
Anakonda 1997


Skupinka filmárov pracujúca pre spoločnosť National Geography sa hlboko v amazonskom pralese dostala do veľkých problémov - stali sa totiž rukojemníkmi v rukách šialenca, ktorý ma len jediný cieľ - uloviť tunajšieho najväčšieho a zároveň najnebezpečnejšieho predátora, anakondu.



Pomsta 2017


Troch samoľúbych frajerov čaká pekne brutálna lekcia chovania. Bohatí milujúci oteckovia rodín sa ako každý rok, zídu uprostred púšte, aby posilnili svoje mužstvo a vybili si stres poriadnym lovom. Tentoraz však jeden z nich privezie na stretnutie svoju milenku, neuveriteľne sexi lolitku, o ktorú sa rýchlo začnú zaujímať aj ostatní. Veci sa vymknú kontrole a muži nechajú umierajúce dievča uprostred púšte. V pekle púšte sa však ponížená a znovuzrodená mladá žena vydáva na cestu pomsty...



Obor 1956


Zámožný Texasan Bick Benedict sa ožení s krásnou, cieľavedomou a húževnatou Leslie z Marylandu. Ich život na ranči nie je vôbec jednotvárny. Musia denne riešiť problémy s pastiermi dobytka, pomocnými robotníkmi z Mexika aj s ich mladým predákom, z ktorého sa nakoniec stane mocný ropný magnát.


Pach krvi 6: Krvavý hotel

Pach krvi 6: Krvavý hotel 2014


Náhlé a tajomné dedičstvo privádza Dannyho a jeho priateľov do Hobb Springs, zabudnuté stredisko hlboko v horách Západnej Virgínie. O Hobb Springs sa starajú Jackson a Sally, nepríjemný pár, ktorý predstaví Dannymu dlho stratenú rodinu, ktorú nikdy nepoznal. Čoskoro je Danny nútený voliť medzi svojimi priateľmi a jeho rodom.



Zavýjanie 1981


Populárna novinárka Karen White má nezvyčajného obdivovateľa – Eddieho Quista, sériového vraha a násilníka. Rozhodne sa zúčastniť hry na jeho dolapení, ale po jeho zatknutí a usmrtení ju začnú prenasledovať nezvyčajné nočné mory. Na odporúčanie psychologičky sa podrobí rehabilitácii, ale postupne zisťuje, že prepadla rovnakej závislosti ako kedysi Eddie. S splnom sa v nej prebúdza túžba po čerstvej krvi.


Utajený zločin

Utajený zločin 2014


Bohatý obchodník a lovec John Madec si najme mladého ale skúseného poľovníckeho sprievodcu a stopára Bena, aby ho sprevádzal na loveckej výprave do ťažko dostupných skalnatých hôr v juhozápadnej časti Mohavskej púšte. Keď oslnený Madec naslepo vystrelí na pohyblivý terč vo vzdialených skalách, namiesto zveri zastrelí starého zlatokopa, ktorý sa v jaskyni skrýval pred slnkom. Ben trvá na tom, že prípad musia ohlásiť ako nehodu. Magnát Madec to vidí inak. Ak by sa prípad zverejnil, konkurencia by ho zničila, čo nemôže dopustiť.



Apex 2021



Zamrznutá zem

Zamrznutá zem 2013


Film sa inšpiroval neuveriteľným, ale pritom skutočným príbehom aljašského policajta Jacka Halcombea, ktorý zrealizoval svoj vlastný, súkromný plán, aby dolapil vraždiacu beštiu - sériového vraha Roberta Hansena, ktorý sa už trinásť rokov úspešne skrýval. Keď sa v Anchorage začnú hromadiť telá zavraždených prostitútok, na mesto padne strach. Hoci policajt Jack Halcombe riskuje vlastný život, vydá sa na vlastnú päsť nájsť zabijaka, aby tak zabránil ďalším vraždám. Keď získa informácie od sedemnásťročnej Cindy Paulsonovej, ktorej sa ako jedinej podarilo zabijakovi ujsť, je mu konečne na stope. Podarí sa mu ale vraha chytiť včas, skôr než zomrie ďalšia obeť?



