto, aby sa vzápätí ocitol v ďalšom ohrození.


Turma da Mônica

Turma da Mônica 1976


Monica, the leader of the crew and 'ruler of the street,' is a little girl with a strong personality, not one to overlook any insult. She absolutely loves her stuffed bunny, Samson, and takes him with her everywhere. Jimmy Five, one of her best friends, is a smart kid, but he's always provoking her. Maggy is Monica's best friend and a super cute girl, who is always eating watermelons. To complete the show's main quartet, enter Smudge, a skillful boy who is terrified of water.


Michiko & Hatchin

Michiko & Hatchin 2008


Hana is a nine-year-old girl who lives in constant fear of her abusive family; Michiko is a sexy woman who has just done the unthinkable: broken out of the impenetrable Diamandra Penitentiary. After Hana is whisked away by Michiko, who claims to be her mother, the duo sets forth on a high octane ride towards freedom. In the streets of Brazil and aboard Michiko's motorcycle, Hana and Michiko will look for Hana's long lost father, try to learn to co-exist and get along together, and stay one step ahead of the police and afro-clad Atsuko.


HK2NY: Hong Kong to New York - Backpacking Documentary Series

HK2NY: Hong Kong to New York - Backpacking Documentary Series 2014


Ever wanted to quit your job and go travelling round the world? Well James and Karl did and filmed it all. The backpacking documentary follows James and Karl as they travel through 20 countries in 4 continents over 9 months, covering a distance of over 42,000 miles. ​


Nobody's Looking

Nobody's Looking 2019


A new guardian "angelus" uncovers a secret behind the Angelus System's bureaucracy that leads him to break its official rules about protecting humans.


Airport Brazil: Restricted Areas

Airport Brazil: Restricted Areas 2017


A behind-the-scenes look inside the complex operation of South America's largest and busiest airport, São Paulo/Guarulhos International Airport, through a series of day-to-day cases seen from the airport’s staff perspective.


Taina and the Amazon's Guardians

Taina and the Amazon's Guardians 2018


A brave, young adventurer explores the Amazon forest with her animal friends to protect its amazing wildlife and wonders.


Reality Z

Reality Z 2020


A zombie apocalypse that imprisons participants and producers of a reality show called Olimpo, The House of the Gods. The studio becomes a shelter for those who seek salvation in Rio de Janeiro where chaos and hopelessness begin to rule.


The Park Maniac: The Untold Story

The Park Maniac: The Untold Story 2024


Francisco de Assis Pereira's crimes are revisited from the perspective of the victims, new reports from investigators and unpublished audio recordings from one of Brazil's most infamous serial killers, known as the Park Maniac.


Teenage Kiss: The Future Is Dead

Teenage Kiss: The Future Is Dead 2023


In a dystopian Brazil where the Amazonian Forest was turned into an industrial park, a secret society of teenagers with special powers seeks to protect themselves from the adults and to fully before being struck by a dull, gray fate.


Haru and Natsu

Haru and Natsu 2005


As Haru emigrates from Japan with her family to the coffee plantations in Brazil, Natsu is left behind in the care of spiteful relatives. Losing all contact, each must make her own way in an unforgiving world. Hardships abound in the struggle to survive in war-torn Japan and in the face of anti-Japanese sentiment in Brazil, financial ruin, familial pressure, abandonment and lost love. However they also experience the precious joy of survival and success. Now, after 70 years, Haru comes back to Japan to find her estranged sister.


Lei da Selva: A História do Jogo do Bicho

Lei da Selva: A História do Jogo do Bicho 2022


The story of how the lottery invented to finance a zoo was incorporated by Rio de Janeiro's popular culture and, in the hands of organized gangsters, transformed itself into an immense crime empire.


Brazil with Michael Palin

Brazil with Michael Palin 2012


Brazil with Michael Palin is a travel documentary series by Michael Palin consisting of four episodes. Palin, had never been to Brazil which, in the 21st century, has become a global player with a booming economy bringing massive social changes to this once-sleeping giant which, as the fifth largest country, is as big as some continents.


Rio Connection

Rio Connection 2023


In 1970s Brazil, a Corsican gangster, a Sicilian Capo and a master forger join forces to revolutionize the Mafia in South America. As American and Italian law enforcement close in, the trio must navigate dangerous alliances, shady deals and their own dark pasts to establish their criminal empire.


Grag Hearts Drag

Grag Hearts Drag 2023


Grag Hearts Drag is a celebration of all things Brazilian drag! Grag Queen's new series has her joining the stars of Drag Race Brasil as they explore their home towns all around Brasil.


Kissing Game

Kissing Game 2020


At a high school in a rural, isolated ranching community, families panic when teens contract a mysterious "kissing disease" that quickly spreads.


Lugar de Mulher

Lugar de Mulher 2019


Four comedians from Brazil joke about sexuality, politics, religion and motherhood - and show that the woman's place is wherever she wants to be.


Don't Tell Anyone

Don't Tell Anyone 2023


The story behind the crime that occurred in the summer of 2016 in Pioz, a small town in La Alcarria, where the lifeless bodies of a Brazilian couple and their two children were found.