Láska na druhom konci

Láska na druhom konci 2007


Keď sa pôvabná zamestnankyňa zákazníckeho servisu Priya v indickej banke zaľúbi do amerického manažéra Grangera Woodruffa cez telefón, obaja začnú nachádzať rozdiely vo svojich kultúrach. Pri svojej veľkej slabosti pre všetko americké a so srdcom plným snov odletí Priya do San Francisca, kde sa stretne so svojím osudom. A vyzerá to na lásku nielen na prvé počutie, ale aj na prvý pohľad. Mladú dvojicu však na ceste k spoločnému životu čaká nemálo prekážok...


Zamračené dni

Zamračené dni 2007


Dobre situovaný taliansky pár v strednom veku je nútený čeliť nečakanej životnej kríze. Manžela prepustia z firmy, ktorej je spolumajiteľom, a on sa čoraz viac dostáva do depresie, keď sa márne pokúša nájsť si novú prácu. Jeho sofistikovaná manželka prevezme úlohu živiteľky rodiny, ale medzi partnermi sa začnú stupňovať konflikty.



Workaholics 2011


The misadventures of three recent college dropouts, roommates, and co-workers at a telemarketing company and their drug dealer.



Voice 2017


It's 3 minutes for hearers, but a life for the callers. A crime thriller chasing even the slightest sounds to rescue people's lives calling for urgent help.



Efterlyst 1970


Efterlyst is a Swedish TV program, equivalent of America's Most Wanted. The show plays security camera footage, reconstructions of crimes, and then takes calls and tips from the Swedish public. Efterlyst has since its start gotten many leads that have led to the arrest of many of Sweden's most noted criminals. In Swedish prisons, Efterlyst is commonly referred to as "Golartimmen", literally meaning "Snitch-hour". The host, Hasse Aro, was, until the season of 2009, assisted by crime-expert Leif G W Persson. From the 2010 season he is assisted by former State Police Chief Tommy Lindström. Since 2011 he is assisted by Jens Lapidus and Thomas Bodström. In the 2012 season only Thomas Bodström will assist as expert commentator.


Forever Sucks

Forever Sucks 2016


Izabel is a 170-year old vampire trapped in a 20 year-old body and her life kinda sucks.



Outsourced 2010


A lone American manages the new call center of an American novelties company in Bombay and must explain American popular culture to his employees as he tries to understand Indian culture.


Call Center

Call Center 2020


Moscow. High rise. Here, on the 12th floor, is the office of the call center "Online Store for Adults". One morning, twelve people who are in the office suddenly find out that there is a bomb in the room. The voices of the unknowns who introduced themselves as Dad and Mom threaten to blow it up at any time if the hostages do not follow their instructions. While the countdown is going on, they will have to experience the absolute power of invisible sadists and learn something about each other’s life that they did not even suspect.