Charles Grenzbach Pocket Money The Prize Fighter The Counterfeit Traitor Alias Jesse James My Geisha The Pleasure of His Company The Parallax View Beau James Roustabout Easy Come, Easy Go Tickle Me But Not for Me Old Boyfriends Summer and Smoke No Way to Treat a Lady Waterhole #3 The Ninth Configuration Halloween 4: Návrat Michaela Myersa No Way Out The Carpetbaggers The Naked Cage Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter Loving You King Creole Blue Hawaii G.I. Blues The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Krstný otec Deadly Blessing El Dorado Donovan's Reef One-Eyed Jacks Who's Got the Action? Nezvestní v boji Solly’s Diner Paris When It Sizzles Špinavé ulice Čínska štvrť Čata Goodbye, Columbus The Vals Black Moon Rising Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter The Misfits Godzilla 1985 The Onion Field Assault on a Queen When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder? Bosé nohy v parku Podivný pár Opposing Force This Property Is Condemned The Five Pennies I Married a Monster from Outer Space The Search for Bridey Murphy Escape from Zahrain Boeing, Boeing The Family Jewels The Nutty Professor The Bellboy HealtH All in a Night's Work Rock-a-Bye Baby The Disorderly Orderly The Patsy Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed? Who's Minding the Store? It's Only Money The Errand Boy The Ladies Man Visit to a Small Planet The Geisha Boy The Sons of Katie Elder Cinderfella Li'l Abner Fear Strikes Out Girls! Girls! Girls! Fun in Acapulco Voyage of the Rock Aliens Paradise, Hawaiian Style Hamburger: The Motion Picture Night Shadows Zero Hour! Journey to the Center of the Earth