Brian Gordon Právo na lásku Murder 101: If Wishes Were Horses Murder 101: If Wishes Were Horses Cesta lásky a nádeje Backyard Wedding After the Fall Voľné miesto v srdci McBride: The Chameleon Murder The Right Girl Môj dokonalý priateľ Santa Switch Farewell Mr. Kringle Murder Without Conviction Night of the Wolf Santa hľadá manželku Love Comes Softly A Crush on You Straight From the Heart Audrey's Rain The Last Cowboy Ikona: Brána smrti Supernova Tomboy Dad's Home Ladies of the House Primal Doubt The Kidnapping Šťastie večnej lásky Cupid Cupid A Soldier's Love Story Oliver's Ghost Chasing a Dream Santa, Jr. Puppy Love Gentle Ben Gentle Ben 2: Danger on the Mountain Blackout sur Los Angeles Highlander: Zúčtovanie Desolation Canyon Roughing It Grave Misconduct Uncorked