Náhradná matka

Náhradná matka 2016


John a Laura Taylorovci tvoria mladý, profesionálny pár, ktorý zúfalo túži po dieťati. Po vyčerpaní všetkých ostatných možností si nakoniec najmú Annu, dokonalú ženu, ktorá sa má stať ich náhradnou matkou. Čím pokročilejšie však jej tehotenstvo je, tým závažnejšou a nebezpečnejšou sa stáva aj jej psychopatická posadnutosť Johnom. Manželia sú vtiahnutí do Anninej vražednej hry a musia si znova vybojovať kontrolu nad svojou budúcnosťou skôr, než bude príliš neskoro.


Príbeh služobníčky

Príbeh služobníčky 1990


V dystopickom USA je Offred nútená stať sa slúžkou - sexuálnou otrokyňou, ktorá funguje ako náhradná matka pre páry, ktoré nemôžu mať deti.


Baby Mama

Baby Mama 2008


Kate Holbrooková je večne podráždená osamelá manažérka, ktorá celý život dávala kariéru na prvé miesto. Teraz, keď má tridsaťsedem, sa konečne rozhodla mať dieťa. Čoskoro však zisťuje, že má veľmi malú šancu otehotnieť, a preto chce zo zúfalstva využiť služby náhradnej matky. Navštívi stredisko pre náhradné rodičovstvo a hľadá ženu, ktoré jej dieťa odnosí. Keď sa jej príde predstaviť náhradná matka Angie, Kate sa trocha vydesí, pretože bláznivá a naivná Angie vôbec nespĺňa jej predstavy, ale nakoniec sa obe ženy dohovoria. Nezopodpovedná Angie úplne prevráti upätý svet Angie naruby.



Únoscovia 2000


Až doteraz stačila "grázlikom" Parkerovi a Longbaughovi len malá pouličná zlodejina okorenené bitkami po baroch. Obaja mladíci ale chcú zmenu, niečo, čo z nich urobí slávnych boháčov. Rozhodnú sa teda k únosu tehotného dievčaťa. O túto mladú ženu však je veľký záujem. Má totiž porodiť dieťa jednému z najbohatších mužov v krajine. A ten je kvôli svojmu potomkovi schopný rozpútať vojnu. Okrem komanda bodyguardov povolá aj neobvyklého vyjednávača Joe Sarna, ktorý sa únoscom okamžite zavesí na päty. Ani gangstri sa však nehodlajú vzdať bez boja. Nenávisť stojí proti nenávisti a krv bude vykúpená zase len krvou ...


The Handmaid's Tale

The Handmaid's Tale 2017


Set in a dystopian future, a woman is forced to live as a concubine under a fundamentalist theocratic dictatorship. A TV adaptation of Margaret Atwood's novel.


The New Normal

The New Normal 2012


Los Angeles couple Bryan and David have successful careers and a loving relationship and are ready for a baby. Just as they start to worry that they will never be blessed with parenthood, they meet Goldie, a waitress who has just moved to California with her precocious eight-year-old daughter to escape from her closed-minded grandmother and a life without a future. The guys quickly work out a deal with Goldie to become their surrogate, and in the process, the little group forms a unique family unit of its own.


More Than Words

More Than Words 2022


Best friends Mieko and Makio meet a university student, Eiji, who ends up falling for Makio. Despite everyone being against the relationship, Mieko decides to watch over them as they grow, and their bonds and relationships gradually change.


Ties of Kinship

Ties of Kinship 2024


After his wife suffers a traumatic accident, an anesthesiologist resorts to a surrogate mother to carry their child, but this illegal step soon leads him into a mysterious and dangerous world.



Container 2021


Sasha makes her living as a professional surrogate mother. Contrary to the usual practice, she moves in with her new customers until the baby is born. She finds herself in a different world — in the house of rich government official Vadim and his wife Marina. For them, Sasha is merely a “container” – their new toy. But what was intended as a safe way of caring for the future child turns out to be a test for everyone involved. Behind the luxurious facade of the elite hides unsightly secrets. And Sasha has a secret of her own. Container was selected by 2021 MIP Drama Awards, the annual premium drama showcase offering international buyers an exclusive first-look at a curated selection of the most anticipated series in production around the world.


Friends Like Her

Friends Like Her 2024


A surrogacy deal goes wrong when pregnant Nicole changes her mind about giving best friend Tessa the baby she is carrying for her. The ensuing emotional rift splits the small New Zealand town of Kaikōura - already physically torn apart from a recent earthquake.


The Nest

The Nest 2020


Happy couple Dan and Emily live in a huge house just outside Glasgow and want for nothing, save a baby of their own. Through a chance encounter they meet Kaya, an 18-year-old from the other side of the city, whose life is as precarious as theirs is comfortable. When Kaya agrees to carry their baby, it feels like they were meant to meet, but was it really by chance?