Kráľ Škorpión 2: Zrod bojovníka

Kráľ Škorpión 2: Zrod bojovníka 2008


Trinásťročný Akadčan Mathayus sa mohol len bezmocne prizerať, keď zradný čarodejník Sargon uniesol a zavraždil jeho milovaného otca, pretože mu závidel a považoval ho za svojho najväčšieho protivníka. Prešlo sedem rokov, počas ktorých z neho tajný Rád Čierneho škorpióna tvrdým drilom spravil dokonalého bojovníka (Michael Copon), schopného pomstiť otcovu smrť. No aby dokázal poraziť Sargona, ktorého moc sa vďaka čiernej mágii v uplynulých rokoch znásobila, musí z podsvetia priniesť legendárny prekliaty Damoklov meč! Preto sa s odvážnou a krásnou Laylou, gréckym spisovateľom Arim a oslobodeným zajatcom Fongom vydáva do Egypta na dych vyrážajúcu odyseu, aby sa nielen pomstil, ale tiež zachránil Akádsku ríšu – a svoju vlastnú dušu.


Moja tučná grécka svadba

Moja tučná grécka svadba 2002


Tridsaťročná Toula je škaredým káčatkom rozvetvenej gréckej rodiny Portokalosovcov, žijúcich v Chicagu. Pracuje u rodičov v reštaurácii - a keďže veľmi nedbá o svoj vzhľad, žiaden muž, ktorý by „stál za hriech“, o ňu ani len okom nezavadí... Preto sa Toula jedného dňa rozhodne vziať život do vlastných rúk a vykročiť v ústrety svojmu šťastiu. Zo škaredého kačiatka sa vykľuje atraktívna mladá dáma, ktorá prestáva trpieť núdzou o nápadníkov. Jej vyvoleným sa stáva príťažlivý inteligentný Ian Miller, ktorý je však, žiaľ, „cudzinec“ (A ešte k tomu vegetarián!), čo sa ani náhodou nepozdáva Toulinej tradicionalistickej rodinke...


Moja tučná grécka svadba 2

Moja tučná grécka svadba 2 2016


Toula, Ian a celé ich rozvetvené príbuzenstvo sa vracajú v pokračovaní jednej z najúspešnejších romantických komédií všetkých čias. Tety, strýkovia, babky, dedkovia, netere, synovci, vnúčatá a ďalší členovia tejto obrovskej bláznivej rodiny si spolu s filmovými divákmi užijú ešte viac skvelej zábavy a dobrého jedla na ďalšej veľkej a nezabudnuteľnej gréckej svadbe.


Grék Zorba

Grék Zorba 1964


Na Krétu prichádza mladý anglický spisovateľ gréckeho pôvodu, Basil, aby obnovil ťažbu v bani, ktorú zdedil. Cestou sa zoznámi s dedinčanom Zorbom, ktorého nepredstieraná voľnosť a nezávislosť nie je založená na veľkosti majetku, ale na odhodlaní a chuti užívať si život naplno. V jeho prítomnosti plachý Basil pochopí, že existuje spôsob, ako so vysporiadať s osobnými úspechmi i prehrami. Ten znie: Nikdy neprestať tancovať!


Frankie a Johnny

Frankie a Johnny 1991


Johnnyho práve prepustili z väzenia a našiel si prácu v kaviarni. Tu stretáva Frankie, do ktorej sa beznádejne zaľúbi. Aj keď Frankie sa zdá byť samotárkou, Johnny je rozhodnutý, že ich vzťah bude kvitnúť.


Grécky magnát

Grécky magnát 1978


Príbeh filmu zámerne pripomína životné osudy manželky amerického prezidenta Johna F. Kennedyho a gréckeho multimilionára Onassisa. Theo Thomasis je jeden z najbohatších mužov sveta. Má peniaze aj moc a krásnu manželku Simi a úspešného, ​​ambiciózneho syna Nicolasa. Keď sa však náhodne zoznámi s Liz Cassidyovou, osudovo sa zamiluje. Obaja premôže vášeň a nadviažu milostný vzťah, ktorý nemieni brať ohľad na nič a na nikoho. Lenže Liz je manželkou senátora Cassidyho, uchádzajúceho sa o post prezidenta Spojených štátov. Keď sa Cassidy stane prezidentom, Liz by mala na nejakú dobu svoje kontakty s Theem prerušiť...


Haireta mou ton Platano

Haireta mou ton Platano 2020


The small Greek village of Platanos (Plane Tree) buries the elderly recluse Vangelas and notifies the deceased's estranged children and grandchildren about his death. Vangela's will leaves 3 million euros to his family, but requires them to move to the village and obey certain terms in order to inherit.


