Pýcha a predsudok

Pýcha a predsudok 2005


Klasický príbeh lásky a nenávisti hovorí o osudoch piatich krásnych sestier Bennetových, ktoré ich matka vedie pevnou rukou k životnému názoru, podľa ktorého je žena šťastná len vtedy, keď sa bohato vydá. Jediná Elizabeth sa tomuto modelu zatiaľ úspečne vzpiera, plne podporovaná detinským otcom. Keď sa v blízkom zámočku zabýva slobodný a hlavne bohatý pán Bingley, všetci Bennetovci, na čele s matkou zavetria šancu na výhodný sobáš. Najstaršia dcéra Jane, citlivé a krásne dievča pánovi Bingleymu okamžite podľahne. Mladšia Elizabeth sa pozdáva jeho priateľovi pánovi Darcymu, ktorý však vyzerá ako veľký snob a naviac mu podľa všetkého prsty v kríze, ktorá neskôr naruší vzťah Jane a pána Bingleyho. Je možné jedného človeka rovnako vášnivo nenávidieť a milovať?


Malé ženy

Malé ženy 2019


Jo, Meg, Amy a Beth sú štyri dospievajúce sestry, ktoré snáď ani nemôžu byť viac odlišné. Ich otec bojuje vo vojne, preto žijú len s matkou a napriek tomu, že ich život je ťažký, tieto „malé ženy“ nestrácajú nádej ani chuť žiť najlepšie, ako vedia, no hlavne – po svojom. V dojímavej i veselej novinke sa v hlavných úlohách predstavia Emma Watson, Saoirse Ronan a Timothée Chalamet.


Hana a jej sestry

Hana a jej sestry 1986


V Hane a jej sestrách sa Allen znovu venoval svojim obľúbeným témam, ako sú zvádzanie, nedostatok lásky, láska k mestu, film ako balzam, či strach zo smrti – tu témam, ktorými sa zaoberal napríklad už aj v Annie Hallovej a Manhattane. Od uvedenia Annie Hallovej tak dosiahol najväčší okamžitý úspech – ako komerčný, tak aj v umeleckých kruhoch. Sám Woody, ktorý sa pri práci na svojich projektoch všetkým vonkajším zásahom vyhýba, nevychádzal z údivu, keď zistil, že sa tentoraz trafil do čierneho u kritikov aj u divákov: „Keď človek urobí úspešný film, začne sa pýtať sám seba, v čom som sa zmýlil? Musel som urobiť niečo, čo je buď pohodlné, alebo potvrdzuje predsudky strednej vrstvy alebo je príliš povrchné či prehnane citlivé.“


Trpká pomsta

Trpká pomsta 2018


Keď sa Melinda zoznámila so študentom techniky Robertom, bola skeptická voči jeho smelým plánom a zdržanlivá voči jeho očarujúcej povahe, ale nemohla poprieť, ako ju priťahuje. Keď sa do seba zamilovali, Melinda pretvárala seba aj svoj život tak, ako to od nej vyžadoval. Robila všetko, čo chcel. Obetovala sa preňho, tvrdo pracovala, aby finančne podporila jeho veľkolepé plány, a znášala ho v dobrom aj v zlom. Jedného dňa si uvedomila, že po tom všetkom, čo preňho urobila, žne štedré odmeny iná žena. Vtedy Melinda stratila nervy a rozhodla sa mu krvavo pomstiť. A pomstu nedokáže pustiť z hlavy ani dnes...


Krásky od kráv

Krásky od kráv 2006


Rozmazané bohaté sestry Taylor a Courtney Callumové majú skvelý život. Ich otec Reed vlastní úspešné mliekarstvo, vďaka ktorému majú peniaze na svoje márnotratné chúťky. Keď sa raz Dokážu sa zmeniť z rozmaznaných boháčok na normálne pracovité dievčatá? Rozmazané bohaté sestry Taylor a Courtney majú skvelý život. Ich otec Reed vlastní úspešné mliekarstvo, vďaka ktorému majú peniaze na svoje márnotratné chúťky. Keď sa raz "postarajú" o nehodu v kuchyni, ich otca prejde trpezlivosť a pošle ich na letnú brigádu do mliekarne. Dúfa, že pochopia hodnotu ťažko zarobených peňazí. Jedného dňa však nastanú problémy a dievčatá sa musia rozhodnúť - vzdať sa sebeckého a márnotratného spôsobu života a zachrániť otcov podnik, alebo kašlať na všetko a nechať mliekareň zbankrotovať?


