Kľúčové slovo Meat Industry
Potraviny, a.s. 2008
Presvedčivý depresívny pohľad na velkopodnikanie vo výrobe potravín nielen popisuje ich nechutnú cestu z polí a stajní k spotrebiteľovi, ale zároveň skúma ekonomický reťazec, v ktorom následky zdanlivo lacného jedla, kedy hamburger stojí menej než brokolica, nesie celý zdravotný a sociálny systém.
What the Health 2017
Dominion 2018
Eating Animals 2018
The End of Meat 2017
American Meat 2013
Carne 2008
잡식가족의 딜레마 2015
Beyond Impossible 2022
Ressources 2021
Eläinoikeusjuttu 2022
Blood Free 2024
After diving down a rabbit hole of tangled leads, a former bodyguard finds himself recruited to protect the CEO of a controversial lab-grown meat company who is also a survivor of the fateful attack that changed his life.
Rotten 2018
This docuseries travels deep into the heart of the food supply chain to reveal unsavory truths and expose hidden forces that shape what we eat.