
Avatar 2009


Avatar otvára pred nami neuveriteľný svet za hranicami našej fantázie, svet stretu dvoch úplne odlišných civilizácií. Novoobjavená vzdialená planéta Pandora je mierumilovné miesto, s obyvateľmi - Na'vi, žijúcimi v súlade s prekrásnou vegetáciou planéty. Posádka vyslaná zo Zeme objaví pri svojej prieskumnej misii na Pandore veľmi cenný minerál, ktorý by mal na Zemi nevyčísliteľnú hodnotu.



Votrelci 1986


Dôstojníčka Ripleyová, ktorá ako jediná prežila boj na život a na smrť v nákladnej lodi Nostromo s vesmírnym votrelcom je po niekoľkých rokoch nájdená záchrannou loďou a vracia sa spať na Zem. Keď už sa zdá, že je po všetkom, začíns horor znova, tentokrát na vzdialenej nedávno kolonizovanej planéte. Tentokrát sú všetci proti jednému, ale Ripleyová so skupinou špeciálne vycvičených vojákov proti tisícihlavej smrtiacej síle votrelcov.


Star Wars: Epizóda V - Impérium vracia úder

Star Wars: Epizóda V - Impérium vracia úder 1980


Nastali temné časy pre Povstanie. Aj napriek tomu, že Hviezda smrti bola zničená, jednotky impéria vyhnaly Rebelov z ich tajnej základne a prenasledovali ich po celej Galaxii. Aby sa vyhla stretu s hrôzostrašnou flotilou impéria, skupina slobodných pilotov vedená Lukom Skywalkerom vybudovala novoú tajnoú základňu na opustenej ľadovej planéte Hothu. Imperátorov pobočník Darth Vader, posadlý hľadaním mladého Skywalkera, však vyslal tisíce sond do všetkých kútov vesmíru.


Total Recall

Total Recall 1990


Hlavným hrdinom príbehu, odohrávajúceho sa v roku 2084, je stavebný robotník Douglas Quaid, ktorého sužujú desivé nočné mory, týkajúce sa Marsu. Rozhodne sa preto navštíviť neobvyklú cestovnú kanceláriu Total Recall, ktorá ponúka dovolenku formou implantovaných spomienok. Quaid si vyberie dovolenku na Marse v podobe tajného agenta. Pri implantácii vyjde najavo, že Quaid už jedny implantované spomienky má. Vzápätí sa ho pokúsia zavraždiť dvaja ľudia, ktorých považoval za svojich blízkych. Najskôr priateľ a potom aj jeho manželka Lori. Onedlho sa Quaid dozvie, že bol na Marse zapletený do odboja proti tyranskému guvernérovi Cohaagenovi a preto sa, prenasledovaný nejakými zabijakmi, na Mars vráti, aby našiel sám seba a svoje vlastné spomienky. Okamžite sa ocitá vo víre nebezpečných udalostí a stáva sa rozhodujúcim prvkom na miske váh vojny medzi rebelmi a guvernérovou armádou.



Votrelec³ 1992


Dôstojník Ripleyová jediná prežije núdzové pristátie jej poškodenej vesmírnej lode na planéte Fiorina 161. Je to pusté skladisko odpadu obývané ľuďmi, ktorých spoločnosť odsúdila. Stretáva sa tak s vrahmi a kriminálníkmi, obyvateľmi bývalého prísne stráženého väzenia. Ripleyová tuší, že na palube jej lode bol Votrelec. Skoro sa jej predtucha potvrdí, keď naraz vzrastie počet mŕtvych a začne sa nachádzať stále viac zmrzačených tiel. Bez zbraní a modernej techniky sa Ripleyová púšťa spolu s väzňami do boja proti nemilosrdnej príšere. Skoro však zisťuje, že tiež ona nosí v sebe jedného z nich. Aby zničila Votrelca navždy, musí zabiť i sama seba.


Vesmír medzi nami

Vesmír medzi nami 2017


Prvý človek narodený na Marse po prvý raz cestuje na Zem a svojimi neskúsenými očami vníma zázraky, ktoré táto planéta ponúka. Spolu s inteligentným dievčaťom z ulice sa vydáva na dobrodružnú cestu, aby zistil, kto je jeho otec a ako vlastne prišiel na svet.