Neviditeľný život Eurídice Gusmao

Neviditeľný život Eurídice Gusmao 2019


Rio de Janeiro, 50. roky 20. storočia. Osemnásťročná Eurídice a dvadsaťročná Guida sú sestry, ktoré žijú so svojimi konzervatívnymi rodičmi. Zázračný klavirista Eurídice sníva o štúdiu na prestížnom viedenskom konzervatóriu. Guida sa však do Európy dostáva ako prvá, pretože ta utečie s gréckym námorníkom. Do Ria sa vracia tehotná a opustená, o čom však Eurídice nevie, pretože ich rozdeľujú lži ich otca. Roky plynú a kedysi nerozlučné sestry si razia cestu životom v presvedčení, že tá druhá si plní svoj sen na druhom konci sveta.



Arcane 2021


Amid the stark discord of twin cities Piltover and Zaun, two sisters fight on rival sides of a war between magic technologies and clashing convictions.


Mariana & Scarlett

Mariana & Scarlett 2010


"Mariana & Scarlett" centers on two sisters with dreams of fashion success. Their close bond is tested when they fall for the same man, Roberto. Set in the glamorous fashion world, the telenovela explores the complexity of sisterhood, love, and ambition, leading to a dramatic love triangle filled with betrayal.



Pendant 2005


Manda and Indy are a loving pair of sisters. Their mother died while giving birth to Indy. Since then, Manda and Indy lived alone with their father. One day, on his way home, their father died due to an accident. After their father's death, Manda and Indy decided to find their grandfather only with a photo in their hand. Before they left, Manda gave Indy a heart-shaped pendant bearing the name of his mother, Rianty. Meanwhile, Manda wore a pendant bearing the name of their father, Indra. But on the way they got separated. Years went by, suddenly Manda met someone who claimed to be Indy.


The Two Sisters

The Two Sisters 2024


A tragic story about young sisters who part ways after their parent's divorce but reunite once again as mother and daughter-in-law in the whirlwind of fate, ending up in catastrophe after desire and conflict.


Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice 1995


Set in England in the early 19th century, Pride and Prejudice tells the story of Mr and Mrs Bennet's five unmarried daughters after the rich and eligible Mr Bingley and his status-conscious friend, Mr Darcy, have moved into their neighbourhood. While Bingley takes an immediate liking to the eldest Bennet daughter, Jane, Darcy has difficulty adapting to local society and repeatedly clashes with the second-eldest Bennet daughter, Elizabeth.


Hello Beautiful Life

Hello Beautiful Life 2023


The Sun sisters are two siblings with vastly different personalities and life paths. One of them, Sun Xin, is a brave and independent woman who values freedom and isn't afraid to fight for what she believes in. She is also known for her beauty and generosity. Sun Xin's career is flourishing, as she works in the internet industry and has a bright future ahead. On the other hand, Sun Xiang is a sweet and affectionate woman who loves to socialize and laugh. Despite her innocent and kind nature, she is also exploring her own strengths as a food blogger. Her life may seem plain, but it is full of flavorful experiences and happiness, despite the struggles she may face. Both sisters are hardworking and determined to achieve their dreams, contributing to a society that is full of vitality and prosperity.


