Kľúčové slovo Egg
Ono 2022
Dvanásťročná gymnazistka Tinja sa zúfalo snaží zapáčiť svojej matke posadnutej rodinnými obrázkami, ktorej populárny blog "Krása všedných dní" predstavuje idylickú existenciu jej rodiny ako stelesnenie dokonalosti života na predmestí. Jedného dňa nájde Tinja v lese zraneného vtáčika, prinesie jeho zvláštne vajíčko domov, uloží ho do svojej postele a stará sa oň, kým sa nevyliahne. Tvor, ktorý sa vyliahne, sa stane jej najbližším priateľom a živou nočnou morou a uvrhne Tinju, žijúcu pod dokonalou škrupinou, do zvrátenej reality, ktorú jej matka odmieta vidieť. Ono je fascinujúcim portrétom povahy materinského inštinktu, keď sa Tinja snaží vyrovnať so svojou naozajstnou citovou náklonnosťou ku svojej novej grotesknej a krvilačnej rodine a zároveň je konfrontovaná so svojím rozpadajúcim sa vzťahom s vlastnou náročnou matkou.
Golden Eggs 1941
Swooner Crooner 1944
Booby Hatched 1944
Baby Bottleneck 1946
EGGspression 2023
The Lost Chick 1935
An Egg Scramble 1950
Mother Was a Rooster 1962
The Egg Collector 1940
Egged On 1926
Odd er et egg 2016
Invader 1996
ΑΒΓΟ 2024
Jurassic Tale 2022
Gudetama 2014
Gudetama, an egg that is dead to the world and completely lacks motivation. No matter what cooking method you use, Gudetama remains unmoved. Gudetama series is broadcast in a morning news section on TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings) called “あさチャン!” from Saturday to Monday. Each episode only lasts for approximately one minute and up to 2017 it had nearly 1000 episodes. There are special stories about festivals.
Shugo Chara! 2007
Shugo Chara! centers on elementary school girl Amu Hinamori, whose popular exterior, referred to as "cool and spicy" by her classmates, contrasts with her introverted personality. When Amu wishes for the courage to be reborn as her would-be self, she is surprised to find three colorful eggs the next morning, which hatch into three Guardian Characters: Ran, Miki, and Su.
Green Eggs and Ham 2019
Guy-Am-I, an inventor, and his friend Sam-I-Am go on a cross-country trip that would test the limits of their friendship. As they learn to try new things, they find out what adventure brings.
Gudetama: An Eggcellent Adventure 2022
Gudetama, the lazy egg, reluctantly embarks on an adventure of a lifetime with Shakipiyo, a newly hatched chick, who is determined to find their mother.