Karate Tiger I. - Neustúpiť, nevzdať sa

Karate Tiger I. - Neustúpiť, nevzdať sa 1986


Jason Stillwell, syn majiteľa karate školy, je veľkým fanúšikom Bruce Leeho, sám však veľmi dobre bojovať nevie. Všetko sa zmení, keď sa mu jednej noci zjaví duch Bruce Leeho a začne ho trénovať. Jason sa naučí ubrániť nielen seba, ale aj svojich nových priateľov zo Seattlu a svojho otca, za ktorého školu vo finále bojuje proti smrteľne nebezpečnému ruskému bojovníkovi Ivanovi (Jean-Claude van Damme).


Chasing Glory: Road to Paris 2024

Chasing Glory: Road to Paris 2024 2024


Chasing Glory is an intimate, dramatic, and revealing seven-part documentary series that follows six athletes as they prepare to compete in the biggest sporting event on the planet. Karsten Warholm, Janja Garnbret, B-Boy Menno, Vahine Fierro, Dina-Asher-Smith, and Peter Sagan. From World Record holders and global superstars to aspiring young medal prospects and cultural icons, each athlete is at a different point in their career and representing an eclectic diaspora of sports as the Games continues to modernise and embrace change. From first chances to last chances and against-all-odds comebacks, everything is on the line. The countdown to Paris for their biggest championship ever, starts here.