96 hodín: Zúčtovanie

96 hodín: Zúčtovanie 2014


Bývalý člen elitných jednotiek Bryan Mills sa proti svojej vôli ocitá znovu v akcii. Bryanov sen, užívať si pokojný život, sa nenávratne rozplýva. Jeho manželka Lenore je nájdená brutálne zavraždená. Z jej smrti je podozrivý práve Bryan. Podarí sa mu uniknúť zatknutiu a stáva sa lovnou zverou všetkých policajných jednotiek v USA. Po jeho stope sa neúnavne vydáva detektív Frank Dotzler. Svojou vytrvalosťou donúti Bryana opäť použiť jeho "zvláštny súbor zručností." V nemilosrdnom súboji musí Bryan dokázať svoju nevinu a vypátrať skutočného vraha. V ohrození sa ocitá to jediné, čo mu v živote zostalo - dcéra Kim.



MaXXXine 2024


Ako každé iné dievča v Hollywoode, aj Maxine sa túži stať hereckou hviezdou. Je uznávaná a oceňovaná, ale bohužiaľ len medzi fanúšikmi porna. To však Maxine nestačí. Nesporná dávka talentu a ostré lakte jej pomôžu získať hlavnú úlohu v horore ambicióznej režisérky Elizabeth Bender. Maxine je pripravená chytiť sa tejto príležitosti oboma rukami a už ju nikdy nepustiť. V tom istom čase sa v nočnom Los Angeles pohybuje nepolapiteľný sériový vrah prezývaný „Night Stalker“. Jeho posledné tri obete patrili do okruhu Maxininých priateľov. Vyvedie ju to z miery, alebo sa naďalej stopercentne sústredí na svoju úlohu, ako to vyžaduje jej náročná režisérka? Je vôbec možné sústrediť sa na nakrúcanie hororu, keď skutočná hrôza je všade okolo?


Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes 2009


Ukáže sa, že Holmesové bojové schopnosti sú rovnako tak smrtiace ako jeho povestný intelekt. Oboje bude potrebné pri odhaľovaní smrteľného sprisahania, ktoré by mohlo zničiť celú krajinu.


Vražda v Paríži

Vražda v Paríži 2023


Z Nicka a Audrey Spitzových sú súkromné očká na plný úväzok. Po ich priateľovi sa zľahne zem a oni sa pripletú k medzinárodnému pátraniu po jeho únoscovi.


Scooby-Doo a Lochnesská príšera

Scooby-Doo a Lochnesská príšera 2004


Scooby-Doo a partia Záhad s.r.o. cestuje do Škótska na prázdniny a neočakávane sa ocitne tvárou v tvár najväčšej záhade všetkých čias s Lochnesskou príšerou! Naozaj existuje? Početné dôkazy naznačujú, že áno! Dokáže Scooby a jeho partia vyriešiť jednu z najväčších záhad histórie?


Scooby-Doo: Kniha upírov

Scooby-Doo: Kniha upírov 2012


Partia "Záhady s ručením obmedzeným" vám tentokrát zatancuje aj zaspieva! Gang je značne unavený neustálym lovom monštier, a tak sa vydajú na dovolenku, kde, ako dúfajú, nebudú žiadne strašidelné veci a ani mystériá. Ich cieľom je dedinka Little Bat, kde sa koná upírsky festival. Velma má radosť, pretože sa tam stretne aj s autorom kníh o upíroch. Ukáže sa, že spisovateľ je najstarším žijúcim príbuzným Van Helsinga a nie je na tom finančne práve najlepšie. Prevedie gang po svojom upírskom múzeu, kde je okrem iného rakva najstaršieho 'žijúceho' upíra Valdronya, zabezpečená desaťcentimetrovým sklom. Neskôr sa gang ide pozrieť na vystúpenie skupiny hercov, ktorí sú presvedčení o tom, že sú skutoční upíri a podľa toho aj žijú. Lenže omylom svojim tajomným spevom prebudia zo spánku Valdronya...


