Hugh Whitemore Utz V srdci búrky Churchill vo vojne My House in Umbria 84 Charing Cross Road All Neat in Black Stockings Jana Eyrová All Creatures Great and Small Three Dangerous Ladies The Haunting of Helen Walker Man at the Top Stevie Dummy William Wilson Cider with Rosie The Return of the Soldier The Blue Bird Down at the Hydro Lovers of Their Time A Moment in Time Breaking the Code Daphne Laureola Unexpectedly Vacant What's Wrong with Humpty Dumpty? Contract Exiles Macready's Gala I Remember Nelson V srdci búrky Churchill vo vojne A Bit of Singing and Dancing Office Romances Zaťahujúce sa mračná A Dedicated Man Goodbye 84 Charing Cross Road The Final Days Separate Tables Pack of Lies Pack of Lies V srdci búrky Churchill vo vojne The Adventures Of Don Quixote