Tajný život Waltera Mittyho

Tajný život Waltera Mittyho 2013


Walter Mitty, nesmelý a večne snívajúci fotoeditor časopisu Life sa vo svojom jednotvárnom živote len ťažko potýka s realitou a preto žije vo svojom vysnenom svete. V ňom sa mení na dokonalého romantického hrdinu bojujúceho za lepší, spravodlivejší svet. Trestá zloduchov, zachraňuje psíkov z horiacich domov a ochraňuje bezbranné ženy. A tiež sa vo svojich snoch stáva cieľom obdivných pohľadov kolegyne Cheryl, ktorú bez jej vedomia často angažuje do svojich snových potuliek. Ale aj vo svojom reálnom živote sa jedného dňa Walter musí rozhodnúť k zásadnému kroku do neznáma a opustiť bezpečný prístav archívu plného negatívov a fotografií, kde sú jeho najväčšími nepriateľmi pomaly padajúci prach a podpichovanie šéfa. Aby zabránil svojej výpovedi, musí nájsť stratený negatív fotografie Seana O´Connella. To ale neznamená zavolať si taxík a prejsť pár blokov. Predstavuje to dobrodružnú cestu okolo sveta, putovanie divočinou a najodľahlejšími kútmi našej planéty.


Francúzska depeša Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun

Francúzska depeša Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun 2021


Pri príležitosti smrti svojho milovaného editora Arthura Howitzera jr. narodeného v Kansase v USA sa zamestnanci novín Francúzska depeša Liberty Kansas Evening Sun,- čo sú vysokom náklade predávané americké noviny so sídlom vo francúzskom meste Ennui-sur-Blasé, zídu, aby napísali jeho nekrológ a vzdali poctu jeho práci. Prúd spomienok vykryštalizuje do prerozprávania štyroch konkrétnych príbehov s názvami: Cestopis najsexi častí samotného mesta od The Cycling Reporter; Konkrétne majstrovské dielo, o kriminálne šialenom maliarovi, jeho strážcovi a múze a dravých díleroch; Revízie Manifestu, kronika lásky a smrti na barikádach na vrchole študentskej vzbury; a Súkromná jedáleň policajného komisára, napínavý príbeh o drogách, únosoch a dobrom jedle. To všetko v mierne absurdnom a s nadsázkou prerozprávanom filmovom príbehu.


Môj dokonalý ex

Môj dokonalý ex 2011


Anna Faris a Chris Evans žiaria v hlavných úlohách neskutočne vtipnej komédie, ktorá hľadá odpoveď na otázku: Nebol medzi 19 bývalými náhodou aj ten pravý? Keď si Ally Darling (Faris) prečíta článok, ktorý v nej vyvolá pocit, že zostane naveky sama, pustí sa do divokého pátrania po tom najlepšom zo svojich "ex". Allyina snaha ale prináša množstvo smiešnych zisteníod Bábkár, ktorý je drevěnější než jeho bábky, až ku gynekológovi s "deravou" pamäťou. Len vďaka tomu všetkému Ally pochopí, že muža svojich snov zrejme nájde tam, kde by to vôbec nečakala.



Life 2015



Ako sa zbavit priatelov a zostat uplne sam

Ako sa zbavit priatelov a zostat uplne sam 2008


Novinar Sidney Young (Simon Pegg) pracuje v Londyne pre nieprilis uspesny bulvarny platok, ktory si striela z celebrit tuziacich po slave vo svetle snobskych vecierkov. Na jednej strane je hrdy na svoj satiricky nadhlad a odstup od prostredia, o ktorom pise, na strane druhej ho vsak povrchny svet slavy a krasnych ludi laka. Sidney dostava prekvapivu pracovnu ponuku od sefredaktora prestizneho newyorskeho casopisu Sharps a pohlave sa vrha do viru newyorskych vecierkov. Rychlo vsak zisti, ze zdaleka nie vsetko je take, ako si predstavoval. Je sklamany upatou atmosferou a stava sa z neho rebel. Neochotu zaradit sa do davu a sekat dobrotu vsak necakane narusi stretnutie s povabnou hereckou Sophiou, ktora mu uplne popletie hlavu… Nametom pre film bola kniha Tobyho Younga z roku 2001, v ktorej zachytil vlastne zazitky, ked koncom 90. rokov odisiel z Londyna pracovat do prestizneho casopisu Vanity Fair v New Yorku a ani nie po dvoch rokoch bol odtial vyhodeny.


