Thomas Newman The Sound of 007 Hudba Johna Williamsa Score: A Film Music Documentary Allied Forces: Making 1917 Hľadá sa Nemo Mariňák Americká krása Vykúpenie z väznice Shawshank Zoznámte sa, Joe Black Zelená míľa The Rapture The Horse Whisperer Little Children Veľkolepá príroda The Player Cesta do zatratenia Ťažká váha In the Bedroom Light of Day Towelhead The Man with One Red Shoe Bleskový Jack Men Don't Leave Biely oleander WALL·E Salton Sea How to Make an American Quilt Bratia Rad nešťastných príhod American Buffalo Červený labyrint Vôňa ženy Malé ženy Real Genius Správcovia osudu Skyfall Walking the Mile: The Making of The Green Mile Summer's End Železná lady Tolkien Grandview, U.S.A. Zachráňte pána Banksa Vedľajšie účinky Whispers in the Dark Corrina, Corrina Sudca Spectre Operation Mincemeat White Bird The Prince of Pennsylvania The Linguini Incident Deceived Citizen Cohn Threesome The Favor WAR IS OVER! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko Less Than Zero Sicko Most špiónov Farba citov Heat Wave Get on Up Pes Rhythm Nation 1814 Desperately Seeking Susan Revenge of the Nerds Hľadá sa Dory Reckless American Buffalo Career Opportunities Walking the Mile Fried Green Tomatoes Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael Those Secrets Elementy Pasažieri Erin Brockovichová Five Came Back Strom snov Intímne detaily Mad City Josh and S.A.M. Girls Just Want to Have Fun The Execution of Wanda Jean Muž menom Otto Stratení chlapci The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Revolutionary Road Viktória a Abdul Thank You for Your Service Unstrung Heroes The Seduction of Gina Gung Ho Elementy Ľud verzus Larry Flint Fenomén The Good German Lovci nacistov He Named Me Malala Gumdrop Cookie Vykúpenie z väznice Shawshank Rad nešťastných príhod The Highwaymen 1917 Tolkien Vlastná krv Nechajte ich všetkých rozprávať Báječný hotel Marigold Oscar and Lucinda Pošli to ďalej Naked Tango Malé veci In the Blink of an Eye The Thursday Murder Club Empire of Shadows Hrozba z temnoty The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars The Oscars