Kay Lenz The Hustler of Muscle Beach House The Initiation of Sarah Prianie smrti 4 Stripped to Kill Breezy White Line Fever Physical Evidence A Gun, a Car, a Blonde Fast-Walking Trapped in Space The Passage Prisoners of the Lost Universe Falling from Grace Lovec lebiek Journey of the Heart The Seeding of Sarah Burns Sallywood Journey from Darkness The Weekend Nun Mean Dog Blues The Secret Lives of Dorks Murder by Night Tajomný strelec Unwed Father A Summer Without Boys The Great Scout & Cathouse Thursday Fear Moving Violation The Adventures of Ragtime Shame II: The Secret Private Affairs American Graffiti Lisa, Bright and Dark Streets Trial by Terror More Beautiful for Having Been Broken Sanctuary of Fear Hitler's Daughter Shakespeare's Plan 12 from Outer Space Escape The F.B.I. Story: The FBI Versus Alvin Karpis, Public Enemy Number One The Underground Man The Downside of Bliss Ding Dong, You're Dead! The Making of "House" Upcoming Season Cock & Bull Story The Andy Griffith Show Magnum, P.I. Dr. House Charles in Charge Once and Again The Agency Touched by an Angel Simon & Simon Odložený prípad Moonlighting The Streets of San Francisco Gunsmoke Zákon a poriadok: Špeciálna jednotka Heartland Hill Street Blues Hotel MacGyver Medical Center Cagney & Lacey Superman NCIS: Námorný vyšetrovací úrad Starman Cannon JAG Hunter Hallmark Hall of Fame Ironside The Fall Guy CBS Summer Playhouse The Monroes Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa Midnight Caller Whiz Kids McCloud Matt Houston Petrocelli Hardball The Magnificent Seven Kodiak Finder of Lost Loves Heart of the City The Tick Cover Me: Based on the True Life of an FBI Family Pohotovosť C.S.I.: Kriminálka Las Vegas Rich Man, Poor Man - Book II Reasonable Doubts Kosti Čas na dobrodružstvo The Closer The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson To je vražda, napísala Rich Man, Poor Man