Denník Bridget Jonesovej

Denník Bridget Jonesovej 2001


Jej plány nie sú až také nereálne. Zhodiť zopár kíl a mať naozajstný vzťah. Bridget Jones sa kvôli tomuto cieľu rozhodla viesť si denník. Lenže ako na potvoru jedna pohroma strieda druhú. Najprv sa zamiluje do svojho šéfa, aby prišla na to, že je to iba klasická bokovka. Po výpovedi prichádza do televízie, kde však realita povolania nie je až taká ružová ako televízny obraz. Jej matka by ešte včera urobila pre svoju dcéru všetko a dnes už skoro nič. Ak je vám pod psa, tak je vám pod psa. Ani dobre mienené rady priateľov nie sú žiadna sláva. Aspoň cigarety, či obľúbený drink. Pri takom opojení niekedy môžete stretnúť zázrak a v tej istej chvíli naň celkom zabudnúť. To však nie je prípad Bridget. Kto by to bol povedal, že práve on.


Nie je z teba až tak paf

Nie je z teba až tak paf 2009


Niekoľko nezadaných dvadsať- až tridsiatnikov z Baltimoru rieši problémy s láskou a snaží sa pochopiť jasné, aj nie celkom čitateľné ľudské správanie v tejto oblasti. Brodia sa všetkými podobami vzťahov - cez plytčiny randenia až po temné vody manželstva. Snažia sa pochopiť signály opačného pohlavia a tajne dúfajú, že práve oni budú výnimkou z "bezvýnimkového" pravidla.



Posadnutosť 1981


Anna opustila svojho manžela Marka aj ich syna Boba. Mark je rozhodnutý vypátrať pravdu a začne svoju ženu sledovať. Sprvu si myslí, že je za všetkým iný muž. Čoskoro ale spoznáva, že Anna našla niečo iné, čo miluje a nehodlá sa toho vzdať. Jej podivné správanie a bizarné udalosti naznačujú, že ide o niečo temné a znepokojujúce ...


Nebezpečné pokušenie

Nebezpečné pokušenie 2015


Evan Weber je úspešný architekt, šťastne ženatý muž a otec dvoch detí. Jeden víkend zostane sám doma, aby mohol v pokoji pracovať. Vonku prší a náhle sa ozve klopanie na dvere. Sú tam dve krásne mladé dievčatá, celé premočené a stratené, chcú sa len osušiť a použiť telefón. Ich pokojná návšteva sa však mení na peklo ...



Loft 2014


Príbeh o skupine piatich ľudí, ktorí spoločne zdieľajú byt pre svoje nemanželské dobrodružstvá. Kameňom úrazu sa stáva okamih, kedy sa v byte objaví telo neznámej ženy. Na rad prichádza veľa otázok, ktoré treba zodpovedať. Nikto si nemôže byť ničím istý a prvotná dôvera sa vytráca. Najpodstatnejšie však je, kto je vrah.


Americká krása

Americká krása 1999


Na prvý pohľad sú Burnhamovci šťastnou rodinou, ktorej život je zaliaty slnkom. Pohodlný dom, auto kvalitnej značky, pôvabná dospievajúca dcéra, študujúca na správnej škole, rodičia úspešní v svojom povolaní. Nikto sa nečuduje, že pani Burnhamová je večne samý úsmev - aspoň na verejnosti. V skutočnosti je ale všetko inak. Obraz dokonalosti matke Carolyn a dcére Jane neustále kazí otec Lester. Nie je tým ramenatým "plejbojom" a čo je horšie, začína stále častejšie dávať najavo, že sa mu nedarí a že je nespokojný so svojim životom.


Jedna za všetky

Jedna za všetky 2014


Carly zistí, že ju jej nový priateľ Mark podvádza a vlastne je to ešte horšie - praskne to tým, že sa náhodou stretne s jeho manželkou Kate. Carly sa zrazu ocitá v situácii, kedy musí Kate utešovať. Ich dosť neočakávané priateľstvo potom upevní ďalšie nové odhalenie, Mark ich obe podvádza s ďalšou ženou, Amber. A tak tieto tri hrdinky spoja svoje sily a zosnujú desivý plán, ako sa mu pomstiť.