Jesse Stone: Rodinné tajomstvo

Jesse Stone: Rodinné tajomstvo 2006


Po rozvode prišiel Jesse Stone o prácu na losangeleskom oddelení vrážd kvôli problémom s alkoholom. Rozhodne sa opustiť svoj starý život a uchádza sa o miesto šerifa v prímorskom mestečku Paradise v štáte Massachusetts, kde sú ľudia priateľskí a život plynie pomaly a pokojne. Napriek problémom s alkoholom sú jeho výsledky také pôsobivé, že prácu získa. Alebo mestská rada na čele s bankárom Hastingsom Hathawayom potrebuje opilca, ktorý nie je dôsledný? Čoskoro sa totiž ukáže, že aj raj na povrchu má temné tajomstvá.


Scooby-Doo a piráti

Scooby-Doo a piráti 2006


Strachopud Scooby-Doo a jeho priatelia sa vyberú výletnou loďou na plavbu do legendami opradeného Bermudského trojuholníka – a na ich veľkú smolu sa ich spočiatku príjemne oddychová plavba zakrátko zmení na ďalšie mysteriózne dobrodružstvo! Na lodi sa totiž zjavia duchovia dávno mŕtvych pirátov, ktorí pátrajú po zdanlivo bezcennom poklade, ku ktorému má kľúč ktosi na palube – niekto z posádky či množstva hostí! A tak Scooby a jeho partia musia čo najskôr odhaliť všetko o tajomnom poklade a legende, ktorá sa k nemu viaže – inak budú musieť prejsť po neslávne známej lávke smrti a stanú sa potravou pre morské ryby!


The Acolyte

The Acolyte 2024


A hundred years before the rise of the Empire, the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic have prospered for centuries without war. During this time, an investigation into a shocking crime spree pits a Jedi Master against a dangerous warrior from his past.


Kindaichi Case Files

Kindaichi Case Files 1997


High schooler Hajime Kindaichi is a brilliant detective beneath his slacker habits. With his old friend Miyuki, he solves cases the police can't.


Embrace in the Dark Night

Embrace in the Dark Night 2024


On a trip abroad, Wen Xi is dragged into an underground fight club run by loan shark kingpin Mr. Jia. She ends up as the prize for the night’s champion, a mysterious young man named Xu Zheqing. Impressed by Xu’s deadly skills, Mr. Jia forces him to work for him, unaware that Xu is actually a private security consultant on a mission to save Wen Xi. Together, they face countless dangers and manage a daring escape. Three years later, tragedy strikes again when Wen Xi's twin sister, Wen Hao, suddenly dies. Determined to uncover the truth, Wen Xi assumes her sister’s identity at G.E. Company, only to cross paths with Xu Zheqing once more. Now on opposite sides, can their rekindled feelings help them overcome the shadows and find their way back to each other...?


What's New, Scooby-Doo?

What's New, Scooby-Doo? 2002


Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang are launched into the 21st century, with new mysteries to solve.


When the Camellia Blooms

When the Camellia Blooms 2019


Dong-baek is a single mother. When a potential new love enters her life, she finds ways to defy the social stigmas surrounding her.


The Atypical Family

The Atypical Family 2024


Once blessed with unique superpowers, a family loses their abilities due to modern day problems — until a mysterious woman changes everything.


Pamilya Sagrado

Pamilya Sagrado 2024


The members of the Sagrado family live to prove they are the most powerful and influential, stopping at nothing to bury dirty secrets to keep their name faultless and sacred.


Alert: Missing Persons Unit

Alert: Missing Persons Unit 2023


When police officer Nikki Batista’s son goes missing, she joins the Philadelphia Police Department's Missing Person’s Unit (MPU) to help other people find their loved ones, even as she searches for her own. Six years later, her world is turned upside-down when her ex-husband, Jason Grant, a former police officer, shows up with a proof-of-life photo of their missing boy. Or is it?


Hello, My Twenties!

Hello, My Twenties! 2016


With different personalities, life goals and taste in men, five female college students become housemates in a shared residence called Belle Epoque.



Dateline 1992


Dateline NBC, or simply Dateline, is a weekly American television newsmagazine series. It was previously the network's flagship newsmagazine, but now focuses mainly on true crime stories with only occasional editions that focus on other topics.


The Thaw

The Thaw 2022


Set in Szczecin, Poland, the series begins after the body of a young woman is discovered under the melting ice. It asks ‘Who was she? Why did she die? Who did she leave behind?


