Hugo a jeho veľký objav

Hugo a jeho veľký objav 2011


Svetoznámy knižný román napísaný Brianom Selznickom sa dočkal svojej filmovej podoby. Dej sa odohráva na rušnom vlakovom nádraží vo Francúzsku, kde prebýva malý zlodejíček Hugo Cabreta, skrytý pred ostatnými ľuďmi, a predovšetkým pred komisármi. Raz však Huga nachytá pri lúpeži tajomný predavač a vezme mu denník. A časom sa ukáže, že to nie je len tak obyčajný predavač.


Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger

Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger 2002


When a tragedy befalls their fellow students on graduation day, three pupils of the Hayate Way's Ninja Academy must take on the Jakanja — a clan of evil space warriors. But they can't do it alone. Can they find the help they need? And can the young warriors act swiftly enough to defeat the Jakanja before they destroy the known universe?


Prima Doll

Prima Doll 2022


Just a few years prior, automata served as weapons in the great war. Now that the war has ended, these machines with human hearts search for their place in an unfamiliar, peaceful world — and their search begins at the Kuronekotei café.