Kľúčové slovo Childhood Trauma
Matilda 1996
Matilda je geniálne dieťa, ktoré sa ale narodilo zlým rodičom. Hoci nie je ešte zďaleka vo veku, kedy sa deti osamostatňujú a utekajú z domu, musí sa o seba postarať. Jej otec býval predavačom áut a nehanebne okrádal každého zákazníka. Matka žije len vo svete tiketov, nadovšetko miluje nekonečné seriály a celé hodiny vydrží klábosiť s priateľkami po telefóne. Ani jeden z rodičov si zatiaľ nestačil poriadne všimnúť, ako vlastne ich dcéra vyzerá. Nieto aby zaznamenali, že Matilda vie kúsky, ktorými privádza do úžasu kamarátov a týra nenávidenú riaditeľku školy, pani Trunchbullovú.
Gerald's Game 2017
Nikdy si tu nebol 2017
Joe je vojnový veterán, ktorý si „nazbieral“ mnoho jaziev. Nielen z nasadení v Afghanistane, ale aj z detstva, keď musel čeliť brutálnemu otcovi a zo svojej kariéry agenta jednotky FBI pre boj s prostitúciou. Svoj bezvýchodiskový život trávi medzi domom, kde žije jeho čudácka matka a nebezpečnými misiami, na ktorých zachraňuje ženy - obete obchodu s bielym mäsom. Významný senátor si ho najme, aby priviedol späť jeho neplnoletú dcéru, ktorá skončila v jednom z anonymných domov, v ktorých kvitne detská prostitúcia. Joe berie svoje osvedčené kladivo a vydáva sa na ďalšiu výpravu za spravodlivosťou. Tentokrát však nezostane iba pri záchrane bezbrannej ženy. Joe nevdojak zasiahne do pedofilnej siete, ktorej vlákna vedú vysoko… Od tohto momentu sa jeho existencia dostáva do krvavej špirály, ktorej násilnosť prekonáva aj predchádzajúce traumatické zážitky.
Beau Is Afraid 2023
Bratia z donútenia 2008
Brennan a Dale sú dvaja dospelí flákači, ktorí sa nemajú príliš v láske. Po svadbe svojich rodičov sú nútení žiť pod jednou strechou. Neustále súboje o televízny ovládač a vzájomné hádky oboch nedobrovoľných súrodencov postupne manželstvo rodičov rozbijú. Práve v tú chvíľu im to však príde ľúto a nevyspytateľné duo pripraví šialený plán ako dať oboch rodičov zase dokopy.
Lover 2024
Ray 2004
Black Christmas 2006
The Forest 2016
Blinkende lygter 2000
Spider 2002
Pán prílivu 1991
Tom Wingo je nezamestnaný a prechádza krízou stredného veku. Má pocit, že prestáva milovať svoju manželku, keď dostane dopis od psychiatričky, ktorá sa snaží vyliečiť jeho sestru Savannah a správne tuší, že jej depresie majú korene niekde v hlbokej minulosti. Tom odcestuje do New Yorku a spočiatku neochotne začína spolupracovať s doktorkou Lowensteinovou. Postupne sa medzi nimi rodí hlboký cit, o ktorom však obaja vedia, že nemôže trvať navždy...
Il grande silenzio 1968
Honey Boy 2019
V lepšej spoločnosti 2010
Tento príbeh je inšpirovaný zmiznutím Kathie McCormackovej, manželky dediča impéria s nehnuteľnosťami Roberta Dursta. Zmizla v roku 1982 a nikdy ju nenašli. Durst bol podozrivý, avšak pred súd sa nikdy nedostal.
The Endless 2017
Deti od Windermere 2020
Skutočný príbeh skupinky detí a dospievajúcich, ktorí prežili koncentračné tábory a väčšinou boli jedinými členmi svojich rodín, ktorí prežili holokaust. V internátnej škole na brehu jazera Windermere sa snažia zotaviť a prekonať svoje traumy, aby mohli začať nový život v novej krajine. Je to pre nich veľmi ťažké, no zdroj sily napokon nájdu v pevných priateľstvách, ktoré im aspoň čiastočne nahrádzajú rodiny, o ktoré prišli.
Euphoria 2019
A group of high school students navigate love and friendships in a world of drugs, sex, trauma, and social media.
