Kľúčové slovo Korean
Okja 2017
Minulé životy 2023
Čo by bolo keby? V kórejčine existuje slovo In-Yun, ktoré znamená ,,spojení osudom‘‘. Keď sa dvaja ľudia stretnú, znamená to, že ich osudy boli prepletené aj v ďalších životoch. Citlivá moderná romanca rozpráva príbeh spisovateľky Nory, a jej dvoch lások – tej detskej – Hae-Sunga, a tej dospelej – Arthura, odohrávajúci sa naprieč kontinentmi a desaťročiami. Noru a Hae-Sunga delia desaťtisíce kilometrov, spája ich však výnimočne hlboké puto. Po viac než dvoch dekádach odlúčenia sa stretávajú v New Yorku, kde Nora žije so svojim americkým manželom Arthurom. Nečakané stretnutie s osudovým mužom núti Noru pýtať sa zásadnú otázku – Čo by bolo, keby? Dojemnosť filmu nespočíva ani tak v stratenej láske, ako v aspektoch potenciálnych paralelných životov.
Minari 2021
Umma 2022
Blue Bayou 2021
제8일의 밤 2021
V jednej ruke ruženec a v druhej ostrá sekera. Tento mních naháňa tisíce rokov starého ducha, ktorý ovláda ľudí a rozpútal na Zemi úplné peklo.
Aj slnko je hviezda 2019
Natasha je dievča, ktorá neverí na osud ani na sny a spolieha sa iba na vedu a fakty. Až do magického okamihu, kedy osud zasiahne a ona uprostred horúceho dňa na rušnej newyorskej ulici narazí na Daniela, nevyliečiteľného romantika. Medzi dvoma úplne neznámymi mladými ľuďmi okamžite preskočí iskra, ale hviezdy im nie sú veľmi naklonené. Natashi a jej rodine totiž zostáva dvanásť hodín do núteného odchodu z USA. Daniel to však nevzdáva, lebo už pri prvom pohľade na ňu mu bolo jasné, že osud im dvom nachystal niečo naozaj zvláštne a výnimočné. Teraz mu zostáva jediné, presvedčiť o tom aj Natashu...
Columbus 2017
Twinsters 2015
소울메이트 2023
Riceboy Sleeps 2023
Spa Night 2016
속닥속닥 2018
Ms. Purple 2019
방황의 날들 2007
Free Chol Soo Lee 2022
Vacío 2020
4: 클린 아일랜드 2023
XO, Kitty 2023
Teen matchmaker Kitty Song Covey thinks she knows everything there is to know about love. But when she moves halfway across the world to reunite with her long-distance boyfriend, she'll soon realize that relationships are a lot more complicated when it's your own heart on the line.
Pachinko 2022
Follow the hopes and dreams of four generations of a Korean immigrant family beginning with a forbidden love and crescendos into a sweeping saga that journeys between Korea, Japan and America to tell the unforgettable story of war and peace, love and loss, triumph and reckoning.
Tale of the Nine Tailed 2020
A TV producer discovers a secret supernatural world as she becomes entangled with a former deity who's spent centuries searching for his lost lover.
Extracurricular 2020
Determined to escape a dead-end life, a gifted high school student turns to a world of serious crime to ensure he can pay for college.
Partner Track 2022
At an elite NYC law firm, Ingrid Yun fights to make partner — and hold onto her principles — while balancing romance, friends and family expectations.
Where Your Eyes Linger 2020
High school students Han Tae-joo and Kang-gook have always been together for 15 years. Although they are friends, Gook is actually a bodyguard for Tae-joo, the heir of a chaebol family. But before they know it, they feel different kinds of feelings for each other. What does Gook mean to Tae-joo, and what does Tae-joo mean to Gook?
Knowing Foreign Language High School 2025
Welcome to the prestigious international high school, Knowing Foreign Language High School, with students from the US, Japan, and South Africa. Caution, there are Koreans too! Knowing Bros spinoff with foreigners!
Durian's Affair 2023
Two women from a noble family in Joseon Dynasty get to time-travel and meet some men living in 2023. An eclipse happens when the two women mysteriously show up at the grand party in the Dan family's vacation home. The two women's appearance leads the Dans into a strange yet beautiful story transcending time and space. Du Ri-an and So-jeo are pure and elegant women from Joseon, and they're mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Their story develops as they get to meet Baek Do-yi and rich men from the Dans. How will this unique time-traveling story unfold?
Boys Planet 2023
BOYS PLANET presents the potential of the boys from all around the world. Korean and global K-Pop fans, who discover the charm and potential of the boys from all around the globe and give them cheer and support to let them shine.
Hangeul Heroes A.I.YA 2021
Two children summon the brave protectors of Hangeul to find the right letters of the Korean alphabet to input into their magic vending machine.