Kozmický hriech

Kozmický hriech 2021


Píše sa rok 2524, ľudská rasa už 400 rokov úspešne kolonizuje vesmír a snaží sa nájsť stopy po iných, mimozemských civilizáciách, doposiaľ však bez najmenšieho úspechu. Dnes sa to všetko zmenilo, kdesi na vzdialenej planéte dvojica ľudských pozorovateľov konečne s mimozemšťanmi nadviazala prvý kontakt. Bohužiaľ, táto novoobjavená civilizácia sa nemá v pláne s tou našou priateliť, a tak je vydané nekompromisné rozhodnutie, hrozbu z vesmíru je potrebné urýchlene eliminovať. Generál Eron Ryle a jeho malá jednotka sa okamžite vydáva na samovražednú bojovú misiu, od úspechu ktorej závisí osud celého ľudstva.



Náklad 2009


Keď je biosféra Zeme zničená, väčšina ľudí sa presídli do kozmu. Obývajú stiesnené kozmické stanice. Jedinou nádejou je rajská planéta Rhea, ktorá je od Zeme vzdialená päť svetelných rokov. Príbeh sa odohráva v hrdzavom transportéri Kassandra, ktorý mieri k stanici NR 42. Mladá lekárka Laura je jediná osoba v raketopláne, ktorá nie je v stave hibernácie. Do vystriedania jej zostávajú štyri mesiace. Počas denných hliadok v pustých chodbách začína mať pocit, že nie je v rakete sama. Začína hra na mačku a myš a predstava sa mieša s realitou. Čo skrývajú kontajnery v sklade a "čo" a alebo "kto" je v rakete?



Seed 2012



The 100

The 100 2014


100 years in the future, when the Earth has been abandoned due to radioactivity, the last surviving humans live on an ark orbiting the planet — but the ark won't last forever. So the repressive regime picks 100 expendable juvenile delinquents to send down to Earth to see if the planet is still habitable.


The Expanse

The Expanse 2015


A thriller set two hundred years in the future following the case of a missing young woman who brings a hardened detective and a rogue ship's captain together in a race across the solar system to expose the greatest conspiracy in human history.


Mission Outer Space Srungle

Mission Outer Space Srungle 1983


In a distant future the Garrick Federation is a rich and large space colony located in a myriad of asteroids and planets near two twin stars. In this context the Gorilla Force acts, whose purpose is to fight against crime After his first dangerous mission, a test that consists in evading some members of the team from the prison of the city of Garrick, the Gorilla Force obtains the authorization to use.


Mobile Suit Gundam

Mobile Suit Gundam 1979


What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in the middle of a war? Teenager Amuro Ray sees his life shattered when war comes to his home. During the chaos, Amuro finds himself inside the mobile suit Gundam, the Earth Federation's new secret weapon, and he somehow gets it to work. Amuro and the other refugees flee their homeland on the warship White Base. This group of children and inexperienced soldiers will change the outcome of the war.


Babylon 5

Babylon 5 1994


Babylon 5 is a five-mile long space station located in neutral space. Built by the Earth Alliance in the 2250s, its goal is to maintain peace among the various alien races by providing a sanctuary where grievances and negotiations can be worked out among duly appointed ambassadors. A council made up of representatives from the five major space-faring civilizations - the Earth Alliance, Minbari Federation, Centauri Republic, Narn Regime, and Vorlon Empire - work with the League of Non-Aligned Worlds to keep interstellar relations under control. Aside from its diplomatic function, Babylon 5 also serves as a military post for Earth and a port of call for travelers, traders, businessmen, criminals, and Rangers.


The Ark

The Ark 2023


100 years in the future, planetary colonization missions have begun as a necessity to help secure the survival of the human race. The first of these missions on a spacecraft known as Ark One encounters a catastrophic event causing massive destruction and loss of life. With more than a year left to go before reaching their target planet, a lack of life-sustaining supplies and loss of leadership, the remaining crew must become the best versions of themselves to stay on course and survive.


Martian Successor Nadesico

Martian Successor Nadesico 1996


Only one ship stands between earth and total annihilation! The High Mobile Battleship Nadesico is the most formidable fighting machine ever conceived, but due to a shortage of trained soldiers, the crew is a little unorthodox. The poor Jovians don't stand a chance against the largest contingent of geeks and misfits ever sent into orbit!


Lost in Space

Lost in Space 2018


After crash-landing on an alien planet, the Robinson family fights against all odds to survive and escape. But they're surrounded by hidden dangers.