Land 2021



Sezóna zabíjania

Sezóna zabíjania 2013


Benjamin Ford je americký vojnový veterán z bývalej Juhoslávie. Už niekoľko rokov žije v ústraní vo svojej horskej chate, kde sa pokúša skryť pred vlastnou minulosťou. Jedného dňa sa však kvôli bolestiam nohy vyberie do mesta po lieky. Počas cesty sa mu pokazí auto. V tú chvíľu vyjde z lesa neznámy muž a auto mu ochotne opraví. Je to bývalý člen srbského trestného komanda Emil Kovac. Ten zosnoval plán pomsty za guľku do chrbta, ktorú mu počas vojny uštedril Ford. Snáď len kvôli tomu, že prežil sa cíti byť vyvolený a pristúpi k úlohe samosudcu, rovnako ako pred rokmi Ford ako americký vojak v Juhoslávii. V prostredí odľahlých divočín Apalačského pohoria spoločne otvárajú staré rany a odhaľujú dlho skryté tajomstvá.


Boa verzus pytón

Boa verzus pytón 2004


Dvaja najväčší a najhroznejší predátori sa stretávajú v akcii bitky plnej jedu z ich zubov. Gigantický pytón sa dostane na slobodu a FBI musí vypustiť rovnako veľkého škrtiča, aby ho sledoval a chytil. Navyše sa skupina bohatých lovcov hľadajúcich nebezpečenstvo a zábavu pokúša pytóna získať pre seba!


Solo Leveling

Solo Leveling 2024


They say whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but that’s not the case for the world’s weakest hunter Sung Jinwoo. After being brutally slaughtered by monsters in a high-ranking dungeon, Jinwoo came back with the System, a program only he could see, that’s leveling him up in every way. Now, he’s inspired to discover the secrets behind his powers and the dungeon that spawned them.



MeatEater 2012


Hunter, author, cook and conservationist Steven Rinella treks into the world's most remote, beautiful regions, bringing game meat from field to table.


Drifting Dragons

Drifting Dragons 2020


Dragons, the rulers of the sky. To many people on the surface, they are a dire threat, but at the same time, a valuable source of medicine, oil, and food. There are those who hunt the dragons. They travel the skies in dragon-hunting airships. This is the story of one of those ships, the “Quin Zaza,” and its crew.



Mekong 2023


A story of a historical adventure set around the search for soldiers lost in the Vietnam war, the Mekong River Phuri tribe and the great Naga said to be protecting the land. A Thai-American company begins to build a bridge across the Mekong River connecting Thailand and Laos. Dave Shaun—an American and former soldier in the Vietnam war—is currently the construction site manager for the bridge. Kimberly Baker is a professor researching the ancient Phuri tribe.


Black As

Black As 2016


Off beat, off track and online... go bush with the Black As boys as they venture into the wilds of Arnhem Land, hunting for adventure and a good feed.


Kentucky Afield

Kentucky Afield 1952


Our host goes in search of outdoor adventure and showcases the best fishing, hunting, and wildlife-related recreation Kentucky has to offer. Produced by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, Kentucky Afield is the longest continuously running outdoor television show in the nation.


Glitch Techs

Glitch Techs 2020


Game-world monsters are wreaking real-world havoc. Here comes tech support!



Humanimal 2020


A five-part docuseries that focuses on wild animals, humans that hunt them for fun and money, and activists who try to protect the animals. Three actors are here as presenters to deliver the messages about the struggles and love of humans toward the wild animals in 11 countries including Botswana, Zimbabwe, the Republic of South Africa, and America.