Osudová príťažlivosť

Osudová príťažlivosť 1987


Thriller Adriana Lynea vyvolal v dobe svojho uvedenia radu kontroverzných diskusií. Jeho príbeh rozpráva o Danovi Gallagherovi, šťastne ženatom a úspešnom právnikovi, ktorý sa behom jedného víkendu, trávenom v New Yorku bez ženy a dcéry, zoznámi s atraktívnou, osamelou lektorkou Alex Forrestovou. Strávia spolu noc, no Dan celej epizóde neprikladá zvláštny význam a kľudne sa vracia ku svojej rodine. O to viac sa zľakne, keď si naňho Alex začne suverénne robiť nároky. Dan odmieta akúkoľvek zodpovednosť, ale zatiaľ čo sa spočiatku cítil Alexiným otvorene prejavovaným záujmom polichotený, postupne jeho sebauspokojenie viac a viac ustupuje číremu strachu - z jej samovražedných pokusov, z psychického teroru, ktorý Alex vyvíja na všetkých členov jeho rodiny, ale predovšetkým za zrútenie jeho zdanlivo dokonalého sveta.


Sex a Lucia

Sex a Lucia 2001


Lucía, mladá servírka z reštaurácie v centre Madridu, uteká na pokojný ostrov v Stredomorí po tom, čo sa dozvie o smrti svojho priateľa, spisovateľa Lorenza. Na ostrove v žiarivej atmosfére slnka a čerstvého vzduchu začína objavovať najtemnejšie zákutia svojho partnerského života. Ako by to boli zakázané pasáže románu, ktoré jej až teraz autor zďaleka dovolí čítať.



Emperatriz 2011


Emperatriz is a Mexican telenovela produced by Fides Velasco for Azteca. It stars Gabriela Spanic as the title character, while Bernie Paz as the male lead. Other casts include Sergio de Bustamante, Julieta Egurrola, Adriana Louvier, Marimar Vega, Miriam Higareda, Alberto Guerra, Rafael Sanchez Navarro and Carmen Delgado. Omar Fierro made special appearance in the first five episodes, and later returns in the final part of the series.[1] The filming process took place between 17 March 2011 - 30 September 2011. The series premiered on 5 April 2011, 19 days after filming the first scene, at 8:30pm, occupying Prófugas del Destino's slot, and ended on 8 November 2011. Emperatriz is also known as most selling telenovela of 2011.


Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin

Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin 2020


Virat sacrifices his love to honour the promise he made to a dying man. Trapped between the past and the present, will he find love beyond the chains of duty?



Valeria 2020


A writer in a creative and marital crisis finds refuge and support in her three best friends. Based on the novels by Elisabet Benavent.


A Woman Scorned

A Woman Scorned 2020


Asya is a successful doctor and she has a perfect life with her husband and her son. But after finding a blonde hair on her husband's scarf, everything changes and she discovers her husband's extramarital affair.


Mujeres de nadie

Mujeres de nadie 2007


Mujeres de nadie (Nobody's Women) is an Argentine telenovela produced by Pol-ka and broadcast by El Trece from May 10, 2007, to November 17, 2008


The World of the Married

The World of the Married 2020


Ji Sun Woo is an associate director of a family clinic with a perfect life—a great career, married to a handsome, young-looking man, mother to an adoring son, and surrounded by seemingly caring friends. She couldn't be more content. Lee Tae Oh, her husband, is an aspiring movie director. However, when his temptation leads him to betray Sun Woo along with the people around her, she gets driven to revenge. The perilous twists-and-turns of a married couple's life unfolds.


Hirugao: Love Affairs in the Afternoon

Hirugao: Love Affairs in the Afternoon 2014


Life is simple for Sasamoto Sawa, a young housewife, but when the adulteress Takigawa Rikako moves into her neighborhood, so too does a new world of sophistication and sex. After Takigawa is nearly caught in the act, Sasamoto covers for her during the ensuing aftermath, unwittingly involving herself with a handsome teacher named Kitano Yuichi — and discovering her own desires for extramarital passions.


