Kľúčové slovo Geisha
Gejša 2005
Príbeh filmu, ktorý je zasadený do tajomného a exotického sveta, ktorý si dodnes uchováva svoje čaro, sa odohráva v rokoch pred Druhou svetovou vojnou, kedy je malé japonské dievčatko odlúčené od svojich chudobných rodičov, aby pracovala ako gejša. Hoci má v dome nebezpečnú rivalku, ktorej sa takmer podarí zlomiť jej vôľu, vyrastie z malého dievčaťa legendárna gejša Sayuri. Krásnej a skúsenej Sayuri sa darí očarovať najmocnejších mužov svojej doby, avšak sužuje ju tajná láska k mužovi, ktorý je mimo jej dosahu.
座頭市 2003
徳川いれずみ師:責め地獄 1969
修羅 1971
ツィゴイネルワイゼン 1980
조선명탐정: 사라진 놉의 딸 2015
花宵道中 2014
The Geisha Boy 1958
晩菊 1954
祇園囃子 1953
祇園の姉妹 1936
My Geisha 1962
ロボゲイシャ 2009
四畳半襖の裏張り 1973
淑女は何を忘れたか 1937
実録阿部定 1975
流れる 1956
温泉みみず芸者 1971
Dandan 2008
The twin girls Tajima Megumi and Ichijo Nozomi was separated at birth after their parents had divorced. Years later they meet each other. Both of them have a career within the entertainment industry. Megumi who lives in Matsue, Shimane sings in the band Shijimijiru, and Nozomi is a maiko, an apprentice geisha in Kyoto.
The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House 2023
Two inseparable friends move to Kyoto to chase their dreams of becoming maiko, but decide to pursue different passions while living under the same roof.
Meiji Gekken: 1874 2024
A former samurai, a yakuza bodyguard, a devious spy, and a geisha assassin try to find their place in the rapidly evolving Meiji-era while escaping the sins of their pasts.
Kiyo in Kyoto: From the Maiko House 2021
Kiyo and Sumire came to Kyoto from Aomori Prefecture, dreaming of becoming maiko. But after an unexpected turn of events, Kiyo starts working as the live-in cook at the Maiko House. Their story unfolds in Kagai, the Geiko and maiko district in Kyoto, alongside their housemate maikos. Kiyo nourishes them daily with her homecooked meals, and Sumire strives toward her promising future as the once-in-a-century maiko.
Japanese Traditional Arts 1970
This program introduces Japanese traditional performing arts like dance, kabuki, bunraku.