William A. Horning Ben-Hur The Sheepman This Could Be the Night The Mating Game Ask Any Girl Libeled Lady Gigi Green Mansions Ah, Wilderness! The High Cost of Loving Gun Glory Andy Hardy Comes Home The Badlanders Conquest Don't Go Near the Water Na sever severozápadnou linkou Handle with Care Saddle the Wind Whipsaw Jailhouse Rock Fury Raintree County High School Confidential! Count Your Blessings Something of Value The Teahouse of the August Moon House of Numbers Watusi The Great American Pastime Until They Sail Man on Fire Silk Stockings Quo Vadis Marie Antoinette Times Square Lady Mačka na rozpálenej plechovej streche Some Came Running The Power and the Prize The World, the Flesh and the Devil Tea and Sympathy Designing Woman Torpedo Run The Seventh Sin Les Girls Ten Thousand Bedrooms The Wings of Eagles Mad Love Party Girl The Tunnel of Love Čarodejník z krajiny Oz