Raised by Wolves

Raised by Wolves 2020


After Earth is ravaged by a great religious war, an atheistic android architect sends two of his creations, Mother and Father, to start a peaceful, godless colony on the planet Kepler-22b. Their treacherous task is jeopardized by the arrival of the Mithraic, a deeply devout religious order of surviving humans.


Astra: Lost in Space

Astra: Lost in Space 2019


In the year 2063, eight high school students and a kid are flown out to Planet Camp, tasked with surviving on their own for a few days. But shortly after arriving, an ominous glowing orb warps them to an unknown quadrant of space, nearly 5,012 light years away. Now, the only way back home is a slow, dangerous trek across the universe—a journey that’ll test them in ways Planet Camp never could.


Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing 1995


After Colony (A.C.) 195. Mankind has moved into space. Thousands of people live on giant orbiting space colonies called "Sides." However, the Earth Government, which rules the colonies, is unjust and cruel. A group of revolutionaries builds five robotic weapons called Gundams and plans to send them to Earth to begin their fight for independence. Piloted by five young men, these Gundams carry the hopes and dreams of freedom of the colonists with them as they descend to Earth to begin Operation Meteor!



Missions 2017


The first manned mission to Mars is now approaching the red planet. The crew includes top-flight scientists and a young female psychiatrist, responsible for their mental health. But just as they are about to land, something goes wrong.


Earth 2

Earth 2 1994


Two centuries in the future, when pollution has forced humans to abandon Earth in favor of cramped space stations, scientist Devon Adair hijacks a spacecraft and sets out with a band of followers in search of another planet that will offer a brighter, more normal future to children like her son, Ulysses. Joining Devon and Ulysses are mechanic John Danziger and his daughter, True; team physician Julia Heller, who has her own secret agenda; Alonzo Solace, a pilot; Yale, a cyborg; and Morgan, a craven government agent, and his wife, Bess. The voyagers find their planet, but their ship crash-lands on the wrong side of the globe, forcing them to attempt an arduous and dangerous trek to their ultimate destination, New Pacifica.


Mobile Suit Gundam AGE

Mobile Suit Gundam AGE 2011


Advanced Generation (A.G.) 101. The space colony Angel is attacked and destroyed by a mysterious "Unknown Enemy" with overwhelming strength. As this "UE" continues its attacks, a boy named Flit Asuno loses his mother when she is caught in the crossfire. Now in A.G. 115, Flit must fight using a new Gundam of his own creation, which evolves itself through battle. The curtain rises on an epic Gundam saga spanning 100 years and three generations.


Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 2010


When Banagher Links meets the mysterious Audrey Burne, he inherits the Unicorn Gundam and is swept up into the battle for space colony independence.



Mars 2016


The maiden crew of the Daedalus spacecraft must push itself to the brink of human capability in order to successfully establish the first sustainable colony on Mars. Set both in the future and in the present day, this series blends scripted elements set in the future with documentary vérité interviews with today’s best and brightest minds in modern science and innovation, illuminating how research and development is creating the space technology that will enable our first attempt at a mission to Mars.



Away 2020


American astronaut Emma Green must leave her husband and teenage daughter behind to command an international space crew embarking upon a treacherous mission. A series about hope, humanity and how we need one another if we are to achieve impossible things.


Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings

Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings 2024


Past and present collide in a frantic chase for truth and understanding! Shadow is haunted by the memories of battles fought and lives lost. But these nightmares aren’t just lingering pain! They’re prompted by a force Shadow thought was destroyed.



Outcasts 2011


Seeking the chance to build a better future, a group of courageous pioneers departs Earth for Carpathia, a newly discovered planet in a distant galaxy. Led by President Richard Tate and his core team of Stella, Cass and Fleur, the pioneers settle in the town of Forthaven, creating a society there alongside expeditionaries Mitchell and Jack. Having embraced all the challenges that come with forging a new beginning, the townspeople work hard to preserve what they've built on Carpathia, and even as they long for those left behind, there is optimism about the future. But while they try to learn from mistakes made on Earth, there is no avoiding the human pitfalls of love, greed, lust and loss.


The First

The First 2018


Follow the first human mission to Mars, exploring the challenges of taking the first steps toward interplanetary colonization. The story focuses not only on the astronauts, but also on their families and loved ones, as well as the ground team on Earth.