Kľúčové slovo Environmental
Tajný agent 1997
Agent FBI Jack Taggart stráca svojho najbližšieho priateľa Franka Elkinsa a prichádza do mesta Kentucky, aby pátral po príčinách jeho záhadnej smrti. Frank totiž ešte pred smrťou zistil, že do miestnych vôd sa vypúšťa z neďalekých skládok toxický odpad. V meste sa stretáva s nepriateľským prístupom miestnych ľudí, ktorí sú skorumpovaní bývalým rodákom Orinom Hannerom Sr., ktorý si kupuje ich mlčanie peniazmi a ktorý pravidelne odváža toxický odpad do neďalekých baní. Za pomoci pôvabnej Sarah Kelloggovej sa vydáva na miesto toxickej skládky, kde dôjde k tragickým udalostiam.
Prophecy 1979
The Game Changers 2019
バースデー・ワンダーランド 2019
Salt and Fire 2016
Re/cycle 2019
జనతా గ్యారేజ్ 2016
Surviving Progress 2011
看見台灣 2013
Visions of Europe 2004
Phillips 2025
Varmints 2008
Tropical Rainforest 1992
A Dangerous Game 2014
Go Further 2003
Bright Green Lies 2021
Future Boy Conan 1978
After the great disaster of 2008, a war that destroyed the planet, the world is now largely ocean with the continents having sunk. Conan lives on a remote island with his grandpa and nature, never having seen another human being. But one day a mysterious girl, Lana, washes up on his beach. The two become quick friends, but she’s soon kidnapped and taken to Industria, a technological remainder from the world before. Conan leaves his island in pursuit, braving new lands and many hardships with new friends and enemies just beyond the horizon.
Blast of Tempest 2012
The Kusaribe family is a family of sorcerers under the protection of the ‘Tree of Origins.’ Their princess, Hakaze Kusaribe, was the greatest sorceress of their family. But Samon Kusaribe, a member of their family seeking to resurrect the ‘Tree of World's End,’ a tree that opposes the ‘Tree of Origins’ and controls the power of destruction, stuffs her into a barrel, and banishes her to a deserted island.
Nature 1982
Consistently stunning documentaries transport viewers to far-flung locations ranging from the torrid African plains to the chilly splendours of icy Antarctica. The show's primary focus is on animals and ecosystems around the world. A comic book based on the show, meant to be used an as educational tool for kids, was briefly distributed to museums and schools at no cost in the mid-2000s.
Eleventh Hour 2008
Dr. Jacob Hood is a brilliant biophysicist and special science advisor to the government who investigates scientific crises and oddities. His crusade is to protect the substance of science against those who would abuse and misuse scientific discoveries for their own gain.
Ling Cage: Incarnation 2019
In the near future, human inhabitants would have been crowded and congested. It was an urgency to stride out to the universe and find a new home. When everything was under progress in an orderly way, dramatic geological transformations erupted over the courses of decades. Human beings were raped by this disaster and hardly left anything. Until the nature gradually restored calm, people struggled to their feet from ruins and abysses, stepping again onto this familiar but strange earth. But for us people, dominating everything has been rooted into our blood. Are we still masters of this new world?
Boonie Bears 2012
Starring two bears, Briar and Bramble, who continuously try to stop Logger Vick from cutting down trees in their forest. Vick constantly tries to carry out his job as a woodcutter, only to be hilariously outwitted by the bears.
Earth From Above 2006
Earth From Above is a documentary series dedicated to the major challenges faced by our planet, bringing the viewer beautiful High Definition images of the Earth. Each episodes talks about one particular environmental challenge.
Cidades e Soluções 2006
MIRU: Paths to My Future 2025
Born in a distant future, MIRU, a weaponless robot, travels across time to support people from different eras. MIRU meets individuals from different times and places, people who, despite their struggles, live their lives with determination. Through their encounters with MIRU, people take small yet meaningful steps forward. These steps, like the "Butterfly Effect," create waves of change, moving toward a brighter future.