Love's Rebellion

Love's Rebellion 2024


Nan Yan, a skilled doctor who is forced to embark on a journey in the world of immortals to save her mother. Through a series of coincidences, she forms a mystical connection called the "Spiritual Connection Seal" with the enigmatic Emperor Ji Yang, who conceals his true identity. Nan Yan is practical and down-to-earth, while Ji Yang is aloof and mysterious, embodying the essence of a true immortal. Initially, the two dislike each other, but as they investigate Nan Yan's mother's illness, they become entangled in a conspiracy within the world of immortals.



Jumanji 1996


Judy and Peter Shepherd are two kids that found a board game called "Jumanji". With each turn, the two of them are given a "game clue" and then sucked into a dangerous jungle until they solve their clue. There they meet Alan Parrish, who was trapped in the Jumanji jungle because he had never seen his clue.


Harlan Coben's Shelter

Harlan Coben's Shelter 2023


Follow the story of Mickey Bolitar after the death of his father leads him to start a new life in suburban New Jersey. When another new student disappears, Mickey finds himself tangled in a web of secrets. With the help of two new friends, Spoon and Ema, they reveal a dark underground that may hold the answers to decades of disappearances.


The New Scooby-Doo Movies

The New Scooby-Doo Movies 1972


Aside from doubling the length of each episode, The New Scooby-Doo Movies differed from its predecessor in the addition of a rotating special guest star slot; each episode featured real-life celebrities or well known fictional characters joining the Mystery, Inc. gang in solving the mystery of the week. Some episodes, in particular the episodes guest-starring the characters from The Addams Family, Batman, and Jeannie, deviated from the established Scooby-Doo format of presenting criminals masquerading as supernatural beings by introducing real ghosts, witches, monsters, and other such characters into the plots.


Raven of the Inner Palace

Raven of the Inner Palace 2022


What is the true identity of the solitary Raven Consort? The Raven Consort is a special consort living deep in the inner palace who, despite her title, does not perform nighttime duties for the emperor. Some who have seen her say she has the appearance of an old woman, while others describe her as a young girl. The Raven Consort's name is Shouxue. She has the ability to use mysterious arts and will accept any favor asked of her, whether it is to find something lost or to curse someone to death. The current emperor, Gaojun, visits her one night to ask a favor. Their meeting exposes a secret that will turn history on its head...



Framed 2024


Starring Mimi Lana, a disillusioned journalist stumbles across an old polaroid camera showing pictures of tragic events from the future. Teaming up with a group of vigilantes, she embarks on missions to rescue innocent lives. But soon, the pictures begin to reveal secrets of a larger conspiracy – one that is closely tied to the death of her mother 10 years ago.


Home Before Dark

Home Before Dark 2020


Young investigative journalist Hilde Lisko moves with her family to the small town her father left behind, only to unearth shocking secrets in her pursuit of the truth.


The Invisibles

The Invisibles 2023


Kan Yiu-yeung, Ku Ka-keung, Kiu Po-po and Kiu Tai-nam were once CTRU’s Formidable Quartet. An incorrect decision in an operation caused the breakup of their friendship. And the quartet went their separate ways. Fast-forward to the present and an indiscriminate homicide again brings the quartet together. But there are still certain unresolved issues between themselves. POTT is Counter Terrorism Intelligence Cadre’s other elite task force. Team leader Fong Kwok-hei admires Po-po and asks her to become her subordinate. Team member To Siu-jie fancies her partner Yiu-yeung and finds out Po-po is Yiu-yeung’s ex-lover, so she “starts a war”. Successive explosions happen in the city. While investigating, Po-po asks prisoner-cum-hard criminal Dr. Hong’s for help, and the process is surprisingly easy. Actually, Dr. Hong has some trick up his sleeve.


The Traitors

The Traitors 2023


The Traitors - Murder at the Castle: A ruthless game of trust, fear, strategy, mental warfare, and total deception. The groundbreaking crime-reality’s nerve-wracking plot is co-written by life and the participants themselves, and like in any good crime story, the big and final truth will only be revealed on the last pages! 22 celebrities head to a Tudor-style castle to take part in a nerve-wracking challenge: they must survive a "series of murders" to win a grand prize of up to 20 million forints. The "murderers" are hiding among the players—they are the Traitors, who mercilessly kill their Innocent companions under the cover of night. The Innocents’ task is to expose the Traitors and, if they fall under suspicion, convince their companions of their own innocence.