Kľúčové slovo Rural Setting
버닝 2018
Minari 2021
劇場版 夏目友人帳 ~うつせみに結ぶ~ 2018
Čuník 2022
Zmrznutá kosť 2010
Sedemnásťročná Ree Dolly zúfalo hľadá svojho otca, ktorý zmizol, keď založil rodinný dom na kauciu. Ak ho nenájde, spolu s chorou matkou a mladšími súrodencami budú musieť odísť. Film sa odohráva v odľahlých lesoch Ozark Mountains, kde striedmo žijú nepoddajní ľudia. Ree pri hľadaní otca nezískava od svojich susedov takmer žiadnu podporu, naráža na nepriechodný múr mlčania. Snímka silne evokuje vizuálne obrazy tradičnej americkej sociálnej fotografie 30. rokov minulého storočia. Obrazy, ktoré dokumentujú biedu života oveľa viac, ako si je možné predstaviť...
Biela stuha 2009
Tajomná história ožíva v rozprávaní bývalého dedinského učiteľa, ktorý bol priamym svedkom zvláštnych udalostí, ktoré sa odohrali niekoľko mesiacov pred vypuknutím prvej svetovej vojny na jednej severonemeckej dedine. Všetko sa začalo jedného letného dňa. Jediný doktor v krajine bol zranený pri páde z koňa. Nasledoval barónov syn, ktorého našli zbitého pred dverami zámku. Čudné a zdanlivo neopodstatnené násilné činy narastajú a s nimi aj napätie na dedine, kde si ľudia pomaly prestávajú veriť. Prísna výchova a pevná spoločenská hierarchia sa začínajú otriasať v základoch a na povrch vychádzajú tutlané konflikty medzi chudobnými a bohatými, zneužívanými slúžkami a ich pánmi, či deťmi a prísnymi rodičmi. Až keď už je neskoro, začne byť dedinčanom jasné, že násilie sa rodí priamo v ich strede...
Spell 2020
Biker Boyz 2003
My First Summer 2020
Rams 2020
The Price We Pay 2023
The Egg and I 1947
Fair Haven 2017
Sight 2024
劇場版 のんのんびより ばけーしょん 2018
Rosewood 1997
坂道のアポロン 2018
Cider and Sunsets 2022
冬冬的假期 1984
Poldark 2015
Britain is in the grip of a chilling recession... falling wages, rising prices, civil unrest - only the bankers are smiling. It's 1783 and Ross Poldark returns from the American War of Independence to his beloved Cornwall to find his world in ruins: his father dead, the family mine long since closed, his house wrecked and his sweetheart pledged to marry his cousin. But Ross finds that hope and love can be found when you are least expecting it in the wild but beautiful Cornish landscape.
She and Her Girls 2024
Zhang Guimei, a middle school teacher in China's western mountains, was determined to help girls escape the cycle of poverty after seeing many drop out due to financial struggles. She founded a free high school for girls, providing them with the opportunity for education and a better future. Despite ongoing challenges, her efforts continue to bring hope to girls from the mountains.
Sowers of Hope 2024
In 2002, newly graduated An Yan was assigned to teach at Heping Middle School in Changzhi County. Initially struggling with the rural school's environment, she eventually embraced the value of rural education and became a respected teacher. Throughout her journey, she worked to implement key programs and improve the educational environment for local children.
Three Meals a Day: Doctors 2021
A small celebrity cast goes to live in a countryside house and make their own meals, often farming or fishing for their own ingredients.
Spare Me Your Mercy 2024
The death rate of terminally ill patients has mysteriously increased, leaving an indelible mark of doubt in Police Captain Wasan’s mind when his mother who just passed away from this world could be one of that number. He finds a way to get close to Dr. Kan, who cares for his mother in her final stage, to find out the truth. But, the more Wasan deepen the mystery of this incident, the more Dr. Kan comes to play a role in his heart.
A Taste Called Qingxi 2024
Food blogger Lin Xiaoxi visits Qingxi Village and unexpectedly meets Lu Yichen, a tech-savvy farmer with no cooking skills. Together, they revive the Qingxi Inn, sparking a delightful romance.
This Thriving Land 1970
On her wedding day, Ning Xiuxiu, the daughter of Tianqiang Temple Village's richest man, is kidnapped by bandits. Her father refuses to pay the ransom, marrying her sister to her childhood sweetheart instead. In defiance, Xiuxiu cuts ties with her family and marries farmer Feng Dajiao, learning the value of land and community. Inspired by revolutionary ideals, she empowers village women to challenge feudal beliefs and leads efforts against banditry and the Japanese invasion.