Doctor Cha

Doctor Cha 2023


Twenty years after leaving her medical career, a housewife returns as a first-year resident — struggling to find her footing in a job full of surprises.


Lauren Lake's Paternity Court

Lauren Lake's Paternity Court 2013


Judge Lauren Lake hears cases involving not only questions of paternity, but also many types of stories involving DNA.


My Wife

My Wife 2023


A story of a full-time mother's career advancement follows Shen Anan who loves life and loves food. After experiencing a marital crisis, she chooses to return to the workplace. Through continuous learning and growth, she improves her professional skills and realizes her self-worth.


A Million Little Things

A Million Little Things 2018


A group of friends from Boston who feel stuck in life experience an unexpected wake-up call after one of their friends dies unexpectedly.


The Affair

The Affair 2014


The Affair explores the emotional effects of an extramarital relationship between Noah Solloway and Alison Lockhart after the two meet in the resort town of Montauk in Long Island. Noah is a New York City schoolteacher with one novel published (book entitled A Person who Visits a Place) and he is struggling to write a second book. He is happily married with four children, but resents his dependence on his wealthy father-in-law. Alison is a young waitress trying to piece her life and marriage back together in the wake of the tragic death of her child. The story of the affair is told separately, complete with distinct memory biases, from the male and female perspectives.



Misty 2018


When a popular anchorwoman for a prime time news show becomes the suspect in a murder case, her estranged husband - who has worked as a prosecutor in the past but now works as a public defender - decides to defend his wife.


Doctor Foster

Doctor Foster 2015


A woman suspects her husband of having an affair. After following several lines of enquiries far more unravels including a streak of violence below the surface.


The Betrayal

The Betrayal 2023


Dr. Jenphitcha is a successful psychiatrist, a loving wife and mother. Her picture-perfect life is shattered when she suspects her husband Athin of having an affair. As Jane unravel more layers into her devious husband’s secret other life, she is enraged when it becomes clear she has been betrayed with a young college student—Kate. What ensues is a game of cat and mouse with her cheating husband and mistress. She spirals out of control—behaving in ways she never imagined—threatening everyone around her and tearing her family apart.


Goodnight Sweetheart

Goodnight Sweetheart 1993


Gary Sparrow is an ordinary bloke in 1990s Britain, married to the ambitious Yvonne and working as a TV repairman. Then his whole world changes when he stumbles upon a portal to WWII-era London and begins a dual life as an accidental time traveler.


My Wife's Having an Affair This Week

My Wife's Having an Affair This Week 2016


Do Hyun-Woo has worked as a PD for the past 10 years. He learns that his wife is having an affair and doesn't know what to do. Do Hyun-Woo, who tries to protect his marriage, talks with anonymous people through online social networks.



Mistresses 2013


Meet Savi, a successful career woman working toward the next phase in her life—both professional and personal—simultaneously bucking for partner at her law firm while she and her husband, Harry, try to start a family of their own. Savi's free-spirited and capricious baby sister, Josselyn, couldn't be more different—living single, serial dating and partying, and regularly leaning on her big sister along the way. Their common best friend, April, a recent widow and mother of two, is rebuilding her life after tragedy and learning to move forward, with the support and guidance of her closest girlfriends. And friend Karen, a successful therapist with her own practice, reconnects with the girls after her involvement in a complicated relationship with a patient goes far too deep.


Love & Death

Love & Death 2023


Candy and Pat Montgomery and Betty and Allan Gore — two churchgoing couples — enjoy their small town Texas life… until an extramarital affair leads somebody to pick up an axe.


Golden Bowl

Golden Bowl 2002


Focus, concentration, proper posture and good release are the hallmarks of a good bowler. Welcome to Golden Bowl bowling alley. A bit rundown and small but no worse for wear, the Golden Bowl is stockbroker Shu Akutagawa's favorite haunt. A regular, he likes nothing better than the rumble of the bowl running down the alley and crash and crackle of the pins tumbling down. When a beautiful, older and married neighbor - who shares the same name as his old flame Hitomi - makes an appearance at the Golden Bowl, things start to heat up as Shu teams up with her to challenge some pro bowlers. Will Shu be as lucky with Hitomi as he is with the pins? --NTV