Golden Garden 2019
Eun Dong-Joo attempts to get back her stolen life. When she was 6 years-old, she was abandoned at an orphanage. She did not remember anything except her name. Despite her difficult environment, she has grown into a woman with a positive and bright personality.
The Uncanny Counter 2020
A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of a noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.
Mr. Robot 2015
A contemporary and culturally resonant drama about a young programmer, Elliot, who suffers from a debilitating anti-social disorder and decides that he can only connect to people by hacking them. He wields his skills as a weapon to protect the people that he cares about. Elliot will find himself in the intersection between a cybersecurity firm he works for and the underworld organizations that are recruiting him to bring down corporate America.
Bed Friend 2023
Uea and King, while working at the same company, have very different personalities; Uea takes relationships seriously and dislikes the flirtatious King. But fate plays its own games, and despite their differences they become friends with benefits. Even though they have an agreement and guidelines, their lust and desire for possession goes far beyond reason, driving them further and further into their passions with no way of pulling out. Who will be the first to put a stop to the game of lust and confusion? Or will the two of them break their own rules and fall in love?
Unforgettable Love 2021
He Qiaoyan, the stoic CEO of Heshi Group, and Qin Yiyue, a warm and optimistic child psychologist, find their relationship evolving from professional acquaintance to love when Qin Yiyue begins working with He Qiaoyan's son.
Almost Famous 2022
The drama revolves around a group of aspiring musical actors, and their stories of love, youth and friendship.
Elfen Lied 2004
The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet...
The King of Pigs 2022
Two friends in the past were victims of serious school bulling. One could not resist his trauma, and becomes a serial killer, walking in the path of revenge. Another one tries his best to overcome the trauma and becomes a police detective. He now faces tragic fate to risk his life to capture the serial killer.
Obi-Wan Kenobi 2022
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, former Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, embarks on a crucial mission to confront allies turned enemies and face the wrath of the Empire.
Poisoned Love 2020
The story revolves a dubbing genius Fang Yan, who suffers from sleepwalking due to a trauma; and a film producer Shi Meng. Shi Meng helps Fang Yan walk out of her traumatic experience, but Fang Yan recognized the wrong person, and thought his brother Shi Yi was the one who helped her. The three of them grew through misunderstands, and untied the knot in their heart.
I Know This Much Is True 2020
The parallel lives of identical twin brothers Dominick and Thomas Birdsey in an epic story of betrayal, sacrifice and forgiveness set against the backdrop of 20th century America.
You Are My Spring 2021
A hotel concierge and a psychiatrist with traumatic childhoods form a heartfelt bond when they become entangled in a perplexing local murder case.
The Bad Kids 2020
A story that follows three children from a coastal town who unintentionally film a murder scene. As the kids become involved with the suspect, it opens up a case that is far more complicated than it looks and entraps several families into an unpredictable outcome.
The Journey Across the Night 2020
A young man goes to Hong Kong to study psychiatry for a pressing reason. His family has a genetic disease that caused his mother and brother to be diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 24 and he is desperate to escape the same fate.
Dine with Love 2022
The series tells the story of Yu Hao, who doesn't know how to cook and even doesn't have a kitchen. For the food platform he created, he sponsored a food reality show and appeared on his own. But efficiency is the priority, he doesn't want to waste time learning to cook for this, so he offends the show crew by shooting with a stand-in. Su Ke Lan was appointed to become the director of public relations when he was in danger, took over the work of public relations to deal with the crisis, and became Yu Hao's culinary teacher. She took him into the kitchen and slowly began to enter his heart.
Tawan Tor Saeng 2012
Rasa is an interior designer at an interior design company in Bangkok. Her boss Petiya receives an assignment from Pakaphong, a well known rich playboy. The assignment is assigned to Rasa, she meets Pakaphong and realises she's met him before.
Wake Up 2015
After taking the blame for a patient death, an anesthesiologist battling psychiatric trauma fights to stay afloat in the corrupt hospital system.
He Dun's Happiness 2022
He Dun, Qian Kai Yi and friends must resolve all the mysteries and misunderstandings surrounding their lives to grow and become better versions of themselves.
Shards of Her 2022
Waking up from a coma, an accomplished headhunter finds herself in an alternate reality where she has to revisit an excruciating childhood trauma.