James Rebhorn Základný inštinkt Talent pána Ripleyho Deň nezávislosti Foter je lotor Snow Falling on Cedars Návrat do Cold Mountain Môj bratranec Vinny Hra Far from Heaven I Love Trouble An American Affair Agent v ohrození Nebezpečný návrh Strážca pani Tess Carlitova cesta Baby Mama Vôňa ženy The Last Shot Hlava štátu Silkwood Scotland, PA Don McKay Bianko šek Anamorph Madonna: The Video Collection 93:99 Sarah, Plain and Tall Skylark Reversible Errors He Knows You're Alone Oceľová päsť A Deadly Business White Sands Neobyčajný život Timothyho Greena He's Fired, She's Hired Plymouth The Yum Yum Girls Dead and Alive: The Race for Gus Farace Rockabye The Sparrow and the Tigress 8 Seconds Myslite na Henryho Bernard a Doris Last Ball Srdce půlnoci Cat's Eye Lekcia Deadly Matrimony Kojak: Ariana Sleepwalk with Me Intímne detaily Kojak: The Price of Justice Our Town The Perfect Wedding Stealing Bess An Empire of Reason The Ordained A Town's Revenge My Fellow Americans Before I Sleep How to Eat Fried Worms Soup for One Wind Shadows and Fog If Lucy Fell A Little Help The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle Biela smršť Spinning Into Butter The Adventures of Pluto Nash Dom na Carroll Street Desperate Hours Barbecue Death Squad From Hell A Bright Shining Lie Lorenzo's Oil Will: G. Gordon Liddy Candles on Bay Street The Trade Sessions All of It Now and Again Tretia hliadka Zákon a poriadok Kate & Allie Seinfeld The Knights of Prosperity Spenser: For Hire The Adventures of Pete & Pete The Book of Daniel UC: Undercover The Practice Canterbury's Law Texas 30 Rock Hallmark Hall of Fame Wiseguy Boston Legal Biele goliere Big Lake Modrí templári Coma From the Earth to the Moon Dobrá manželka Zákon a poriadok JFK: Reckless Youth Kane & Abel Hallmark Hall of Fame Hack Homeland: Zradca Zákon a poriadok The Buccaneers The Equalizer The Equalizer Great Performances Royal Pains