The Bold Type

The Bold Type 2017


A glimpse into the outrageous lives of Jane, Kat and Sutton, who are working at the nation's top women's magazine, Scarlet, while navigating their careers, identities and individual voices.


Just Shoot Me!

Just Shoot Me! 1997


Just Shoot Me! is an American television sitcom that aired for seven seasons on NBC from March 4, 1997, to August 16, 2003, with 148 episodes produced. The show was created by Steven Levitan, the show's executive producer.


The Name of the Game

The Name of the Game 1968


The Name of the Game is an American television series starring Tony Franciosa, Gene Barry, and Robert Stack that ran from 1968 to 1971 on NBC, totaling 76 episodes of 90 minutes. It was a pioneering wheel series, setting the stage for The Bold Ones and the NBC Mystery Movie in the 1970s. The show had an extremely large budget for a television series.



Lalola 2007


Lalola was an Argentine television Comedy show that aired from 28 August 2007 to 29 April 2008. It was broadcast by TV channel América 2. It starred Carla Peterson and Luciano Castro as protagonists.


Ladies Man

Ladies Man 1980


Ladies Man is an American situation comedy television series starring Lawrence Pressman as a divorced male working at a women's magazine. The series premiered October 27, 1980, on CBS. The program also stars Louise Sorel and her former husband, Herbert Edelman. The show was written by Anne Convy and Carmen Finestra. The series did not do well in the ratings and was canceled after one season.



Dirt 2007


Dirt is an American television serial broadcast on the FX network. It premiered on January 2, 2007 and starred Courteney Cox as Lucy Spiller, the editor-in-chief of the first-of-its-kind "glossy tabloid" magazine DirtNow, which was previously two separate publications: drrt and Now.


Anything But Love

Anything But Love 1989


Anything But Love is an American television sitcom, which aired on ABC from March 7, 1989 to June 3, 1992, spanning four seasons and 56 episodes. The show starred Richard Lewis as Marty Gold and Jamie Lee Curtis as Hannah Miller, coworkers at a Chicago magazine with a mutual romantic attraction to each other, who struggled to keep their relationship strictly professional. The series, from creator Wendy Kout and developers Dennis Koenig and Peter Noah, was produced by Adam Productions in association with 20th Century Fox Television.


The Naked Truth

The Naked Truth 1995


The Naked Truth is an American television sitcom that aired on ABC from 1995 to 1996, and on NBC from 1996 to 1998. The series stars Téa Leoni and co-starred Holland Taylor. The show took place at the office of a tabloid news publication.


Suddenly Susan

Suddenly Susan 1996


Suddenly Susan is an American television sitcom. Shields plays Susan Keane, a glamorous San Francisco magazine writer who begins to adjust to being single, and who learns to be independent-minded, after being taken care of all her life.


Buzz Mag

Buzz Mag 2007


The Latest Buzz is a Canadian teen sitcom from Decode Entertainment aired on the Family Channel, the series ran from September 1, 2007 to April 19, 2010. This is Family Channel's first original multi-camera sitcom. In this series, a struggling youth magazine, Teen BUZZ, replaces its staff with actual teens. Instead of being in class, five young writers take their last period of the day at the magazine’s office, learning about the fast-paced world of publishing.


The Great Indoors

The Great Indoors 2016


An adventure reporter must adapt to the times when he becomes the boss to a group of millennials in the digital department of the magazine.


Oh My Baby

Oh My Baby 2020


A 39-year-old single woman who wants to have a child without getting married. She has three men in her radar and has trouble choosing between them. They walk into her life when she’s already hopeless about love and marriage.