Remember When

Remember When 2020


The youngest of the Antonopoulou family, the eight-year-old Angelos and storyteller, will travel with us in the late 60's, when television was slowly entering the family living rooms, in "Our Best Years".


The Sun

The Sun 2020


A woman returns with her teenage son, to the beautiful, seaside town where she was born, after 18 years of absence. There she will meet the first love that marked her, but she will also be confronted with her family, the mistakes of the past and the pain of her sister's suicide.


Olive Land

Olive Land 2021


Three powerful families of Mani are involved in a cycle of blood, hatred, and revenge. In the rugged land of olives, a revenge trap sets to love.



Aggeliki 2020


A woman returns to her hometown with another identity seeking revenge against the four men that raped her 17 years ago.


Min arxizeis ti moyrmoyra

Min arxizeis ti moyrmoyra 2013


The premise of the series revolves around the daily lives of different couples of all ages from 20 to 65, but who are not connected to each other. Each couple has their own space where they live, while the story of each couple in each episode is not connected to the stories of the other couples.



Sasmos 2021


Two young people from opposing families fall in love and reawaken the vendetta from years ago in a mountain village in Crete.


Agries Melisses

Agries Melisses 2019


Every time a daughter was born, the father of Eleni, Asimina and Froso planted a poplar tree at the edge of their orchard to commemorate the arrival of the new child. As they grew and grew tall and slender, he boasted of them as his daughters. In the proudest poplar, however, Helen's poplar, a swarm of wild bees had already nested. "You will be happy, my daughter, and life will be as sweet as this honey. You'll see," her father used to tell her. But, the years passed and Eleni looked at the poplar and listened to the hum... "How do you know, father... How do you know that life has written only bitterness for my root".


Erotas Fygas

Erotas Fygas 2022


"Erotas Fygas" travels us to Greece in the 50's that overcomes its darkness, moves forward and evolves, through a fatal love, an exciting plot, moral crossroads that we still meet today, intense characters, emotions, and stormy twists .


And Yet I'm Still Here

And Yet I'm Still Here 2022


Katerina, who was always afraid of death, when she finds out that she has only six months to live, immediately overcomes her inhibitions and self-limitations and finally begins to enjoy life.



Pagidevmenoi 2022


A lawyer and a District Attorney meet and are forced to work together to find the real culprit. However, they have a completely different philosophy of life. For Dimitris, Law and Justice are the same. For Anna, the Law is one thing and Justice is another. Trapped in a labyrinth of secrets, they search to find a way out. Through a labyrinthine path of emotions, they search for the truth. However, none of them will be able to distinguish reality from illusion. Who are the real perpetrators and who are the moral perpetrators?


Agria Gi

Agria Gi 2022


A man returns to the land where he was born and lived, to the land that was his but no longer belongs to him. He smells the soil, feels it fertile and heavy in his fingers, just like years ago, when a kidnapping cut the thread of his life in two and showed him its wild side, depriving him of family and property, forcing him to hide behind a new identity. Aris fights and survives but never forgets what he was deprived of. The dramatic daily series "Wild Land"...


Mavro Rodo

Mavro Rodo 2022


Indeed, in the new series of MEGA "Black Rose" we will see several changes in the case, regarding the book. At the center of our story will be Sister Elizabeth, who has dedicated her life to God. As a child she had contracted meningitis and her parents sent her to Panagia, as a result, when the girl recovered, they urged her to follow the monastic life.After a big earthquake, the monastery shows cracks and huge damages. The abbess asks Sister Elisabeth, who is still a probationary nun, to go to her village outside Ioannina for a while until the damage is repaired. There, Sister Elizabeth will attend the party organized by her step-sister and meet the young man who will steal her heart. He, completely in love with her, will chase her to the monastery. This love will put the nun in a dilemma: Should she follow her heart and fall in love or remain in the choice of monastic life?


Αυτή η Νύχτα Μένει

Αυτή η Νύχτα Μένει 2022


The lives of different people and also different worlds are entangled. Of the night and the margin on the one hand, of the day and the legal order on the other. The two worlds will come together to clash to the death. As everyone's secrets are revealed and losses pile up on both sides, a great love will be born from the ashes and people will discover who the world around them really is as well as themselves. Because beneath the cruelty and hypocrisy, the fate of all of us is common.


Maestro in Blue

Maestro in Blue 2022


A musician goes to lead a festival on a scenic island, where he begins an unexpected romance and finds himself entwined in other people's problems.