James Bond: Vyhlídka na vraždu

James Bond: Vyhlídka na vraždu 1985


Poté, co získá mikročip z těla zesnulého kolegy v Rusku, britský tajný agent James Bond (Roger Moore) odhalí, že má tato technologie potenciál pro velmi zlověstné využití. Další Bondovo vyšetřování vede k Maxi Zorinovi (Christopher Walken), řediteli Zorin Industries. Agent 007 brzy konfrontuje darebáka Zorina a jeho drsnou amazonskou tělesnou strážkyni May Day (Grace Jonesová), kteří plánují způsobit velkou zkázu, aby odstranili konkurenci.


The Social Dilemma

The Social Dilemma 2020


Vo filme na pomedzí dokumentu a drámy varujú odborníci na moderné technológie pred sociálnymi sieťami, ktoré sami vytvorili.



Stážisti 2013


Billy a Nick sú predajcovia zo starej školy, ktorí polovicu života strávili zdokonaľovaním svojich predavačských fígľov. Svoju prácu povýšili na umeleckú disciplínu, ale aj tak skončili na dlažbe. Obidvaja sú produktom svojej generácie, ktorá verila v americký sen - kto tvrdo pracuje a dodržuje pravidlá, toho úspech neminie. V snahe dokázať, že nepatria do starého železa, sa im podarí takmer nemožné a získajú stáž v prestížnej firme Google. Problém nastane, keď zistia, že tam nie sú sami. Súboj o niekoľko voľných pozícií nebude jednoduchý. Billyho a Nicka čaká neľútostný súboj s elitou národa, v ktorom musia porušiť všetky pravidlá, aby na konci šialenej cesty za získaním práce snov dosiahli to, po čom celý čas túžili. Aby získali povýšenie z Noodlerov na Googlerov, teda zo stážistov na zamestnancov, Billy a Nick musia prekonať generačnú bariéru a všetkým predviesť ich skvelú zásobu nacvičených predajných trikov.


Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley 2014


In the high-tech gold rush of modern Silicon Valley, the people most qualified to succeed are the least capable of handling success. Partially inspired by Mike Judge’s own experiences as a Silicon Valley engineer in the late ‘80s, Silicon Valley is an American sitcom that centers around six programmers who are living together and trying to make it big in the Silicon Valley.



Devs 2020


Young computer engineer Lily Chan investigates the secretive development division of her employer, a cutting-edge tech company based in San Francisco, which she believes is behind the murder of her boyfriend.


All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace 2011


We have been colonised by the machines we have built. Although we don't realise it, the way we see everything in the world today is through the eyes of the computers.


Leap Year

Leap Year 2011


After being laid-off from their corporate day jobs, Aaron, Bryn, Derek, Olivia and Jack compete to get their businesses off the ground when a mystery benefactor promises to invest $500,000 in one of their startups.



Betas 2013


In Silicon Valley, the right algorithm can make you a king. And these four friends think they've finally cracked the code.


Valley of the Boom

Valley of the Boom 2019


An adrenaline-fueled ride through the culture of speculation, innovation and disruption during Silicon Valley’s unprecedented tech boom and subsequent bust in the 1990s. This mostly scripted series weaves in select documentary elements that help tell the true inside story of the internet’s formative years.


The Billionaires Who Made Our World

The Billionaires Who Made Our World 2022


Landmark series lifting the lid on Silicon Valley's tech titans - Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg and Musk - who changed our world forever, from how we communicate to how we shop and the information we get.


Startup U

Startup U 2015


Docu-series that follows 10 entrepreneurial techies looking to make names for themselves while also perhaps bursting others’ bubbles. To do so, they must enter a grueling seven-week program at Draper University, a program led by billionaire founder and venture capitalist Tim Draper. After a semester of learning the fundamentals of launching a startup company under the mentorship of America’s business leaders, the students will pitch their ideas to venture capitalists eager to find the next big tech innovation.


Silicon Valley: The Untold Story

Silicon Valley: The Untold Story 2018


Industry leaders including Eric Schmidt and Steve Wozniak are interviewed in this remarkable look at how Silicon Valley has produced an unrivaled stream of innovations.



Thumblite 1970


Set in Silicon Valley, the series examines schemes, rivalries, visions and obsessions of the power brokers and their underlings as they vie for control of the most powerful industry the world has ever known.


Untitled Jonathan Glatzer Series

Untitled Jonathan Glatzer Series 1970


A scandal is sparked by the exploitation of personal data which unravels out of a rift between a self-appointed "inventor of the future" tech CEO and his self-serving "performance psychologist." This act of corruption quickly spirals out of control for all involved, exposing the absurdities of ambition, corporate ethics, and the fallibility of the people who are shaping the future of our world.


Meta Exposed:  Secrets From Inside The Tech Giant

Meta Exposed: Secrets From Inside The Tech Giant 2024


Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg to 'connect the world', now many believe parent company Meta is ruining the world through its apps including Instagram. Is that just moral panic or is there a real threat to us and our children? In this series we’ll reveal the real motivations and methods of the tech giant from insiders, whistleblowers, and researchers. We'll also provide tips to keep children safe.