Moby Dick

Moby Dick 1998


The sole survivor of a lost whaling ship relates the tale of his captain's self-destructive obsession to hunt the white whale, Moby Dick.


Montana Wild

Montana Wild 2018


Rugged mountains rising to 4.000 meters, dense conifer forests, glaciers, lakes and rivers… When it comes to nature, Montana is definitely one of the wildest American states. Yet, some people know the area better than anyone. Hunters, trappers or ranchers, they live where none of us could even imagine spending one day. Each episode of "Montana Wild" will bring you to the daily life of rural, funny and atypical characters. All of them were born and raised at the heart of the state and developed a kind of symbiotic link to the environment.



Dropped 2011


Dropped into harsh conditions with limited resources, the brothers encounter new challenges that wreck havoc on their bodies and minds. Conflicts arise. Tension runs high. But Chris and Casey must adapt if they want any chance at returning to civilization. After testing each other, their will, and Mother Nature year after year, will this be the time that the Keefer brothers face obstacles that they cannot overcome?


Spooks: Code 9

Spooks: Code 9 2008


The series was commissioned by BBC Fiction's controller Jane Tranter as a spin-off of their long-running drama Spooks, offering a "more maverick, younger perspective" that would attract a 16-24-year-old audience. The series follows a group of six new young MI5 recruits who "follow a different rule book". The decision to relate the new project to the original Spooks was controversial, with actor Georgia Moffett saying “it’s slightly misleading in terms of the word Spooks.” and producer Chris Fry saying "this is a completely new show. There are no crossover characters or storylines and, most importantly, it is set in a completely new world." After the relatively unsuccessful first series, executive producer Karen Wilson claimed that many of the existing cast members were "contracted for another year" and outlined themes "we'd like to explore if we get a second series."


Jurassic Fight Club

Jurassic Fight Club 2008


Imagines prehistoric life in this entertainment series about dinosaur battles. Computer-generated dinosaurs engage in conflicts choreographed using paleontological evidence from 70-million-year-old crime scenes. Jurassic Fight Club was hosted by George Blasing, a self-taught paleontologist.



Caligula 2018


"Caligula" is a psychological phenomenon in which you want do things that are prohibited. Featured here are numerous pitches rejected by multiple TV stations. However, there are some treasures buried among them. Proposals once buried in the darkness revived here!


The Hunt

The Hunt 2014


Twice a year, on the rugged island of Kodiak, Alaska, a select group of hunters head into the wilderness for the ultimate test against the elements and the largest land predator on Earth–the Kodiak brown bear. Narrated by James Hetfield, the voice of Metallica, The Hunt is an eight-episode series that documents one of the most dangerous pursuits known to man.


Duck Family Treasure

Duck Family Treasure 2022


Expert duck hunters, Jase and Jep Robertson are hunting something new – buried treasure! With the help of their quick-witted Uncle Si and expert treasure hunter, Murry Crowe, Jase and Jep are ready to uncover some incredible historical


Beyond The Divide

Beyond The Divide 2013


We have seen Rob’s passion for Australian hunting through his business and impressive range of gear and designs and now this passion has flowed on to our television screens. As the name suggests “Beyond the Divide” provides an adventure hunting series that not only captures the spirit of hunters and hunting in this country, in and around the Great Dividing Range, but also portrays what it takes to be an Australian, hunting and surviving challenging environments overseas.


Apex Predator

Apex Predator 2015


Remi Warren is on a mission to embrace and claim the wildness that lies deep within each of us. He shows us that there is a beast in all of us and that it has a natural and necessary place in today’s world. Each episode begins by learning about adaptations, techniques, and traits used by a specific hunter in the wild. Remi learns everything he can by studying the predator itself, and gets extra info from experts in biology, physiology, and ecology. He then tests himself and designs both trials and training regimens to embody this trait. When prepared, Remi heads to the wild with a clear challenge to meld with nature and hunt like an animal.