Ira Newborn ivans xtc. Junior America's Blues Amazon Women on the Moon Mallrats Dragnet Lietadlom, vlakom, autom... Sám so strýkom Buckom Into the Night Wise Guys Volný den Ferrise Buellera Innocent Blood Pivní bratia Collision Course All Night Long Short Time Caddyshack II Bláznivá strela 2 1/2: Vôňa strachu Bláznivá strela 33 a ⅓: Posledný trapas Weird Science Brain Donors Angels in the Infield Sixteen Candles Bad Manners The Opposite Sex and How to Live with Them Bláznivá strela Volný den Ferrise Buellera High School High The Jerky Boys The Pest Guilty of Innocence: The Lenell Geter Story Ace Ventura: Zvierací detektív Bláznivá strela 33 a ⅓: Posledný trapas The Late Shift Cast the First Stone Moje modré nebo Autopsy: Through the Eyes of Death's Detectives