Kľúčové slovo Democracy
1987 2017
변호인 2013
No 2012
Kongens nei 2016
South of the Border 2009
Korporácia 2003
Od konca 18-teho storočia, americké právne rozhodnutie, že na organizačný model obchodných spoločností sa nazerá ako na osobu, sa stalo dominantnou ekonomickou, politickou a spoločenskou silou na celej Zemi. Tento film do hĺbky psychologicky skúma organizačný model skrz rozličné prípadové štúdie. Čo štúdia osvetľuje je, že vo svojom správaní, sa tento typ "osoby" typicky správa ako nebezpečne deštruktívny psychopat bez svedomia. Ďalej vidíme hrozbu, ktorú tento psychopat predstavuje pre náš svet a našu budúcnosť, ale tiež čo môžu ľudia s odvahou, inteligenciou a odhodlaním urobiť, aby ju zastavili.
Primary 1960
Girls State 2024
Ako by vyzerala americká demokracia v rukách tínedžeriek? V tomto dokumentárnom filme mladé líderky v Missouri z úplne rozdielnych prostredí v rámci pútavého experimentu budujú vládu od piky.
Lihis 2013
Meeting Snowden 2017
Palme 2012
Borgen 2010
40-year old political leader Birgitte Nyborg secures her party a landslide victory through her idealism and huge effort, then faces the biggest challenge of her life: how most effectively to use the newly won seats, and how far she is willing to go in order to gain as much influence as possible.
Gran Nord 2012
Russia 1985-1999: TraumaZone 2022
What it felt like to live through the collapse of communism and democracy. A series of films by Adam Curtis.
Empire 2009
Empire is a unique programme that reports on and debates global powers on behalf of an international citizen. It does so in a way whereby it questions those geopolitical, geoeconomic, corporate, and other forms of power that influence citizens across borders. Many of those are not held accountable by any one government or any one nation, and so looking at the world as the global village it has become - with its integrated societies - we try to answer the questions on the minds of many of our viewers: why and how does global power act, react? And how does it throw its weight around?