Stand By Me

Stand By Me 2021


Set in the late Tang Dynasty during Emperor Wenzong's reign, powerful eunuchs control the court. An attempted coup to overthrow the influential eunuch Qiu Ziliang fails, leading Qiu to order the massacre of Prime Minister Wang Yang’s family. Two granddaughters escape, but they are separated. Seven years later, the new emperor, Qi Yan, establishes the Purple Clothes Bureau to confront his godfather, Qiu Ziliang. Now grown, the sisters return under new identities: Qiu Yanzhi as Qiu Ziliang’s adopted daughter and Chen Ruoyun as Qi Yan’s sword-bearer. Although on opposing sides, both seek to dismantle Qiu Ziliang’s power and restore balance to the Tang Dynasty.


The Road to Calvary

The Road to Calvary 2017


Swept up in political unrest during World War I, two sisters in St. Petersburg cope with turbulent romances as Russian history is made around them.


Little Women

Little Women 2022


Three sisters, who only have each other and never enough money, get entangled in a conspiracy involving the rich and powerful.


Nelly & Nora

Nelly & Nora 2015


The adventures of two young Irish sisters who spend their holidays and weekends with their parents at the family’s mobile home in a caravan park by the sea.


Delicious Romance

Delicious Romance 2021


Delicious Romance follows three urban beauties whose lives reflect to varying degrees the intimacy between contemporary men and women. Among them, Liu Jing is a perfectionist food blogger who is extremely picky when it comes to finding a partner. Divorced anchor Fang Xin is troubled by love despite her outstanding looks. Xia Meng is a corporate powerhouse whose success has made her boyfriend feel insecure. These women who have experienced hardships in business, oppression in the workplace and setbacks in their relationships come to have a new understanding towards life.


Johnny Test

Johnny Test 2021


How much trouble could one imaginative boy, his faithful dog and two science-loving sisters possibly get into? Hmm, that sounds like a challenge!


Love in a Cage

Love in a Cage 2023


Soiinthanin is a beautiful, smart, well-educated girl, who is the daughter of Saengfah, who owns the "Yupharet" house. But because her mother is only a mistress, and she is an illegitimate child, she spends her life in their house being oppressed and not experiencing the same privileges her half-sister Soifah gets. The miserable and painful life of her mother is not lost on her as she too finds herself facing the same fate when she falls for Soifah's fiance Phas, a man who has to marry her half-sister in order to maintain his noble family's honour.


The Better Sister

The Better Sister 1970


Chloe moves through the world with her handsome lawyer husband Adam and teenage son Ethan by her side while her estranged sister Nicky struggles to stay clean and hustles to make ends meet. When Adam is brutally murdered, the prime suspect sends shockwaves through the family, laying bare long-buried secrets.


Anita: Director's Cut

Anita: Director's Cut 2022


"Anita" chronicles the life of the iconic Hong Kong singer Anita Mui, whose dazzling career can be traced back to childhood. No less captivating than her stage presence is her unwavering devotion to family, friends, loved ones and for the greater good of the community. Her vivid life has made for a unique legacy in musical history and earned her the undeniable title of "Daughter of Hong Kong."


Is This Love?

Is This Love? 2007


Ariel and Ivana are step sisters, nevertheless they care for each other. One day, they have to separate as Ariel lives in Semarang while Ivana studies in Jakarta. Months after her boyfriend Alan went to Singapore, Ariel decided to go for him and have a quick transit in Jakarta. She met Niko at the airport and a misunderstanding gave each other's bad first impressions. Little did she know that he is Ivana's boyfriend.


Jessica & Krystal - US Road Trip

Jessica & Krystal - US Road Trip 2021


A reality documentary entertainment show in which two sisters, Jessica and Krystal, full of charm and personality, cross the American continent!


Al Malqufa

Al Malqufa 1992


The idea of the series revolves around two sisters, Hilala, who has a sharp temper and a strong and domineering personality, and Nashmiah, the younger sister, who has feelings of love and respect for her sister, which prompts her to be submissive to her. Who proposes a sermon Nashmeh.


Charli vs Dixie

Charli vs Dixie 2021


The D'Amelio sisters will go head-to-head in epic challenges that test their bravery, athleticism, and ingenuity while their squad of famous friends judge from the sidelines.